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========Protagonist Image========
Place the image(s) you want to use in the "character" folder.
Afterwards, hold the sub key after starting a new game or loading a save file.
You can access the protagonist settings from here.
Walking sprite: 4-direction character sprite sheet
Portrait: Displays on the right (x1030y510) by default and can be placed in the center. The image is automatically mirrored when displayed on the left.
Note that any issues that occur after changing these images cannot be addressed by customer support.

========Projection Circle========
Place the image(s) you want to use in the "texture" folder, and examine the Projection Circle in-game.
Only JPG and PNG files are supported.
There are no size limitations for the images, but note that any issues that occur due to image size problems cannot be addressed by customer support.
Deleting an image file from the folder when it is being used in a Projection Circle will cause errors. Please be careful.

========Character Creation========
��������How to Add Characters��������
Upon starting a new game, or loading a save file, hold the sub key to access the character implementation menus.
Characters you implement from here will become recruitable.

To add a character, you will need to prepare the necessary data for the character. Read the following sections for more information on what data is required.
Put all the data for one character in a single folder, and place that folder in the "character" folder.
Afterwards, it works in the same way as changing the protagonist images.

As long as the folders are named differently, you can add characters with the same name.
If you want to update the data of a character, reimplement their data by following the same steps as above.

��Official hub for custom characters:
Please read the terms and conditions carefully before using other people's data.

Unless stated otherwise, redistributing other's character data or using it outside of Drago Noka is prohibited.

������Deleting custom characters������
Please avoid deleting characters you added that have appeared in the game.
They will appear in past logs, so deleting the character data has a high risk of causing errors.
If you want to delete a character, please first dismiss them from the village, and then remove them from the character implementation menu.
If you want to delete the character's files from your computer, do the above steps first before deleting the data.
If you remove any text or setting data directly from the folder without following these steps, it will most certainly cause errors.

�������@�@�@�@�@�@�@How to create your own character�@�@�@�@�@�@�@������
������WARNING!! It is highly recommended to beat the game once before reading the following section!!������

������Custom character data������
At the very least, you will need the character txt file, a walking sprite, and a portrait.
However, the character should be able to function without a portrait.
Only PNG files are supported for walking sprites and portraits.

������Guide on making a custom character������
This is a basic rundown of how to write the character text.
In most cases, it would be the easiest and most intuitive to edit Sample's text.
Files with the same name may overwrite each other, so it would be safer to give the files unique names (eg. the character's name+the creator's name) to lower the chances of your file having the same name as someone else's.
For images, only JPG and PNG files are supported.
If you want to prevent your images from being directly referenced, a simple measure is to change the filename extention to something else.
It should still work, but there is a chance that your computer's security software will try to block it.
Images set as hidden files should also work as well, so you could try that instead.

Please include a text file detailing your terms of use in your character folder. You can find an example of this in the sample characters' folders.
It would be much appreciated if creators could allow the assets to be used outside of Drago Noka.
This is because I noticed a lack of resources for free game creators while developing games, and hope that this can help add more resources to the pool for everyone.

������When your text appears corrupted in-game������
It is likely that your text uses the UTF-8 character encoding.
Converting it into another encoding, such as ANSI, should fix the problem.
If you are using a text editor, you can change the encoding settings when you save the file.

��������Please check the terms of use of the assets when publishing your character data��������
Don't forget to include a txt file detailing any copyright statements necessary.

When promoting your character on Twitter or other platforms, you may use the hashtag #dragonokacreate to make it easier to find.

��Official hub for custom characters
If you are looking for a place to upload your character data, please use the following link:
Please read the terms and conditions carefully before using other people's data, and specify [EN] when uploading mods for the English version.

��List of settings��

Character name. (Try to keep it short)

The file name of the 4-direction walking sprite.

The description that appears when the character is available for recruitment.

Honorifics for when they refer to other characters. (For JP)

When they sleep. 1-Normal / 2-Early bird / 3-Night owl / 4-Takes naps

1-Farming / 2-Blacksmithing / 3-Sewing / 4-Ranching / 5-Cooking / 6-Fishing / 7-Synthesis / 10-Custom

Custom jobs require the following settings. (Ignore this if your character uses a default job.)
Note that characters with custom jobs will only become recruitable after the villager limits have been lifted.
��Custom job settings
The name of the custom job.

The character's furniture/item requests. Either use an item tag or specific item names.
Item tags are large categories such as "Storage". When in doubt, specify the item name.
If nothing is inputted here, the character will only request for a basic house.
��End of custom job settings

@suki is for likes, and @kirai is for dislikes. By default, all characters dislike items with the tags "GrassClass", "Wood", "Stone" and "Clay". However, if you use these tags in @suki, they will count towards likes instead.

