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Rejigs the Arishok's AI and ability cooldowns to make him less likely to chain knockdowns onto your poor screaming behind

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Ah, the Arishok fight. Does anybody not hate it? He knocks you down, then knocks you down again, then knocks you down again, and finally, just as you think it's over, he impales you, drops you on the floor... and knocks you down again. Cue a lot of running and screaming. It's not epic, it's not fun to play, and it can take upwards of ten minutes.

So I've made an attempt at fixing it. Most of his ability cooldowns were very short (10 or 15 seconds, by comparison with a warrior Hawke's 20-30 seconds), and his AI had a very high chance of doing any of them in melee range in any given time. I've lengthened the cooldowns to be closer to Hawke's, and also staggered them so that his abilities are much less likely to all come off cooldown at the same time: as long as you can survive the initial onslaught, you should have a little more breathing room.

On the AI side of things, he will no longer heal himself* (the fight is long enough already) or charge you when he's already within melee range, and his chance of using his trip attack has been dramatically reduced, down to about 5% from 50%. I've also dropped the impale attack from 50% to 25% and made a few other minor tweaks. His damage output has not been changed, so watch out: if he could oneshot you before, he still can now.

*I think. In one of my test battles he did seem to, but I'm not sure: let me know if you spot it.

Tested on Normal mode with both a warrior and a mage. There was still some running and screaming, but overall the fight felt more like a battle of equals and less like a baby crying in a corner while the school bully jumps up and down on their head.