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your evil twin

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your evil twin

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About this mod

Increases the variety and usefulness of Energy Weapons without breaking gameplay balance or Fallout lore/canon. Includes classic laser, plasma and pulse weapons from Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics, and effects, meshes and textures from Weijiesen and Cipscis\' \"EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced\". Is compatible with Stormfront Studios Presents!

Permissions and credits
VERSION 1.3 UPDATE: Tiny optional (but recommended) patch that should solve crashing problems in the basement of Fort Independence that a few people experienced. Please let me know if this works or not.

VERSION 1.2 UPDATE: Patch contains missing pipboy icons for Glock 86 plasma pistol and YK42B pulse rifle, and missing mesh for L30 Gatling Laser. (Includes the 1.1 update which just included the L30 mesh.)

Check out the HD youtube trailer!

A Christmas present for Energy Weapon users! Increases the variety and usefulness of Energy Weapons without breaking gameplay balance or Fallout lore/canon. Includes special effects, models and textures from Weijiesen and Cipscis' "EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced", and classic energy weapons from Fallout 1 and 2.

The Fallout 3 energy weapons are weak but they are energy efficient and can be fired rapidly. The classic energy weapons are powerful slow-firing weapons that are energy inefficient and use up twice as much ammo per shot. Energy weapons have special armour piercing properties and critical hits can have various interesting results.

Includes Talkie Toaster's supermutant animations, allowing supermutants to use energy weapons just like in Fallout 1 and 2.

Also includes a compatibility patch for Saiden Storm's awesome Stormfront Studios Presents mod, so now you can get the best of both EVE and SS mods at the same time! Playing EWE with Stormfront Studios Presents will give energy weapons enhanced skeletonisation and disintegration effects and improved ash piles/goo piles that shrink and evaporate over time rather than remaining forever.


# Total overhaul of behaviour and usefulness of energy weapons
# NPCs and loot include powerful classic weapons from Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics
# Energy efficiency (weak Fallout 3 weapons use 1 ammo per shot, powerful classic weapons use 2 ammo per shot)*
# The weak Fallout 3 lasers are now true semi-auto weapons that can be fired rapidly
# The Enclave-designed plasma weapons fire weaker plasma bolts but are fully automatic**
# Critical hits to the face can have a temporary blinding effect
# Laser and pulse weapons ignore 5% of normal damage resistance
# Plasma weapons ignore 10% of normal damage resistance
# All the awesome criticals and projectiles and special effects from EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced
# All the improved meshes (models) from EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced
# New weapon textures that include some EVE details but are closer to the standard designs
# New sound effects, many based on sounds from Fallout 1, 2 or Tactics
# Gatling lasers and other "energy big guns" use Energy Weapons skill***
# There is a point to tagging energy weapons skill: a Vault 101 security guard has a classic Wattz 1000 laser pistol
# Supermutants will sometimes use energy weapons (if you activate optional esp file)****
# Most energy weapons will ignite gas pockets or set Harold on fire (including DLC weapons)
# See below for full details about each and every weapon!

* It never made sense that a microfusion cell contained 24 ammo in a laser rifle but just 12 when plugged into a plasma rifle. Bethesda must have intended for the laser rifle to be more energy efficient and use half as much energy per shot. Since it is not possible for a gun to consume half of one ammo, the only solution is to make the less efficient weapons use 2 ammo per shot.

** The Enclave plasma weapons have a completely different design to the classic P94 Plasma Rifle and Glock 86 Plasma Pistol, so they should behave differently in some way rather than just having a different damage value. We saw a prototype of automatic Enclave plasma weapons in Fallout 2... Frank Horrigan was armed with an automatic "End Boss Plasma Gun". Now the Enclave have developed lightweight energy-based assault weapons for their infantry.

*** Sure, a Gatling Laser does look like a "big gun", but would Big Guns skill be useful for refocusing laser lenses or regulating power supplies? Also, a Gatling Laser should be easier to handle than a minigun since technically a laser should not have recoil. (Yeah, Bethesda gave the laser weapons firing animations that look like they have recoil. I guess you should ignore that. Or pretend the process of creating a powerful laser blast emits a burst of gas?)

