Fallout 3


  1. NMC
    • premium
    • 1,339 kudos

    Before posting any issues with seams, graphical glitches and other errors, could you first:

    a) Check it is actually my mod and not another mod they have installed causing the problem- ie. stuff my mod does not affect.

    b) Check that the problem isn't already there in the original game (ie. without my texture pack).

    Also, if some or all the new textures don't appear in game, please make sure you have read the "Installation instructions" AND the "Trouble Shooting" section of the description first.

    Please install the 4GB mod or equivalent when using this mod. If you have crashes, please install it and try again before posting.


  2. NMC
    • premium
    • 1,339 kudos
    Quick update for Tale of Two Wasteland users- burner9875 has kindly just created and released a pregenerated LOD mod for use with my texture packs for users of Tale of Two Wastelands!

    NMC's Pre-generated LOD for TTW (by burner9875)

    I owe a huge thank-you to burner9875 for creating this mod, I sincerely appreciate his amazing efforts here. Fantastic work :D

    AND- he has also today created FO3 NMC's Pre-generated LOD mod, to complement my texture pack here, it ties distant landscape with my texture pack graphics for a more unified look, so please check it out- you need this to finish the look of this mod!
  3. ChingBungFong
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What does "reset archive invalidation" mean, is it turning it back on? I haven't turned it off yet
  4. Dantheman1713
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is it ok if I download this manually and install it through MO2 for TTW?  I orginally installed New Vegas's NMC texture pack for TTW and got weird floating objects in the distance.  I downloaded this one ( Large File ) and now it has fixed it and the textures do show up i game.  Just wondering if I did this correctly still?
  5. gallowladh
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm installing this mod via Vortex. But the old low-resolution textures are still displayed. 
    1. GhostKD141
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same but with mo2
    2. deteron
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You need to turn archive Invalidation on to get the textures correct. If you are using Vortex select Fallout 3 as your profile then go to dashboard (top left corner of Vortex). There you will see an option called Archive Invalidation it will be displaying a No click it and change to Yes. 
      And thats it, hope it fixes things for you.

      I hope I was clear my english is not really good.
    3. lidinx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks man, fixed me right up.
  6. RaidenTaooo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, sorry for the stupidity, but I can't turn on this mod, I did everything as it says in the description, but it doesn't work, please help me for the second hour I suffer Vortex

    I found a problem, a problem with vortex."This mod has no source assigned. The source tells Vortex where the mod came from and, if applicable, where to check for updates. You can set the source to "Other" to disable this warning". Archive Invalidation has been added to the mod view, and when I go to the mod section, he has an exclamation mark burning there, a warning. How can I fix this error???

    !!!!!!Guys, I fixed the problem, a wonderful person from discord helped me. Everything is in detail here at these links, these links will show you more screenshots and you will understand everything! 

  7. HuntedMan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    gallowladhGhostKD141 I've had the same problem but with all non-HUD graphics mods not being used ingame. The solution for me was to download (manually) and run FO3 BSA Decompressor (I've ran it in a different folder but on the same drive where Fallout 3 GOTY is installed) - looks like this is necessary (at least for me) to force Fallout 3 to use external files, including installed mods instead of its BSA archives. I"ve turned off then on Archive Invalidation just to be sure before launching the game. I'm using Vortex, but I had the very same problem with MO2, so this might probably help when using MO2 as well.
    1. krozer13
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey mate, I just wanted to say this helped me out a lot! I was struggling to get this mod to work. how ever, with your post, I got it to work.

      Also, great mod NMC, it looks great! 
  8. streetyson
    • member
    • 116 kudos
    My main reason for posting is I found an error - facility texture, facrmceiling01.dds (as in Red Racer factory front office) shows a ceiling with black splodges where peeling holes should be. Think I was using the performance pack. It may be a file transfer or extraction glitch but it looks ok in my dds viewers, so thought I'd report it. If anyone else notices it, as a hotfix you could just delete it and it's normal facrmceiling01_n.dds (indeed, I ultimately decided to stay entirely vanilla for facility interiors).

