About this mod
Lantern has brighter, farther,color-configurable light and zero oil cost.
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All dd2 mods source in github.
1.This mod doesn't let lantern stop blink directly.
Lantern blinks because it doesn't have enough oil.
This mod disable oil cost.So it will never blink as long as you fill the lantern once.
1.5.Lantern light contains two part: spot light and point light.
the spot light is like a flashlight shining a cone area in front of you.
the point light is like a sun shining a sphere area near you.
1.8.(when enable `blink` option)color will blink by time
2.Configurable Settings:
range: how far the light is (default 3000, vanilla is 20 and 30)
light:how bright the light is (default 10, vanilla is 1)
blink: blink
cone: how wide the spot light is
spotLightColor: rgb color of the spot light
pointLightColor: rgb color of the point light
(default color is same as vanilla)
(`spot/point` parameters are replaced by `spotLightColor`/`pointLightColor` since v1.3. may need reconfig if you update from v1.2)
1. Install Reframework
1.5. Install _XYZApi (Optional. Only necessary when you want to modify settings in UI)
2.You can Install by Fluffy Mod Manager or Manually
2.1. Install by Fluffy Mod Manager:
Download this mod and drag into mod manager.Then turn it on in mod manager
2.2.Install Manually
Dowload this mod and extract.Copy the `reframework` folder to game folder. If `reframework` already exists in game folder,then merge these two folders.