**** In Fallout 1 and 2 the most common supermutant weapon was the laser rifle, so it was a bit strange how in Fallout 3 supermutants became completely incapable of even holding a laser. This is now fixed thanks to Talkie Toaster's animations. Supermutants armed with energy weapons will be quite rare.


Make sure that if you are already using EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced that you deactivate EVE from your mod list. EWE - Energy Weapons Enhanced includes a Master File version of EVE (EVE.esm file) that should be used instead. See installation instructions below


FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager)

Install Instructions:

1. Extract the files from the archive.
2. Copy files to (install folder)\Fallout 3\Data\
3. Start FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager)
4. If you haven't done Archive Invalidation before you should click on Toggle Invalidation, otherwise leave it alone.
5. Activate EVE.esm and EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm by clicking on the check boxes next to them. Make sure EVE.esm is higher in the list than EWE.esm!
6. If you would like Supermutants to be able to use energy weapons then you should also activate EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp.
7. If you have any other mods that may affect energy weapons in any way, you should also activate EWE Load Order Fix.esp and put it after your other mods (at the bottom of your load order).
8. If you already have the original EVE Energy Visuals Enhanced mod installed you should deactivate it by unchecking EVE.esp. You should be using the EVE.esm and EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced master files instead.

Standard load order:

The load order should look something like this:

EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm
(Any other mods you might have)
EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp
EWE Load Order Fix.esp

(Remember that you do not want original EVE.esp active in there anywhere. Just the new EVE.esm.)

Load order if you have all the DLC:

If you have all of the official Fallout 3 Downloadable Content you can use the EWE DLC Addon file. Important - this requires you to have ALL the official Downloadable Content! You must have Operation Anchorage, The Pitt, Broken Steel, Point Lookout and Mothership Zeta. They must be moved into your Fallout 3 data folder and activated like mods. FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) should automatically detect if you have any DLC downloaded using Games for Windows Live and offer to move them to the correct location.

The load order should look something like this :

EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm
(Any other mods you might have)
EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp
EWE Load Order Fix.esp
EWE DLC Addon.esp

Load order if you have Stormfront Studios Presents:

Stormfront Studios Presents is a mod by Saiden Storm that includes great weapon effects. It also has a whole bunch of amazing and bizarre new monsters! Stormfront Studios presents comes with a master file (SS Master File.esm) and two plugins, one for the weapon effects (SS Weapon Effects.esp) and one for the new creatures (SS Creature Compendium.esp). You can shoose to use one and not the other, so you can have the weapon effects without the new creatures or the new creatures without changing your weapons.

For awesome results I recommend using SS Weapons Effects AND EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced at the same time, but to make that possible I have included a compatability file, EWE Stormfont Studios Load Order Fix.esp. This file also requires that the normal EWE Load Order Fix.esp be active and slightly higher in the load order list. (Also I would not recommend using the Stormfront Studios configuration tool to modify levelled lists, as that could interfere with EWE's levelled lists.)

The load order should look something like this:

SS Master File.esm
EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm
(Any other mods you might have)
SS Creature Compendium.esp (if you want the new creatures)
SS Weapon Effects.esp
EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp
EWE Load Order Fix.esp
EWE Stormfront Studios Load Order Fix.esp

And if you have all the DLC, then...

SS Master File.esm
EWE Energy Weapons Enhanced.esm
(Any other mods you might have)
SS Creature Compendium.esp (if you want the new creatures)
SS Weapon Effects.esp
EWE Supermutant Energy Weapons.esp
EWE Load Order Fix.esp
EWE Stormfront Studios Load Order Fix.esp
EWE DLC Addon.esp


1. Start Fallout 3 Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck all the EVE and EWE .esm and .esp files.
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod. Yeah... that's going to take a while, because there's a lot of them.


Obviously there will be compatibility issues with any other mod that affects energy weapons. If you have a mod that changes many things (not just energy weapons), then you can put the EWE Load Order Fix file after the other mod to ensure your energy weapons work the way that I intended.

FOOK: This mod has not been designed to be compatible with FOOK, so I have no idea what will happen if you use EWE and FOOK at the same time. I do not think it will cause crashes or anything though, so feel free to give it a try. In the future hopefully there will be a version of EWE integrated into FOOK, in the same way that EVE has been integrated into FOOK.