    I previously tried this mod and wasn't too impressed, but as I've now a better PC & resolution (1920x1200) wanted to try again. Still see some NMC textures as too busy. And some guilty of a mistake I made back in my modding days (20yrs ago) of too much extra detailing making texture patterns too obviously repetitive, whereas vanilla manages to stay generic. But there's some other textures in this set for which (now at my higher resolution) I'm grateful - merging them with other mods (and still plenty of vanilla) for a superior look. Thanks for sharing. Endorsed.
    1. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Found some more errors - performance pack includes some vanilla furniture textures - that in itself is no biggee (albeit pointless) - the problem is that the pack provides normals for them that are blockier and naffer versions of the vanilla ones (it's as if you upsized them then downsized them using a crappy algorithm - I checked them all one by one against an extracted archive vanilla. The hotel queen bed is prime example of this, but there are quite a few.

      Another pair of minor flaws are the dark "diner" table and ruined variation. they have unevenly coloured tops, much lighter at one end, which creates a dark strip at one side where the pattern repeats. Also note there's another pointless copy of vanilla texture here (the accompanying "m" texture). I'll hide any further thoughts on this mod and it's issues in a spoiler to save space
      I'm hoping some or all the errors I've found exist mainly in the performance pack. These issues are reminding me why I previously posted negatively about the pack. There's so many textures that there's still many great ones. But it's very much a case of carefully going through, checking & testing them all in known locations to weed out the good from those which for various reasons (see notes below) are no better than vanilla - which frankly is something the modder should have done himself. Yes, I know it's an impressive effort by one modder, but what's a few days checking their offering after all the time spent making it? I'm a retired modder myself who has produced major texture overhauls (15-20yrs ago) and checking was always paramount. But too many Nexus modders don't check their mods properly, if at all.

      What "various reasons"? Sometimes the NMC texture is too busy or too repetitive (for a good example, check NMC's wall tiles in the corridors of Chryslus building). And textures are sometimes too rusty (or conversely too clean) compared to typically matching items and/or their typical range of locations (eg, say a storage container outside in the wasteland might also be found deep inside a clean, sealed vault, so needs to be at least semi-tidy, not rusted to hell). Sometimes textures don't even match within their own sets. For example the rivet city sidepanel (the one with the No.7 on it) which needs to be battleship grey, not rusty cream, because it's also used in a big way on the outside of the bridge tower). And the wasteland homes set (eg, at Minefield) has mismatches so the broken and unbroken versions of the exterior wooden panels don't match where they meet half as well as the vanilla tiles do it. And NMC's unbroken is simply too clean - making these houses look brand new! And NMC's "ruin" tile of the set looks great except the exposed timber framing looks brand new compared to the ruinous walling it's holding up. And btw, no way should black rubbish sacks be found on trash piles after 200yrs.

      So, some great stuff, some mismatches, some bad ideas and some worse or no better than vanilla. And problematically, if you ditch one tile because of such an issue, you sometimes have to ditch several others in that setting - for example, the only NMC wasteland (minefield) houses tile I kept was a super one with the door & garage door pairing. I could go on with more paragraphs, but hopefully if anyone's read all the above, they'll get the idea and can tackle the pack aware of what to out look for. Cheers all. Btw, I've decided to un-endorse.
    2. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Found 21 more vanilla textures in the performance pack, in dungeons\caves folder - inc. 6 more worsened vanilla normals.
      Found 3 more vanillas in the clutter\billiards folder - inc. 2 more worsened vanilla normals.

      Look, I got bored of reporting - go through your so-called "performance" pack properly - or take it down. Sorry to sound harsh but it was clearly an untested, hastily packed afterthought. I'm not surprised I thought little of it before - it's worse than I remember.
    3. Audley
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      I do not know how to feel about your posts. On one hand, a lot of it is valid criticism. On the other hand it comes off as pretentious and a bit rude. Keep in mind this pack (specifically the FO3 one) was made around 2009. The FNV one around 2010. Neil (NMC) never claimed to be the best or even super experienced when making these packs. The author offers them free of charge. I understand that it could be done better, but that does not mean NMC is required to make their mods up to your standards. Especially when Neil only really maintains these packs at this point to a loose extent. I think it's better than vanilla in a lot of ways. So while I think you have some good criticism, suggesting him to take down parts of his mod sounds somewhat insulting simply because you don't like it. It might be another matter if NMC was charging money for this pack, but that is not the case. I think he did a good job with his knowledge and skills at the time.
    4. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      "Standards"? The pack contains many vanilla assets purporting to be modded, including many vanilla normals made worse by the modder! You should be grateful for my time and expertise too you know! I'm a veteran modder who's spent the last 9 days carefully going through this, and kindly reporting my findings to give others a heads-up. My posts started out as just alerting to a couple of flaws, but the more I found, the more miffed I got, and feel it important folks know about the packs many problems. You're welcome. Good day to you.
    5. Audley
      • premium
      • 78 kudos
      I am truly sorry you took what I said as a personal attack and that you got offended. You shouldn't be posting criticism if you yourself are unable to take criticism. I am not grateful for your rudeness. Nor should I be.
    6. streetyson
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      Pah! You called me "pretentious" and "rude" but I'm not supposed to take that as personal? And show me where I was making an inappropriate attack on the mod, the modder or you? You're the one who's being improperly personal here, you're the one who can't handle criticism. For I was in the process of reporting on a large number of legitimate issues with the performance pack and my criticisms are valid and based on my findings from many days of effort. You on the other hand just rudely and baselessly interrupted to lash out because you can't handle the trurth and felt like playing at being a fanboy attack-troll for 5 minutes. I pity you. Good bye.

