Dragon Quest X Offline

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DQXDude _ mike9k1 _ KodywithaK

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  1. iiGlacialii
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    hi where do i install the No DLC Compatibility Patch? im using ryujinx. sorry im new
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Same place you installed the files from the main patch, inside the Paks folder.

    2. iiGlacialii
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      thank you :)
  2. jozefpawelec
    • member
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    Hi, I see new version for PC but not for PC? One from 17th May?
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Yes. I assume you mean v0.2.6, which is up for PC but not available for Switch (yet). That is correct. Per the changelog:

      • ** This update is PC exclusive (for now), due to time constraints with testing the Switch version **
      • UI/Widgets: Translated hard-coded parts of File Select Menu, Character Status List, Equipment Details, Shop Menu and Close button
      • UI/TitleScreen: Added translation for various in-game Coup De Grace cutscenes

      There are some parts of this update that needed some extra work & testing for the Switch version before I could put it up.

      This is because certain "hard-coded" files are incompatible between platforms (Switch and PC) and versions (v1 and v2). So a lot of extra work has to be done in order to make everything work on every platform and game version.

      What I will likely do is roll these changes into v0.2.7 later this week. This update WILL be available for both Switch and PC. 
    2. jozefpawelec
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Great thx :)
  3. dragoon112
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Awesome project, Thank you!
  4. luluntes3001
    • member
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    Great project!!!! I would like to know if there is a possibility of helping with the translation. English is not my mother language, but I would love to do some work within this incredible project. I myself have one in parallel, which is to port the translation of Dragon Quest Heroes to Switch, but until I progress with that, I would REALLY like to help with the translation of Dragon Quest X.
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      I'm really glad to hear the enthusiasm. We might be able to figure something out depending on what you might be interested in working on.

      Ofc we could always use more playtesters/etc. So if you're interested in streaming or showcasing the translation, that's always very welcome and requires very little knowledge -- just play the game and show it off to other DQ fans who might be interested in the 10th entry of the series.

      A good place to start for someone specifically interested in translating might be to look at the "testing" branch of the github to familiarize yourself with the files --> https://github.com/KodywithaK/dqx-offline-localization/tree/testing

      This is where we upload a lot of files that are then processed for Unreal Engine and packaged into the final product that you're able to download here. 

      I would also ask that you get in touch with us by posting in the Discord linked at the bottom of the mod description. That's where our team primarily communicates and collaborates. 

      If someone were interested in becoming a regular contributor, we'd probably want someone who we can onboard to our workflow and processes (i.e. can use tools reasonably, is able to follow instructions, communicates effectively, etc).

      If we think that someone may not be 'reliable' or quickly lose interest in the project (*ex: a laymen might be overwhelmed seeing just how much work is required on our end to put the mod together, even for just a simple update) -- we may not want to onboard that individual. 

      On the other hand, we're always open to accepting small, one-time contributions.


      Here's one file that's been very (very) roughly translated into English that i've been meaning to revise for some time. Might be a relatively simple task as a starter --> https://github.com/KodywithaK/dqx-offline-localization/blob/testing/FINAL/pakchunk0-Switch_P/Holiday/Content/StringTables/GAME/System/System_Content/STT_Tips_Content.csv 

      What you can do, is hit the "download' button. Go through and revise the file as best you can. And then send it to us in the Discord linked in the mod description. 

      We have a more "advanced" process we could put you through after that, but let's see how you can handle a simple task to start with.
    2. luluntes3001
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for allowing me to help. I will work all day at night on whatever is necessary. I don't have much experience in programming (if I need it) but any activity you want to give me, I accept and I promise that I will do my best to learn quickly. The time zone in my country (Brazil) is UTC+3, I will be online every day after 7pm. I will contact you via discord
    3. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Absolutely. I responded to you there
  5. phillipe69
    • member
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    Thank you very much guys, you are incredible, a hug from all Brazil fans
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Absolutely. We really appreciate the support

      Muito amor à comunidade brasileira  (Much love to the Brazilian community)
  6. IshtariaRecordings
    • member
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    Does anybody know if I save data on my CFW Switch, Can I transfer the save data to the cloud without triggering a ban to my Nintendo account if I want to play that save data on my non-CFW Switch? Thanks in advance!
    1. Dqxdude
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm going to say yes it should be fine as long as you aren't using an English name or doing anything else unusual on your cfw switch that would make the save different.

      Of course, anytime you mod a system all bets are off and anything is possible so please proceed with caution.
    2. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      tl,dr: you should be fine.

      I think an English name is only an issue for transferring to DQX Online*, shouldn't have anything to do with NSO's cloud save service, assuming that's what you're talking about. 

      *Even then, this is only because DQX Online's MMO service specifically doesn't allow English names. Nothing to do with Offline or the saves.
    3. IshtariaRecordings
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Going to give it a shot. Just bought a physical copy and want to go back and forth on my OLED but my OLED doesn't have CFW.
    4. IshtariaRecordings
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks a bunch guys
  7. Destructionares
    • supporter
    • 74 kudos
    Hey man very glad to see that this is actively being worked on, keep up the good work.