WMK: Feel free to use Weapon Mod Kits with EWE... but don't try to upgrade any energy weapons! Since the weapons in EWE have all been altered to be more useful, chances are that you'll effectively be DOWNGRADING an energy weapon rather than upgrading it! And you may have weird things happen like a P94 Plasma Rifle turning into an Enclave plasma rifle simply because you put a scope or laser sight onto it. It is likely that I'll be making a WMK version of EWE in the future. Besides, EWE has a huge variety of energy weapons for all different combat situations (scoped energy weapons, automatic energy weapons, energy weapons with large ammo capacities) and for maximum fun you should be switching between the various types of weapon rather than simply upgrading one into a super weapon. ;)


Wattz 2000 / Wazer Wifle:
Sometimes the night-vision scope does not work and instead it is just a normal sniper scope view. (In fact, it often does not work.) Consider this a feature rather than a bug... the laser rifle is two hundred years old, you can expect it to have a few glitches.

Somtimes in VATS mode the screen will turn green-tinted like night vision, this is intentional as your character is looking through the night-vision scope.

Stormfront Studios Presents:
Sometimes an enemy is skeletonised but the skeleton does not not glow until a few seconds after the skeleton has collapsed to the ground. This is probably because an EWE shader effect is active during the first few seconds of the death effect and is overriding the glow effect. This is pretty minor and usually does not look bad, but I will see if I can do something about it in an updated version of the compatability patch.

Red Exclamation Marks / Missing Textures:
If you are seeing weird stuff like weapons or projectiles being bizarre colours or being replaced by big red exclamation marks then it is probably a problem with Archive Invalidation that you can simply cure by clicking on FOMM's "Toggle Invalidation" button or by using "Archive Invalidation Invalidated".


1.0 02/01/2010 - Initial Release


You can contact me by sending a private message on Fallout 3 Nexus, I am known as "your evil twin". Alternatively you can send an email to [email protected]

Recommended Mods:

Stormfront Studios Presents (by Saiden Storm)
Makes energy weapons even more awesome, and if you like you can add a variety of interesting creatures to the Wasteland. I've included a compatability patch especially so you can use EWE and Stormfront Studios Presents together.

Auto Aim Fix - Headshot Deluxe Edition (by rlilewis)
Makes sniper scopes accurate at all ranges. In the vanilla game sniper rifles are actually useless at long range (LOL!) and shoot above the crosshair. This is especially noticable when using a laser sniper rifle like the Wattz 2000 / Wazer Wifle in EWE, since you can actually see the laser beam shooting over your target's head.

Sydney Follower (by drg6520)
Allows you to recruit the treasure hunter Sydney as a proper full-time follower, rather than a temporary follower who leaves once her quest is finished. Has lots of interesting dialogue and animations and can do all kinds of cool things like cook for you, read skill books, get a haircut and drink booze. She is actually more useful and and more polished than the original followers in the standard game. If you take her to the Citadel she can study the Brotherhood of Steel's laser weapons and gain energy weapons skill!

Coming Soon:

PAE - Power Armor Enhanced
BGE - Big Guns Enhanced
SME - Small Guns Enhanced


Weijiesen and Cipscis = for making EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced and doing many of the awesome things that are now in EWE
SaidenStorm = for making the awesome Stormfront Studios Presents and for giving me permission to make a compatibility patch
Talkie Toaster = for doing the fantastic Mutant Animations, finally allowing supermutants to fire energy weapons just like in classic Fallout!
Chai = your redesigned plasma rifle, which formed the basis for the P94 plasma rifles in EVE and EWE
JoeFoxx = the Wattz 1000 laser pistol and Wattz 2000 laser rifle (and the unique versions), which weijiesen modified for EVE
aptomix = for fixing the texture and mesh bugs that were on Weijiesen's Wattz laser pistols ;)
DaiShi = the Glock 86 Plasma Pistol (and extended cap version) and YK42B Pulse Rifle that I have included in EWE, and the H&KL30 Gatling Lasers which Weijiesen modified for EVE. Also the slightly altered classic plasma rifle sound.
Voiddweller = your YK32 Pulse Pistol was the basis for Weijiesen's new version
DariusKootz = a few new sounds have come from your "sound compilation" mod, though not as many as were in EVE since I've done some new ones. All original author rights are maintained and acknowledged via this mod in conjunction with the Sound Compilation mod referred to herein.
HugePinball = for helping Weijiesen in all kinds of ways!
MacroTM/Dukeman and LordSimpson = for thoroughly testing EVE
BigKid7834 = for helping Weijiesen sort out the plasma blindness and showing him his script errors!
Xporc = for helping Weijiesen sort out the laser blindness
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Fallout 3.
Thanks to Micro Forté for creating Fallout Tactics (and for doing some nice laser and plasma sound effects!)
Thanks to InsanitySorrow for ReadMe Generator this readme is based on.

