Dragon Age: Inquisition
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  1. parysa
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I love these so much! I use your saves all the time. I can't even begin to figure out how you make them, so they're like magic to me, lol. What I usually do is start a character with the New Game Plus mod and play the main quests until Skyhold and then switch to your saves for the rest, lol. I detest side quests with a passion and when I found out DAI would be open world, I marked it off my list of games to play. Thanks to you, it's my favorite game in the series.
    Now if I could just find the same thing for Mass Effect Andromeda, lol. 
    1. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Awww! Thank you! I'm so glad you get so much use out of them! New Games Plus is the bomb. I haven't run a game without it since I discovered it. That and Craftorama set me up right! 
      I've thought about whether or not there are other games I could run the same way, but not even the other DA games would work this way, much less the ME games. Tho' that would definitely be a good time!
    2. parysa
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Craftorama is great, too.
      Do you use save edits or? I've wondered how you make these, but google searches don't turn anything up and modifying anything with DAI is such a pain. 
    3. Jheresy
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      • 50 kudos
      Nope, no save edit. I'm pretty sure that's why some folks run into a lot of issues with the patch number situation. I just start the game, chat up everyone in Haven, run through either the mages or the templars, get to Skyhold and talk to no one. Then I just go to each location and run down all the stuff. I always enjoyed the combat of DAI, and I'm a nerd completionist at heart, so it was easy enough to do. Once I get through all of it, I save and quit. Run DAI mod manager with no mods selected, then I open the game up, use tactician's renewal on everyone, save and quit. Then I tie it all up in a nice little zip folder and ta-da!
    4. parysa
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      That is so much simpler and so much more work than I'd expected, haha! That's just amazing. It is greatly appreciated by this non-completionist.
      For the patch issue, there's a really easy fix on that one. What I do is:
      1) back up the vanilla patch folder
      2) open the package.mft file in Notepad and change the number to 14. Save and close.
      3) run mod manager once (with or without mods). This will change the version to 15 and always works for me. For some reason, just changing it by hand doesn't. MM does something to the file that updates it.
      4) delete the original Patch folder and rename the ModManagerMerge version to Patch
      5) go to the package.mft file in the new Patch folder, delete the last line that gets added in, and save it. The version should be 15 now.
      Voila, it will now run your save. If it doesn't, repeat the steps 3-5 to bump it to version 16. 
  2. AngieDarkqueen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Wow, Thank you for this!

    I played DAI three times for now and completed everything, but i wanted to see the other romances without doing all the side quests again xD
    One Question: Where do you take the time to do all these saves? (or is there a trick?) I wish i have this time :(

    Anyway great work! Best regards form germany! :)
    1. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Well, the trick really is that I have too much time on my hands. I'm disabled, so I'm home all the time. These games have been a life-line for me, giving me something to do that I enjoy, and these saves have been a joy for me to make and share. Plus, by the time I got around to making these saves, I had been playing the game enough that I just have a good pattern down. Not doing any looting shaved off some more time.

      I'm quite glad that I was able to give you a chance to explore more of the personal stories that the game has to share. And best regards from the States!
  3. soin160594
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Hi i have an issue with this save, my blackwall has -290 reseistance melee magic and distance, i use no mod and i did a fresh installation to fix, it didnt change...
    Someone has any idea whats this ?

    Edit: I tried other save, its only this one
    1. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      That's strange. Is it the armor I put him in? Or the accessories I put on him? I mean, that seems unlikely, but I've never encountered this before.
    2. soin160594
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      I removed everything, his armor, tried without mods, with fresh installations, still negatives defense
    3. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Is it just Blackwall? I'll install my deluxe content and download the file from here, see if the same thing happens to me.
    4. soin160594
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Yes just Blackwall
      I really tried everything, with and without mods, fresh installation twice, with all dlc
    5. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Right. When I downloaded the file from here, Blackwall's melee, magic, and distance resistances were all in the -200's. So then I checked the file I had in my folders, and it was the same. Then I checked the file from the HM mage I had uploaded right before this rogue, and it was the same. So then I checked a bunch of the other saves I made before and they were all normal. It's something I did on my end that made it that way. I tend to arm and armor all of my companions the same way from one game to the next, and I give them the same builds from one game to the next. Whatever it is that happened, it happened with two separate characters, but not all of them. So the questions is, what happened in those two characters that made that happen? A bug? In the end, I can't do anything to fix it, since I don't know what caused it. I am sorry I can't be of more help with this one.