The pitch of the sound that plays when the character speaks. The character's "voice".
0-Low / 1-Slightly high / 2-High / 3-Very high / 4-Medium

The file name of the character's portrait. Displays on the right (x1030y510) by default and can be placed in the center. The image is automatically mirrored when displayed on the left.
The character portrait will be displayed in full during events. (eg. marriage) Fullbody portraits are recommended.

Adjusts the character portrait on the y-axis.
You may test this from the test dialogue "kekkon". (Character test -> character name)

The file names for a blinking animation for the portrait. Can be left empty.
This will make your character portrait blink during conversations.
It will randomly repeat in the order of 1-2-1.

The file names for a mouth flap animation for the portrait. Can be left empty.
This will make your character portrait move their mouth during conversations.
Your character will randomly move their mouth when talking.
The mouth flaps used in-game are "a", "ee", and "oo".
By adding "ALL" to the file name, this will update the entire portrait instead of just the mouth.

Blinking and mouth flap animations will display on the same coordinates as the portrait, so it is recommended to make them all the same size.
Imagine that the animations are being layered on top of the portrait.

What the character will shout from Grant's back during a battle.

What the character will say on the cliff after a battle. @kati is after a victory, and @make is after a defeat.

A basic greeting. What the character says first when you talk to them.

A bad greeting. What the character says first when you talk to them, but they hate you.

A sick greeting. What the character says first when you talk to them while they're sick.

A half-awake greeting. What the character says first when you talk to them while they were sleeping.

A word of thanks for when you fulfill the character's requests.

A word of thanks for when you give the character medicine when theyre sick.

What the character says when they don't have a house.

The first conversation that occurs when you first recruit the character to the village.

What the character says when you ask them about their requests.
Use "\s[4]" in place of the requested furniture/item.
\s[4] can only be used in requests. It can show multiple items all at once. \s[4] may not work in other pieces of text.

What the character says when you marry them.

What the character says when you divorce them.

What the character says first when you talk to them while you're married to them.

What the character says when they suggest making a child.

What the character says right before the child-making process.

What the character says after the child is made. The child will be named by the protagonist.

What the character says after you name the child.

What the character says when the child's time is up.

A word of thanks for when you give the character a present.

A word of thanks for when you give the character a present that they like.

A word of "thanks" for when you give the character a present that they dislike.

Conversation events. Happens every 10 affection points.

The conversation event that happens every 10 affection points above 100. The character will give you a handmade meal.

The conversation that occurs after the ending if you are married to the character.

A word of thanks for after you fulfill their requests. In-game, this includes explanations for the tools, recipes etc. that you receive after requests are fulfilled.
Since most people wouldn't use custom characters from the very start, explanations are not required. Feel free to let your character talk about whatever you want.
The requests and what you receive for fulfilling them for each job are as follows:

(In the order of job numbers)
1-Farming / 1-House: Farming Hoe, Watering Can and Nika Turnip Seeds / 2-Seed Bag Pile: Watering Can water capacity+9 / 3-Fertilizer Bag Pile: Watering Can water capacity+9 and effect area+1 / 4-Seed Maker: Well craft recipe / 5-Fixed Temp. Storage: Watering Can water capacity+9 and effect area+1
2-Blacksmithing / 1-House: Shovel / 2-Work Table: Earthen House and Path craft recipes / 3-Furnace: Stone House and Path craft recipes / 4-Stonecutting Table: Excavation Drill, Stairs and Blast Furnace craft recipes / 5-Anvil: None
3-Sewing / 1-House: Pickaxe / 2-Spinning Wheel: Furnace craft recipe / 3-Tanning Table: None / 4- Stationery Set: Bear Plush craft recipe / 5-Engraving Table: Drill
4 Ranching / 1-House: Hidehare Eggs and Poopoo Eggs / 2-Feed Box: Rope / 3-Taxidermy Mount: Paintbrush / 4-Animal Encyclopedia: Wyvern Egg / 5-Call Bell: None
5-Cooking / 1-House: Bonfire craft recipe / 2-Kitchen Knife: Flint / 3- Cooking Counter: Indoors Lighting craft recipe / 4-Wine Barrel: None / 5-Cooking Stove: Dry Storage craft recipe / 6-Kitchen: None
6-Fishing / 1-House: Fishing Rod / 2-Bucket: Wooden Bridge craft recipe / 3-Fishing Bucket: Outdoors Lighting craft recipe / 4-Swim Ring: None / 5-Casting Net: Hose
7-Synthesis / 1-House: Magnifying Glass / 2-Mortar and Pestle: None / 3-Test Tube Set: Conveyor Flooring craft recipe / 4-Microscope: Dangerous Flooring craft recipe / 5-Witch's Cauldron: Collection Device craft recipe

��Below are the commands used in conversation events��
Only the following commands are supported.
"R" displays the portrait on the right. "L" is for left, "C" is for center.