Tools Used:

Fallout 3 ReadMe Generator


This file is provided as is and the author holds no responsibility for anything that may come to happen from using this file.

If you would like to use any of the assets in EWE, simply contact me to tell me your intention. I am sure I will say "sure go ahead!", but it is really helpful to know about other mods that are using EWE and EVE stuff. And when you do release your mod, make sure to make mention of the author (probably myself, your evil twin, and/or Weijiesen) of said asset somewhere in the "Credits" section of your mod.

If you would like to re-upload EWE to any other website, please contact me first.


ENERGY WEAPONS ENHANCED - Weapon stats and descriptions:


Wattz 1000 Laser Pistol
Damage: 16
Ammo: 24 energy charges, 2 charges per shot (12 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 18
Weight: 4
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

A stylish civilian energy pistol. Surprisingly powerful, but not very efficient, as it uses two energy charges to power each shot. It also lacks the wattage of military or police versions such as the Wattz 1200.

Classic laser pistol from previous Fallout games. A Vault 101 security guard is armed with one during your escape at the start of the game, and it also randomly replaces vanilla laser pistols in levelled lists at low levels. It is more powerful than the vanilla laser pistol, but has to be reloaded every 12 shots and it eats through your ammo fast. (In the normal game you can't get a laser until the Super Duper Mart, by which time you are at probably between Level 3 and Level 6, so there are no benefits to tagging Energy Weapons. But with EWE you can use those skill points to be deadly with a Wattz 1000.)

AEP7 laser pistol
Damage 12
Ammo: 32 energy charges, 1 charge per shot (32 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: rapid-fire
VATS action points: 16
Weight: 3
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

The AEP7 Laser Pistol has a large charge capacity and excellent energy efficiency. It was designed to replace the 10mm N99 pistol as the standard-issue sidearm for military and police forces. Uses one energy charge per shot.

The vanilla Fallout 3 laser pistol, but with its semi-auto delay reduced so that it can be fired very rapidly, capacity increased from 30 to 32, and VATS cost slightly lowered from 17 to 16. Can first be found in the Super Duper Mart. Each laser does 4 points less damage than a Wattz 1000, but it can be fired twice as fast, and it only uses 1 ammo per shot, making it a useful weapon in the early game when ammo is rare.

Wattz 1200 Laser Pistol
Damage 20
Ammo: 24 energy charges, 2 charges per shot (12 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 18
Weight: 4
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

This laser pistol has all the style of the Wattz 1000 without the civilian wattage limitation. It is able to make more effective use of the two energy charges it consumes each shot, giving it superior firepower.

Identical to the classic laser pistol but with a higher damage. I have invented this weapon because the item description in Fallout 1 and 2 suggested there were more powerful Wattz laser pistols used by the military and police, and Fallout 3's military laser pistols are weak high-capacity weapons. In real life there is more than one type of military handgun, so I figure there can be more than one type of military laser pistol.

Magneto-Laser Pistol
Damage 20
Ammo: 24 energy charges, 2 charges per shot (12 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 18
Weight: 4
Special: Ignores 80% normal damage resistance

This Wattz 1200 Laser Pistol has been upgraded with a magnetic field targeting system that tightens the laser emission, giving this pistol extra penetrating power. Uses two energy charges each shot.