    Few questions. The story translation goes up to the DLC (I imagine V1 and V2 are already mostly fully translated from the bar in the mod description but figured I would ask)? Also side-quest and job quest wise what would you say are the most notable things still missing / to be translated (I would imagine you guys are doing the translations for the quests from first to last so, mostly asking up to what side-quest / whatever you'd say things start to be more and more noticeable)? Thanks.
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      1. Yes. Pretty much the entirety of the main quests / story from v1 are translated and quite a large portion of v2 is as well. 

      2. The vast majority of side quests will have some translation, but it's more likely to be MTL, so a bit rougher than the main quests / story which are almost entirely hand-translation.

      With job quests, it's hard to say exactly as there really isn't any definitive "order" to them -- the "starter" / "basic" vocations (such as warrior, mage, etc) are mostly finished to my knowledge, but a lot of the "advanced" vocations that have to be unlocked (such as paladin, armamentalist, etc) are still being worked on. 


      If you really want the most details as far as what's being worked on / etc. You can look at the changelog on GitHub here -- https://github.com/KodywithaK/dqx-offline-localization/commits/testing
  8. imanuelkornelius
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    Hi, does anyone here get crashes on the loading screen when moving locations? Does anyone have a solution?
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Edit, 4/5/24: It looks like you probably downloaded the wrong version. As I can see that you downloaded the PC version shortly before making this comment and then downloaded the Switch version (which is the same as what you had originally) -- so I can only assume that's what your issue was.


      You're the first to report it.... are you playing on Switch, Steam or emulator (yuzu, ryujinx) ?

      I see you downloaded both versions, so I can't tell from that. Knowing how you're playing will give us a starting point as to figuring out what the issue is on your end.

      Also make sure you copied all relevant files to your paks directory and mention what version of the game you're running as well (see the bottom right of the title screen)

    2. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      No response in 4 days. Idk guess they figured it out.
  9. Thank you so much for this mod and the speed at  which you fixed my report.

    On that note i have found another crash on the 0.2.3 version, would you prefer me to report it here or on Discord ?
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Go ahead and report it on Discord if you can. Be as detailed as possible.

      If need be, i'll create a bug report here based on what we find.
    2. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Update: turns out it's a v1/v2 compatibility issue. v0.2.4 will address this as soon as I can get it ready
  10. rudo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for this, I have a question though.  Does each new update include all the content from previous updates? or, do I need all the updates to be complete?  I ask because I had been using only the 0.1.7 update and when I replaced those files with the ones from the new 0.2.1 update there were some translations missing when I started  a new game.  I added the 0.1.7 files back and the missing translations were restored.  Thanks again for all your hard work on this project.
    1. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Everything is included with each release.

      When you update, make sure you remove the files from all previous versions and make sure you have all the files included with the latest release.

      Outside of that, please be specific about what was missing. You can contact us here or on Discord (linked on the "Description" tab)

      Edit: Looks like the dialogue files were mixed up or something. Looking into it now...

      Edit 2: v0.2.2 is up and should have this fixed.
    2. rudo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      OK, thanks that is good to know.  I did notice that the english dialog file is a smaller size in the 0.2.1 release (9,311 KB) compared to the 0.1.7 release (10,528 KB), could that explain the missing translations that I noticed when selecting the players race at the beginning of a new game?
    3. mike9k1
      • supporter
      • 79 kudos
      Uploading v0.2.2 now, which should fix this.

      Turns out there were some dialogue files missing when v0.2.1 was packed, which affected a number of early game areas such as Julet, Glen Castle, the area where you select your character's race, etc.

      My dev PC has been out of commission for about a month or so now (motherboard failure), so i'm actually working on everything with my old hard drive mounted to a temp setup. It's a bit of a pain as I have to copy over a lot of different files between the one PC I have for testing and the other PC I have mounted for prepping and packing -- it's real easy to goof and forget something in the process. 


      The size of the dialogue files are a somewhat interesting case. v0.1.7 only had 609 dialogue files included, whereas v0.2.1 had 613 (4 additional files total), but was actually missing around 18 or so from the previous version. v0.2.2 has 631 files, yet it is still smaller in size than v0.1.7 in terms of data.

      Part of this is because the raw etp files tend to actually get smaller when the Japanese (UTF-16) is replaced with English (ANSI). Typically each English character is only 1 byte in length, whereas each Japanese character is 2 bytes*. So, generally speaking, the individual files get smaller as more is translated from the files themselves, but of course the package will get bigger as new dialogue files are added. Then, as those new files are translated further, they get smaller again. So, you will see the size fluctuate over time.  

      *(Sometimes English lines are still longer than an equivalent Japanese line, so this isn't a hard-and-fast rule). 
    4. rudo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Great! Thanks for the quick fix and the detailed explanation.  I will test out the new version soon.  Keep up the good work, I and many others really appreciate all your work on this outstanding project!

      Edit:  0.2.2 restored the missing translations from 0.2.1 that I saw in the game.   Thanks again!