ATTENTION!! Do not use "@" or "[word].[word]" in dialogue.

This is the name of the protagonist. (For JP: Honorifics are automaticall added, so do not write them into the dialogue)

Displays the character's portrait on the right.

Displays the protagonist's portrait on the left.

Displays Mimimi's portrait on the left.

Specify a file name to display an image in the center.

Stop displaying a displayed image.

A 60-frame fade-in/fade-out. The value can be adjusted.
Applies to images and how they are displayed/hidden.

Apply the commands in this order.

Wait 60. The value can be adjusted.

Reveals the character's likes and replaces the corresponding ??? in their profile.

Reveals the character's dislikes and replaces the corresponding ??? in their profile.

Mimimi will slide in and do a dogeza (beg on all fours).

This makes the event untestable. A solution for when you don't want players to read the event with the test function.

Add a file name to make it so a specific image shows up in the loading screen. Only one image can be registered. Even if you add more images, they will be overwritten.

For dialogue branches, use:

Choice 1
Choice 2
Conversation that takes place after Choice 1.
Conversation that takes place after Choice 2.

The "skip" command skips dialogue until the specified lines (in this case, the line after the @aaaaa command).
Mix and match these commands for the desired results.
There are no limits to the number of dialogue choices.

Ends the conversation.

Makes it so that the portrait stays visible after the conversation ends.
If you follow Sample's example and use this command in the same places, your character will display in a way that's consistent with the in-game characters.
This mainly includes greetings, such as when you ask them to perform a task.

Random number generator. The values can be adjusted.
Registers random numbers within a certain range.
The random number is regenerated every time the dialogue is triggered.

The text that corresponds to the generated random number will be displayed.


Hey there!

Either of these lines will be displayed.
Even when viewing past events in the records, the same process occurs.

Saves the variable as a specified number.
This can be used for branching dialogue based on user choices.
This value is specific to the character, so it remains the same across different events.
The initial value is 0.

The text that corresponds to the generated random number will be displayed.


After another conversation:


In this case, only conversation 2 will play out.
When viewing past events in the records, the log will reflect the values at the time.

Creates variations in dialogue based on affection level.
If the character's affection is above the specified value, the corresponding dialogue will play out.

I love you!! Kiss kiss!!
Love you!
Put the higher values first, so they will run in the order of highest to lowest.
When viewing past events in the records, the log will reflect the affection levels at the time.

Creates variations in dialogue based on the time of day.
1-Morning / 2-Afternoon / 3-Evening / 4-Night / 5-Late Night

Good morning.

Good afternoon.

In this case, the character will only say "good morning" in the morning.

Creates variations in dialogue based on your current dragon realm(s).
1-Fire / 2-Ice / 3-Water / 4-Wind / 5-Rock / 6-Light / 7-Dark / 8-Forest / 9-Demonic / 10-Giant

I love the Fire Dragon!

Good afternoon.

In this case, the character will have special dialogue when in the Fire Dragon's realm.

Creates variations in dialogue based on the time.

Good morning.

Good afternoon.

In this case, the character will say "good morning" from 08:00 to 10:00.

����ATTENTION!! For dialogue variations!!
Putting an "end" command in the middle will cut the entire text short. Please use another command (such as "skip") to skip to the end in-game while keeping the rest of the text intact.

Use this to display text in the middle of the screen.
Surround text with "" to make it yellow.
@txtYou were taught "Dogeza"!

Changes the transparency of the speaker's name (on the right side) to the specified value for the rest of the event.

Changes the transparency of the character's portrait (on the right side) to the specified value for the rest of the event.
Setting it to a value below 255 disables blinking and mouth flap animations.

@R.tatue[name of file].png
Changes the portrait (on the right side) to the specified image for the rest of the event.
Disables blinking and mouth flap animations.
Remove the file name to revert this setting.

Put this command in dialogue to ignore any commands that follow and display them as dialogue text.
%%%@R Display on right
The resulting dialogue will say "@R Display on right".

Use ### to add a note or memo that won't affect commands or show up in the game.
###Fire Dragon exclusive dialogue below
Use this to annotate complicated branches or dialogue choices.

Feel free to mix and match all of these commands to create all sorts of characters.