This improved Wattz laser pistol cannot damage a target's health any more than the standard Wattz 1200, but armour provides little protection against it. Used as a sidearm by some Enclave soldiers and officers.

Smuggler's End
Damage 20
Ammo: 24 energy charges, 1 charges per shot (24 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: rapid-fire
VATS action points: 16
Weight: 4
Special: Ignores 80% normal damage resistance

This Wattz 1200 Laser Pistol has been given multiple upgrades, including an energy recycler and a magnetic field targeting system. Its energy efficiency, rate of fire and penetration have been greatly enhanced. Uses one energy charge per shot.

The unique Smuggler's End laser pistol from Elder Lyon's safe is a Magneto-Laser Pistol that has the energy efficiency and firing speed of an AEP7 laser pistol.

Protectron's Gaze
Damage 24
Ammo: 24 energy charges, 1 charges per shot (24 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 18
Weight: 4
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance, shotgun-like spread

The Mechanist used parts from a RoboCo Protectron and a Magneto-Laser Pistol to create this unique energy-based handcannon. The reversed polarity of the targeting system splits the laser beam into a spread of deadly rays. It has excellent energy efficiency too.

I've left the Protectron's Gaze stats almost identical to how it is in the vanilla game, except for having a capacity of 24 rather than 20, to make it more consistent with the other Wattz laser pistols. It has the appearance of a Magneto-Laser Pistol, but the magnetic field targeting system has been thrown into reverse, spreading the beam wide rather focusing it into an armour-piercing beam.

Colonel Autumn's Laser Pistol
Damage 10
Ammo: 32 energy charges, 1 charges per shot (32 shots per reload)
Full-auto firing speed: 12 shots per second
VATS action points: 17
Weight: 2
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

Colonel Autumn's laser pistol is a unique fully-automatic version of the AEP7 Laser Pistol. Broken Steel turned into a semi-auto weapon, but I've made it back into an automatic one, since you should get a decent reward for defeating the Colonel.

AER9 Laser Carbine
Damage 23
Ammo: 24 microfusion charges, 1 charge per shot (24 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: rapid-fire
VATS action points: 17
Weight: 8
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

This energy-based combat rifle is efficient, fast-firing and easy to handle. The focusing crystal array is housed in a durable titanium casing, making the AER9 especially reliable. Uses one microfusion charge per shot.

The vanilla Fallout 3 laser rifle, with an improved semi-auto delay and firing animation speed so that it can be fired more rapidly. In the vanilla game it was like an improved hunting rifle; good at medium and long ranges but difficult to use in close-range panic situations because you could only fire it a couple of times per second. Now you can hammer that trigger and fill ‘em with laser. My intention is for the AER9 to be the energy weapons enthusiast's standard reliable energy weapon for most of the game, the equivalent of the assault rifle for the Small Guns player.

Tri-beam Laser Gun (DLC Only)
Damage 23
Ammo: 24 microfusion charges, 3 charges per shot (8 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 23
Weight: 7
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

The Tri-beam Laser Gun is effectively a "sawed-off" AER laser carbine with a unique emitter aperture that divides the laser into three beams. It was intended to be an energy-based replacement for the combat shotgun. Each blast uses three microfusion charges.

The Tri-Beam Laser Rifle, renamed "gun" due to its similarities to a shotgun and its shortened "sawed-off" length. It is effectively the same as in normal Broken Steel, though I lowered its weight slightly. (For some reason it weighed one point MORE than a normal laser rifle, even though it was smaller... I've made it weight one point less.) It can still only be repaired with other tri-beam lasers, though I've made tri-beam lasers a little more common so it is not so hard to find one.

Metal Blaster (DLC Only)
Damage 55
Ammo: 24 microfusion charges, 1 charge per shot (24 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 23
Weight: 8
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

This unique weapon was originally a rare Tri-Beam Laser Gun, and it has been made even more special thanks to the tinkerings of a technical genius. A series of prisms split the laser into nine beams, while some ingenious alterations to the microfusion assembly allow it to use just two charges per shot.