      For anyone else reading - I found plenty more issues but won't now bother listing it all as I was intending doing. Reporting on them all would've become a chore anyway even before Audley started taking potshots at the messenger. Just don't use the so-called "performance" pack. Instead pick out choice bits from the bigger packs for there's some good stuff. Back-up your texture folder first.
    7. firefly101
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      What I would like to know is did you test the maximum or Large? I would be curious to see if the bugs carried over? I am getting the feeling the performance was an afterthought for people with crappy PC's to give them something, The vanilla textures look worse is probably caused from upscaling them for the better packs and then downscaled them for the performance pack. I haven't noticed a lot of the problems using the better packs?
    8. cybermouse2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm sorry streetyson, but if you're an veteran modder, as you say, why you don't have any mods published in the site?
      Do you post it somewhere else?
      Please, give me a link.
      You obviously have high standarts, so i'm curious to see your work...
    9. badiser
      • member
      • 22 kudos
      Look streetyson, nobody as NONE uses the performance pack these days...

      And I'm quite sure firefly101 is right, those issues commes from downgrading a downgrade...
      So there's really no need to spend so many words on some - today meaningless issues, the Max/high package is close to flawless, and that's what people needs to know !
    10. mojodajojo
      • supporter
      • 241 kudos
      "Look streetyson, nobody as NONE uses the performance pack these days... "

      Dang, I must be hallucinating what I'm downloading right now.

      Edit: Actually, I'm downloading lite, as I realized there was a smaller version than the performance pack mid-download.  My internet is almost as bad as my P.C.  Got to peruse way too much of this thread while waiting on the download.
    11. mojodajojo
      • supporter
      • 241 kudos
      I don't care much either way about the normals considering the resolution in which I play the game, but I have to agree about the busyness (and the  "Hey look I'm  real rusty, but the item next to me was made this year" itude) of some of the textures.  And of course I'm gonna be swapping out some of the just odd looking stuff.  For instance, someone clearly threw a bag of flaming poop at the Pulowski shelter.

      Overall, I like this a lot more than vanilla.  Even if I didn't like 90% of what was done, I'd rather someone did different stuff like this and I just keep what I want from it.  Rather than just upscale vanilla stuff, which seems to be what is done often these days.

      Edit: Forgot to put a "than" before vanilla which made my sentence have the reverse meaning of what I intended... /headdesk

      I really like that wallpaper (in the suburban kit I think?).  I hate all the yellow spam in the vanilla textures.
    12. eskimo14
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Dog you're such a wet wipe
  9. vault101566
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    im having some trouble some of the textures load like the trash on the floor and roads but the pavement and vault doors and stop signs dont load im using gog version of fo3 goty i have activated archive invalidator via mo2 and have installed through mo2 as well. i've also done large address enabler.
    1. vault101566
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      hah my fault mo2 archive invalidator is weird i ran a program version download instead and it worked beautifully amazing textures very psyched to play this now finally LOL 10/10
  10. Gobble34
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Solid Texture mod a one of its kind
  11. Reznikov
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    • 0 kudos
    the only thing I find a bit odd is that vault 101 looks decayed and rusted due to the new textures, but the original spotless design showed that it was constantly inhabited for generations
  12. Giroundbruh
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    • 0 kudos
    How to install with mod manager? I have read the instruction but got confused, can you explain it more?