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About this mod

Simple tweak to the default weather config that makes the weather in game more moody and gloomy.

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I love DL the most when it rains. In DL2, it washes out all the oversaturated colors better than any reshade and overcast, fog or rain have overall better atmosphere. On top of it, in vanilla, there is usually barely around 3% to encounter storm.

This is just simple tweak that pushes overcast and foggy weather chance across all day times well over clear sky, with also higher chance for rain and storm. Feel free to tweak % to your liking. 

In the game, NPCs often complain about lack of rain and clear sky is kind of "canon", so use it only if you like atmosphere over dialog (or use the Dark Drought version of the pak, which keeps the rain closer to original values)

Installation: Choose either default moody or dark drought version of the preset and put .pak into Dying Light 2\ph\source\ folder. Rename the pak to any number between 3 and 99, depending on how many mods u are running. Or use winrar/7zip to place contents of the pack directly into any other of your custom paks.

You usually need to sleep and wait some time for the change to start taking the effect.

New default % are:

("Clear", 5)
("Cloudy", 5)
("Foggy", 15)
("Overcast", 35)
("Rainy", 25)
("Stormy", 15)

Dark Drought version:

("Clear", 5)
("Cloudy", 5)
("Foggy", 25)
("Overcast", 55)
("Rainy", 5)
("Stormy", 5)