Originally the Metal Blaster was a significantly better weapon than the tri-beam laser, as it weighed less, used only one ammo per shot (rather than three), had a lower VATS cost, could get better criticals and could be repaired with normal laser rifles. Quite frankly it was overpowered. The tri-beam laser had none of those balance problems, so I've turned the Metal Blaster into a unique tri-beam laser. Even after increasing the VATS cost and ammo consumption it is still awesome.

Wattz 2000 Laser Rifle
Damage 37
Ammo: 24 microfusion charges, 2 charges per shot (12 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 23
Weight: 10
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance, has night-vision scope

The Wattz 2000 "Sunbeam" Laser Rifle uses two microfusion charges per shot for more powerful lasers and additional range. The motion sensor scope uses a tuned radar device to reveal enemies at long range regardless of visibility conditions.

The classic laser sniper rifle from the previous Fallout games. Finally, a proper energy sniper rifle! It is heavier than the AER9 Laser Carbine and cannot be fired as rapidly, but since it does more than 1.6 times the damage of a normal laser carbine you won't be complaining! It does have a higher VATS cost, but it is far less than the VATS cost of other sniper weapons. It uses two units of ammo per shot, so that it has 12 shots per reload just like in the original Fallout games. I've decreased its weight slightly from 12 to 10, as it seemed a bit weird that it weighed as much as the P94 plasma rifle, especially since in Fallout Tactics it was given a lower strength requirement. In Fallout Tactics the laser weapons were called “Sunbeam Laser Rifle” and “Sunbeam Gatling Laser”, and I quite liked the Sunbeam name so decided to include it as the Wattz 2000’s model name. The motion sensor scope idea is based on the “CU-model motion sensor” from the old Fallout games, which was also built by Wattz Electronics. It boosted your outdoorsman skill and it allowed you to press the "scanner" button on your PipBoy to reveal the positions of all NPCS on the map. So makes perfect sense for a high-tech scope on a Wattz laser weapon.

Wazer Wifle
Damage 37
Ammo: 24 microfusion charges, 1 charge per shot (24 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 23
Weight: 10
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

This Wattz 2000 "Sunbeam" Laser Rifle has had its recharging system upgraded and a special recycling chip installed that reduces the drain on the micro fusion cell by 50%. Uses just one microfusion charge each shot.

Billy's Wazer Wifle is now the "Laser Rifle (Ext. Cap.)" from Fallout 2. All the damage of the Wattz 2000 but with the ammo consumption and capacity of the AER9 laser carbine.

Glock 86 Plasma Pistol
Damage: 28
Ammo: 32 energy charges, 2 charges per shot (16 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 21
Weight: 4
Special: Ignores 10% normal damage resistance

Designed by the Gaston Glock artificial intelligence, the Glock 86 shoots a small bolt of superheated ionised gas. The sophisticated scope allows for surprising accuracy at medium-range. Powered by two energy charges each shot.

The classic Fallout plasma pistol. Can be found in old military bases, the Citadel and as an Enclave sidearm. It has an improved plasma projectile speed so that the scope can actually be useful. The plasma pistol isn't great for long-range sniping but useful for a deadly sneak-attack headshot at medium-range.

Glock 86 Plasma Pistol (Ext. Cap.)
Damage: 28
Ammo: 32 energy charges, 1 charge per shot (32 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 21
Weight: 4
Special: Ignores 10% normal damage resistance

This Glock 86 Plasma Pistol has had its magnetic housing chamber realigned to reduce the drain on its energy cells. Its efficiency has doubled, allowing it to fire more shots before the batteries are expended.

Extended capacity version of the Glock 86. Uses just 1 ammo per shot and can be fired 32 times per reload. Can be found on Colonel Autumn's desk in Raven Rock. A seriously good energy pistol. (Now that Gunslinger perk that improves your ability with one-handed weapons might actually be useful!) Of course, if you don't have the Broken Steel DLC then you won't get to use it for very long.

Enclave Plasma Autopistol
Damage: 12
Ammo: 32 energy charges, 1 charges per shot (16 shots per reload)
Full-auto firing speed: 9.5 shots per second
VATS action points: 21
Weight: 3
Special: Ignores 10% normal damage resistance

This energy-based machine pistol is one of several Enclave weapons based on pre-war MPLX prototypes. It is fully automatic, with each pull of the trigger resulting in a spray of superheated plasma bolts. Each plasma bolt uses one energy charge.

