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TechieW and iArtorias

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  1. TechieW
    • member
    • 231 kudos

    • My computer says this is a virus! - Antiviruses hate DLLs for various reasons, and will mark third-party DLLs as viruses basically at random.
    • I'm playing the game on Linux using so-and-so, will your mods work? - Yes, the mods should now work on Linux.
    • Will using mods get me banned? - No, you cannot use these particular mods unless EasyAntiCheat is disabled and EAC won't retroactively punish you for disabling it (I can't guarantee that it won't react to altered saves).
    • Can I play online with mods? - As stated, you can only play with these mods if EAC is disabled, this forces the game into offline mode.
    • Can I use this mod with this-and-that? - Most likely, you will have to test for yourself. Just make sure you don't have other things modifying the same memory (Flawless Widescreen, etc).
    If you have any issues, then please comment below with the contents of log.txt for the relevant mod(s).
  2. Starxander
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Something interesting, Elden Ring actually has a vanilla pause feature. If you go into the equipment menu, press the key/button for the help menu, and then select "menu explanation", that is a fully functional pause feature (it even shuts off during coop/pvp). Idk why they buried it like that, but it works.
    1. Godmezenger
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Indeed, this does work. Amazing job finding this. Extremely inconvenient for no reason when playing offline from the dev, but thank you for sharing.
    2. gingsz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Something interesting, Elden Ring actually has a vanilla pause feature. If you go into the equipment menu, press the key/button for the help
      menu, and then select "menu explanation", that is a fully functional
      pause feature (it even shuts off during coop/pvp). Idk why they buried
      it like that, but it works.
      Because that function uses the tutorial screen, the game also pause for tutorials, that's why they implemented a pause feature in the engine. Probably they left it intentionally in the status menu, as a hidden pause option.
  3. mythaeology
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    new to elden ring modding, installed and tried to implement with mod engine 2. didn't work initially so i tried swapping around the keybinds (on controller) and nothing has worked. probably user error, but i thought i would post here. i also have the dlc installed.
    1. wolfkasaikou
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Did you add the .dll file in the config_eldenring.toml file?

      it should look something like this after you add the file.

      external_dlls = ["ertransmogrify.dll", "PauseTheGame.dll"]

    2. mythaeology
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      i added it after i saw your comment (i didn't know i needed to, as i didn't see it in the instructions), and the .toml file looks like this:

      # Multiple mods must be separated with commas. For example if you have 3 mods, you will have something like the following:
      # external_dlls = [ "coolmod.dll", "D:\\nicemods\\nicemod.dll", "sosofolder\sosomod.dll" ]
      external_dlls = ["ertransmogrify.dll", "PauseTheGame.dll"]

      i saved and started the game up, but the pause still didn't work (i changed the keybind to start on my controller).
    3. wolfkasaikou
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I made a post after fiddling around and got it to work I'll copy pasta it here for you:

      Ok for those using mod engine 2. I have figured out how to get it working.

      1. Install Elden ModLoader into the main game folder as normal (Drive:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game) [this includes the mods folder, dinput8.dll and mod_loader_config] leave the config file as you found it no need to put anything in there.

      2. Drop PauseTheGame [thats the folder and .dll file] into the mods folder provided by the modloader mod, loose in the Game folder will not work, put it in the "mods" folder.

      3. Add "dinput8.dll" into the mod engine config_eldenring.toml file as an example this is what my line looks like :
           external_dlls = ["ertransmogrify.dll", "UnlockTheFps.dll", "dinput8.dll"]

      4. Boot up the game and press "P" on your keyboard to verify it worked (it worked for me)

      If you have any issues comment under and I will try my best to clarify.
    4. mythaeology
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      this worked for me, tysm!!
    5. wolfkasaikou
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Glad to help, took me a few hours to figure out a fix after i realized my last post was nearly useless. I'm new to modding Elden too, but used to bethesda headache and other things like that. Enjoy the game :)
    6. mythaeology
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      i've been modding skyrim on and off for about five years casually and i still don't understand it much. 😅 elden ring is a little easier thank goodness
    7. wolfkasaikou
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Ha, please don't look at my accounts age. I have been playing this song and dance for some time. Helps that my job is technical support with software. When i say mod jank im talking Daggerfall at 6 years old.
    8. Cheeziswin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I can't get this to work. I can't seem to find the config_eldenring.toml file to add the .dll to? I'm using the Mod Loader by TechieW. Help would be appreciated :)
    9. wolfkasaikou
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      config_eldenring.toml is only a part of Mod Engine 2 

      The site will call it Mod Engine 2.1 - Armored Core 6 Support, but grab the ModEngine- and it will work with elden if you follow the later next steps look for the **.

