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About this mod

Adds TWINKIE BOXES to the Wasteland in your choice of pre-war or post-war flavors. Move over Fancy-Lad Snack Cakes!

Permissions and credits
If you have the original version please download version 1.01 to correct a texture issue with the Post-War Twinkies.

1) Description
2) Change Notes
3) Installation
4) Uninstall
5) Distribution Notes

Adds Twinkie Boxes to the Wasteland in your choice of pre-war
or post-war flavors.

The Twinkies are scattered throughout the wasteland and
placed in a few vendor inventories.

One of my friends recently started playing Fallout 3 with my heavily
modded setup. He said, "You know, they say 2 things will survive
a nuclear war - roaches and twinkies. Why hasn't anyone created
a twinkie mod?"

So Dan, here you go.

- Fixed textures to show correctly for both versions.
Thanks polluxval for letting me know about the problem.

Extract the contents of Twinkies.rar into your Fallout 3\Data
directory. The texture and mesh should go in their respective
directories. Load Twinkies.esp with your mod manager.

Remove the following files from your Fallout directory:


Can be combined with other mods that add various items to the
game, but please give credit for adding such a tasty snack to the game.

Thanks Kim, Kara, Allie, Hollee for putting up with my obsessive
Fallout gaming. :)