The vanilla Fallout 3 plasma pistol, transformed into an energy submachine gun. Fires a four-round burst in VATS mode. The "pre-war prototypes" thing is a reference to the unique MPLX Novasurge plasma pistol in Mothership Zeta.

MPLX Novasurge (DLC only)
Damage: 80
Ammo: 32 energy charges, 4 charges per shot (8 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: vanilla
VATS action points: 21
Weight: 6
Special: Ignores 10% normal damage resistance

The MPLX (Military Plasma Experimental) "Novasurge" Prototype Plasma Pistol uses four energy charges to fire each blast. Highly destructive, but inefficient and uncomfortably heavy.

The Mothership Zeta MPLX Novasurge is unaltered other than using 4 ammo per shot, which is proportional to the way that many energy weapons now use 2 ammo per shot.

P94 Plasma Rifle
Damage: 53
Ammo: 20 microfusion charges, 2 charges per shot (10 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: slow (vanilla laser rifle speed)
VATS action points: 30
Weight: 12
Special: Ignores 10% normal damage resistance, 2.5x critical multiplier

A Winchester Model P94 Plasma Rifle. An industrial-grade energy weapon, firing superheated bolts of ionised gas down a superconducting barrel. Powered by two microfusion charges each shot.

The classic Fallout plasma rifle. (In fact it is the Fallout Tactics version, which actually looked like a RIFLE that you could properly aim. In Fallout 1 and 2 it was more of a plasma cannon, it had no sights and it looked like something you fired from the hip, like a minigun or flamethrower.) Actually replaces the vanilla plasma rifle, so it'll be found in The Citadel and Fort Independence, and it will be used by the Enclave too. Has a capacity of 20 and uses 2 ammo per shot. Does 53 damage per shot, has the same critical chance as A3-21's plasma rifle, and has a fast plasma projectile speed... but it is heavy, has a slow firing animation speed, long semi-auto delay and high VATS cost.

Enclave Plasma Carbine
Damage: 23
Ammo: 24 microfusion charges, 2 charges per shot (12 shots per reload)
Full-auto firing speed: 9.5 shots per second
VATS action points: 25
Weight: 8
Special: Ignores 10% normal damage resistance

This Enclave assault weapon fires far more rapidly than the pre-war P94 Plasma Rifle. It is also significantly lighter and boasts a greater charge capacity. The price is an inferior energy output, reducing the velocity and damage potential of the plasma bolts. Its improved handling makes it ideal for close quarters combat, but it is less effective at long-range. Depletes one microfusion charge each shot.

The vanilla Fallout 3 plasma rifle, transformed into the ultimate automatic assault rifle. As with the other conventional assault rifles, spraying from long-range will cause you to miss often and waste your ammo, but in close range combat it is superior to the other plasma rifles due to its rate of fire, and in VATS mode it fires a 3-round burst. It weighs just 8 rather than 12. (As well as affecting your inventory, the weight of your weapon affects your movement speed.) It is used exclusively by the Enclave and no-one else, it is only in Enclave loot tables and Enclave equipment lists. Has a different form ID to the original vanilla plasma rifle so that it won't show up in Fort Independence or The Citadel or any mods that add plasma rifles anywhere else.

A3-21's Turbo Plasma Rifle
Damage: 53
Ammo: 20 microfusion charges, 2 charges per shot (10 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: rapid-fire
VATS action points: 25
Weight: 12
Special: Ignores 10% normal damage resistance

A modified Winchester P94 plasma rifle that belonged to android A3-21. The plasma bolt chamber has been hotwired to accelerate the bolt formation process. Uses two microfusion cells per shot.

A3-21's plasma rifle is now the infamous Turbo Plasma Rifle. It has the damage and critical multiplier of the P94 plasma rifle, but a lower VATS cost and an improved rate of fire.

YK32 Pulse Pistol
Damage: 39
Ammo: 15 energy charges, 3 charges per shot (5 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: moderate
VATS action points: 21
Weight: 5
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance, does additional damage to robots

The YK32 is an electrical pulse weapon that was developed by the Yuma Flats Energy Consortium. Though powerful, the YK32 was never considered a practical weapon due to its inefficient energy usage and bulky design. Drains three energy charges each shot.

