Dragon Quest XI S: Definitive Edition

This details the structure of data in DT_MonsterFieldAI and what these values actually do.

First off, understand that all of the DataTable values are stored in little endian if you're converting these values to and from hex.


FieldBasicSpeed (float, 4 bytes) - Defines the basic speed, varies from monster to monster, usually ranging from around 600 to 1200. This value is modified by ChaseSpeed/EscapeSpeed/RageSpeed. Also very important to note: Lower is Faster.

So, say if you have a monster with a default basic speed of 900, reducing it to 700 or 600 will make it faster. On the contrary, increasing the value will make it slower.


ChaseSpeed (enum, 1 byte) - This (along with the next two) modify the basic speed situationally, it is a value of 01 to 09. This is what speed (modifier) is applied when the enemy has spotted you and tracking you down.

A breakdown of these values:
00- SuperSlow
01- VerySlow
02- Slow
03- SlightlySlow
04- Normal
05- SlightlyFast
06- Fast
07- VeryFast
08- SuperFast
09- Original


EscapeSpeed (enum1 byte) - This is what speed (modifier) is applied when you are too strong for the enemy and it is trying to run away from you.


RageSpeed (enum1 byte) - This is what speed (modifier) is applied when you have shot an enemy with a crossbow and they are coming to exact vengeance upon you.


SearchType (enum1 byte) - Two possible values that define how the monster "senses" you.

01 - EyeSight
02- Hearing


SearchRadius (int4 bytes) - Defines the distance that a monster will detect and chase you from. Typical value: ~800


SearchAngle (int4 bytes) - Defines the angle that a monster will detect you. Useful values are all in degrees, so 0 - 360. Typical value: ~60-120


SpreadDistance (int4 bytes) - Defines the distance that a monster will detect from this spawn ("pop") location. Usually similar or identical to SearchRadius.


MovementWeak (enum1 byte) - Defines the monster's movement when it is determined to be weaker than you (see WeakMovementThreshold). Values are 00 - 02.

00- Attack anyway (?)
01- Run away
02- Ignore


MovementStrong (enum1 byte) - Defines the monster's movement when it is determined to be stronger than you (see WeakMovementThreshold). Values are 00 - 02.

00- "Smart" rush
01- "Blind" rush
02- Ignore


WeakMovementThreshold (int4 bytes) - A value between -99 and +99 (typically) which determines whether a monster is considered "stronger" or "weaker". -99 will make them always run away. +99 *seems to make them always aggressive. 




wanderingRadius - 00 00 7A 45 (4000)
float (little endian) - default 00 00 7A 44 (1000)

wanderingMoveDistance - 00 00 FA 44 (2000)
float (little endian) - default 00 00 FA 43 (500)

escapeMoveDistance - (unchanged)
Black Dragon Sequence - 00 00 00 40 (2)
float (little endian) - default 00 80 3B 45 (3000)

rushMoveDistance - 00 B8 88 47 (70000)
Black Dragon Sequence - 00 00 00 40 (2)
float (little endian) - default 2000

chaseRadiusFromFindLocation - 00 50 C3 47 (100000)
Black Dragon Sequence - 00 00 00 40 (2)
float (little endian) - default 3000

chaseRadiusFromPopLocation - 00 50 C3 47 (100000)
Black Dragon Sequence - 00 00 00 40 (2)
float (little endian) - default 5000

chaseRadiusFromFindTargetLocation - 00 50 C3 47 (100000)
Black Dragon Sequence - 00 00 00 40 (2)
float (little endian) - default 4000

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