      edit: I'm really sorry that I asked you some obvious questions to begin with, but I was rather confused by it all. Also, I just went through all of the No Deluxe Content characters and no one else has this going on. I'll just have to keep an eye on Blackwall, I guess.
    6. soin160594
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Did you use mods during their playthrough ?
    7. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      I did, but they're the same mods I always use. And the only one that has a direct effect on him is the Barefaced Blackwall mod, but I always use that one too. None of the mods affect stats, only the arms, armor, and accessories do. I use the Unlock Specializations mod, but that only affects my character. I put him in the warden armor, and with the Upgraded Schematics mod, it gives him a +20 strength/+20 constitution. I usually put melee and ranged defense on his shield. But that's what I always use and this has only happened on two characters, and unfortunately, they were made long enough ago so that I don't remember what would have been different about those two playthroughs.
  4. Ghenku
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    So I've bumped the package.mft up to 13, and I still get the "save data was created with a newer version of the game" message. I'd really like to use the save, but it seems like despite removing all mods and repairing the installation, it's still not allowing me to use the save. Any thoughts?
    1. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Try changing the version number to 14. It's possible that my patch is updated and I need to change that info on all of my save pages.

      The other reason some people have been unable to use these saves is because they don't have any of the add-ons (spoils of the qunari, etc). If you don't have those, try the EM rogue I posted most recently. He's the first save I have uploaded without any of the extra content. I mean, still the dlcs, but not the equipment addons.

      Let me know if you get it working or not!
    2. Ghenku
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      • 0 kudos
      I did get it working, turns out that any game that previously had any mods attached to it has to be run with the addon manager patch, so even though I cleared my mods, I forced it to repatch through mod manager, adjusted the package.mft and it works now. Its a fantastic way to play the game again with a different class while not having to repeat all the side stuff. Kudos.
    3. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Hooray! I'm glad you got it working! Have a great time!
  5. bucky699
    • premium
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    So all side quests does that mean in the DLC stuff like the deep roads and jaws of hackon, or are we talkin only sides in the main areas of the game? Either way these saves are great, i've wanted to replay for story many times but couldn't be assed with the grind.
    1. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      I play through all of the main game content. I leave Descent and Hakkon for folks to run themselves, figuring most folks want to. I can always go back to a save and complete them, then upload the new save.
    2. bucky699
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      No no that's exactly what i wanted, to this day still haven't played them cause well yea could never be assed getting that far ahead again. Thnx for all your hard work, time for a new playthrough
    3. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Oh good! I hope you have a great time with it!
  6. ramiropo123
    • supporter
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    human mage ,allied with mages
    hof romanced morrigan, done ritual , followed her, alistar and anora king and queen
    hawke mage, isabella romance ,carver warden, anders died..
    can you do that please:-)?
    1. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Sure. Human female or male?
    2. ramiropo123
      • supporter
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    3. ramiropo123
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      thank you in advance!
  7. Kierane
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you ! <3
    1. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      You're quite welcome! Enjoy!
  8. GemGemWall
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Another great save file I've been waiting to romance Dorian, this gives me an excuse, thank you!
    I know you're probably inundated with requests now, but is there any chance you could please do a female elf or human mage that allied with the mages? Hero romanced Ali but they stayed with the Wardens, and a Hawke that romanced Anders but killed him when he blew the chantry?
    Either way, thank you for the saves
    1. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      The HF mage that's in the line-up is already started, and I've been asked to ally her with the templars. I have a world state all set up like you want it, but will be making a character from scratch. So which would you like - elf or human?
    2. GemGemWall
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      If you could do an elf I'd be grateful forever! Thank you sooooo much, you're a star
      I need a Hawke that I could leave in the fade without wanting to throw my Inquisitor from the tallest tower in Skyhold, hence killing Anders off. Hopefully I won't feel quite as awful about it!
    3. Jheresy
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Oh man, that is exactly why I almost always make Alistair king, even if I didn't play it that way in Origins. I can't stand to leave him in the Fade, it just breaks my heart! I mean, I like the Zevran romance a lot, but Alistair was my first DAO love, so he'll always be my favorite. :D I'll put an elf female mage on my list and will let you know as soon as she's done. Thanks for playing my saves! I hope you're enjoying them!