      I have never used elden mod loader as is out the .zip

      I would assume you drag and drop elden mod loader into the \Game\ folder then drop this mod into the mods folder provided by that mod. I believe it makes it's own launcher after first boot for you to use, but I could be wrong.

      **As for mod engine 2 install place these files into the \game\ folder: Mod (folder), modengine2 (folder), config_eldenring.toml, launchmod_eldenring.batch and modengine2_launcher.app. [Do not use the darksouls 3 or armored core files in the zip only eldenring] For mods that require modengine 2 read their instructions for install, but for ones like this follow my previous post.

      Do as I said in my post and launch the game with modengine2_launcher.app (make it a desktop shortcut give the file admin priv and just call it Elden Ring) not through steam. Do not start the game through steam (but steam must be running), use the launcher in your folder most likely an .app or .batch file. For Mod Engine it's the Launcher application not the .batch file.
  4. wolfkasaikou
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Ok for those using mod engine 2 launcher. I have figured out how to get it working.

    1. Install Elden ModLoader into the main game folder as normal (Drive:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game) [this includes the mods folder, dinput8.dll and mod_loader_config] leave the config file as you found it no need to put anything in there.

    2. Drop PauseTheGame [thats the folder and .dll file] into the mods folder provided by the modloader mod. Loose in the "Game" folder will not work, put it in the "mods" folder. dinput8.dll cannot find anything not in the mods folder (in theory any mod requiring "only" elden modloader should work with mod engine 2 if plopped into the mods folder as long as the next step is followed)

    3. Add "dinput8.dll" into the mod engine config_eldenring.toml file as an example this is what my line looks like :
         external_dlls = ["ertransmogrify.dll", "UnlockTheFps.dll", "dinput8.dll"]
    If your line is empty: external_dlls = [ ] just drop "dinput8.dll" in the brackets and hit save, if you have anything else just add , "dinput8.dll" at the end. the comma space and "" are needed if you have multiple .dll files in that list.

    4. Boot up the game and press "P" on your keyboard to verify it worked (it worked for me). Try not to edit input settings until you verify it works.

    If you have any issues comment under and I will try my best to clarify, make sure to post your external_dlls = [ ] line.

    *Hopefully this can be pinned and it will help the mod creator out with a common question. Be aware with new updates mod engine, Elden ModLoader and this mod can break make sure they are all up to date.*
  5. NBarnes
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Mod works great. However, does not have the "You Paused" screen advertised by the mod listing; immensely disappointed, day ruined, useless mod. A+, would pause again.
    1. Ash3344
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      This is amazing, best response to anything ive seen in awhile A++ would read again.
  6. zhuoyuli
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    don't work... already installed correctly
    1. zhuoyuli
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      After testing, this type of in-game UI calling mod conflicts with Temporal Super Sampling, but they can still coexist. The operation method is to first install TSS and set it up, then do not press the home button again, otherwise it will crash. Then install elden-menu, pause and other mods, go to mod_loader_config.ini in the root directory, and modify loadorder like this:[modloader]load_delay = 15000show_terminal = 0[loadorder]barSize.dll = 1CameraDistance.dll = 2DisableActionRestrictions.dll = 3DisableRuneLoss.dll = 4DisableSharpenFilter.dll = 5Elden Menu.dll = 6ermerchant.dll = 7ertransmogrify.dll = 8FasterRespawn.dll = 9NoFallenDamage.dll = 10PostureBarMod.dll = 11RemoveChromaticAberration.dll = 12RemoveVignette.dll = 13RideAnywhere.dll = 14SetCPUAffinity.dll = 15SummonAnywhere.dll = 16
  7. Kamiloup
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, did it work with seamless coop ?
  8. Emmanuel0823
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I stop the game wile falling to die and....
    now i am 10 km under the ground

    :(  I cant play that sesion anymore.
    1. Dukoth
      • premium
      • 9 kudos
      damn, you hit the ground HARD
    2. LittleShurry
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Wait why did you do that? You only supposed to pause the game when your kind of busy.
    3. Akararath
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I bet you got stuck in the falling animation too hmm.
  9. NaraApricots
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Still works with the dlc! Just redownload the loader and disable anti-cheat and it works great.
  10. naTpoH
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    on default settings the mod pauses the game when I press either L3 or X (PS4 Dualshock), even though the settings are set to L3+X. Any way to fix this?
  11. ravi372
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Not working as of 1.10.1 update. Hope the mod creator fixes it :)
    1. Sevael
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      It's working fine for me.