About this mod
Tones down smoothing and acceleration, equalizes horizontal and vertical sensitivity, removes controller-tied damping, height and input adjustments from the camera making it more responsive when using the mouse.
- Requirements
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You can edit the numbers in the script if you want to further adjust the values to you personal preferences.
Note: you can turn ON camera acceleration (it's OFF in vanilla) - try it to see what extreme mouse acceleration means in this game.
Installation and configuration
- Make sure you have REFramework installed.
- Download the mod's package.
- Unpack the content of the downloaded mod's package into your "[Path To Steam]\steamapps\common\Dragons Dogma 2" folder.
- Launch the game. If everything is fine, you should see r457ProperCamControlPC.lua under ScriptRunner, Known Scripts category of REFramework UI.
If you want to change mod parameters, open your "[Path To Steam]\steamapps\common\Dragons Dogma 2\reframework\autorun\r457ProperCamControlPC.lua" with notepad and edit the values at the beginning of the file.
To uninstall the mod remove "[Path To Steam]\steamapps\common\Dragons Dogma 2\reframework\autorun\r457ProperCamControlPC.lua" file.
DO NOT use any other mouse sensitivity/acceleration mod with this one! They won't be compatible and will undo tweaks done by this script!
This mod is a more complex version of Camera Input Sensitivity Editor, you don't need Camera Input Sensitivity Editor if you're using this mod. Do NOT use Proper Camera Controls for PC and Camera Input Sensitivity Editor together - they will conflict.
If using True Shoulder Camera or Vocation Auto Camera Switcher, open your Steam\steamapps\common\Dragons Dogma 2\reframework\autorun\r457Camera.lua and in that script set both modify_base_speed_rates and modify_aim_speed_rates to false - otherwise they will conflict with this script.
Recommended mods and in-game settings for better PC experience
- Mouse Wheel Movement Speed Grand Cruise Control
- Simple Camera FOV OR True Shoulder Camera OR Vocation Auto Camera Switcher
- Disable camera tracking and auto-adjust in Options -> Camera.
- Adjust mouse sensitivity settings to your comfort, try ALL of them and not just the mouse ones down below in the options! They ALL affect the mouse!
- Set camera distance in between middle and max values.