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About this mod

To increase your movement/running speed. Base movement speed is 6. The mods in this zip increase it to 12 or 9 depending on which one you choose. ===> Compatible with other mods that alter apr_base.gda

Permissions and credits
There are three versions of this mod included in the zip:

apr_base_runspeed_all.gda - This doubles your movement speed (to 12) both in and out of combat.

apr_base_runspeed_combat.gda - This doubles your movement speed (to 12) only OUT of combat.

apr_base_runspeed_half.gda - This increases your movement speed by 50% (to 9)only OUT of combat.

===> Compatible with other mods that alter apr_base.gda

Remember mod authors: when you make changes to a .gda file you only need to share a file that includes the lines you changed. That way, your mod is compatible with other mods that change the same file. That is why this mod is compatible with other apr_base.gda changing mods (like those that alter your mabari hound).