This deadly energy pistol is as powerful as a Wattz laser rifle, at the price of a slow projectile speed and the fact that it needs to be reloaded every five shots. Used by Enclave soldiers and officers as a sidearm.

YK42B Pulse Rifle
Damage: 66
Ammo: 20 microfusion charges, 2 charges per shot (10 shots per reload)
Semi-auto firing speed: moderate
VATS action points: 30
Weight: 9
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance, does additional damage to robots

The YK42B is an electrical pulse weapon that was developed by the Yuma Flats Energy Consortium. It is considered a far superior weapon to the YK32 pistol, having a greater charge capacity and range. Powered by two microfusion charges each shot.

The YK24B is the ultimate energy weapon and will blast most enemies out of existence in one or two shots. It is quite rare, as it is only used by high-level Enclave soldiers.

L28 Laser Autocannon
Damage: 8
Ammo: 240 electron charges, 1 charge per shot (240 shots per reload)
Full-auto firing speed: 20 shots per second
VATS action points: 30
Weight: 18
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

The H&K L28 Laser Autocannon is an energy-based squad-level support weapon. Powered by electron charge packs, it has three barrels that fire sequentially, allowing a formidable rate of fire for a prolonged period.

The vanilla Fallout 3 Gatling Laser. I renamed it Laser Autocannon because people usually think of a “gatling gun” as having rotating barrels, but this gun’s barrels do not rotate, instead they fire in sequence. Since the L30 Gatling Laser in the classic Fallout games was described as being in the prototype stages, it made sense that this non-rotating model could be a less-powerful predecessor. It has some advantages of its own – it has a large ammo capacity, it does not gobble up microfusion ammo that you need for your other energy weapons, and it has no spin-up time.

Precision Laser Autocannon (DLC Only)
Damage: 8
Ammo: 240 electron charges, 1 charge per shot (240 shots per reload)
Full-auto firing speed: 20 shots per second
VATS action points: 30
Weight: 18
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

The accuracy of this H&K L28 Laser Autocannon has been enhanced with a secondary laser focusing array. An experimental "Achilles’ Heel" wavelength modulation system increases the chance of penetrating a target's weak points.

It's the Precision Gatling Laser, with decreased spread to ensure good accuracy.

L30 Gatling Laser
Damage: 11
Ammo: 144 microfusion charges, 1 charge per shot (144 shots per reload)
Full-auto firing speed: 20 shots per second
VATS action points: 30
Weight: 18
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

An H&K L30 Gatling Laser. Designed specifically for military use, these were in the prototype stage at the beginning of the War. Multiple rotating barrels allow sustained firing of microfusion-powered lasers without overheating. It has a higher energy output than other Laser Autocannon models.

The classic Gatling Laser from the previous Fallout games. It is more powerful than the standard laser autocannon (in fact it is as powerful as Vengeance is in the vanilla game) but it has a brief spin-up time like a normal minigun, and it uses up valuable microfusion ammo. If I kept it strictly identical to the gatling lasers in the original game then each laser would do about 30 points of damage and it would have a max capacity of just 30 microfusion ammo (or 60 if I took into account the fact that all the classic weapons use two ammo per shot). This wouldn’t be much fun though as it would be an immensely powerful minigun you could only fire for a couple of seconds and then you would need to reload! So I lowered the damage and increased the capacity. I could have changed the model name to L31 or something like that, but I figure it is OK to increase ammo capacity without changing model number as it is simply a redesigned ammo box that holds twice as many microfusion cells.

Damage: 15
Ammo: 144 microfusion charges, 1 charge per shot (144 shots per reload)
Full-auto firing speed: 20 shots per second
VATS action points: 30
Weight: 18
Special: Ignores 5% normal damage resistance

You are not quite sure how this H&K L30 Gatling Laser became so powerful... it could have something to do with the enhanced capacitors and upgraded cooling system, or it might be due to the shark face painted on the front.

Since the standard L30 Gatling Lasers are now all as powerful as Vengeance, the real Vengeance must be upgraded too! For when you absolutely, positively have to make something very, very dead.