suc ha great mod, alwasy found it stupid how you were forced to have certain talent and were unable to respec them. Now you can build your character as you want! like it should be for an rpg !
i love this mod, but for a really insane reason....I've working on a mod for like *forever* and we're entering the testing stage and so far it's been tested for compatibility with over 200 different mods and this one was the first one to pop it. lol it was an easy compatibility fix that only took me like 2 mins to create a patch for it, but still i was impressed that it was something soooooo flippin' minor that got me. congrats! lol
I was having a problem where no matter what origin I chose, when I got to Ostragar the king greeted me with the generic human commoner dialogue. After much trial and error, I discovered that it was this mod causing it. I was using a version I downloaded when the game first came out, and since my game is patched to 1.4 now, its obviously not going to work. Does anyone know if the latest version is compatible with 1.4?
Use this: instead of this mod.
This mod posted here is outdated and has a healing bug after combat: you only heal 10 points of health and stamina (even with lv. 20) and therefore it takes really long to regenerate.
The mod above fixes this bug but ONLY if you respec your character with the respec mod or do a level-up.
Use this: instead of this mod.
This mod posted here is outdated and has a healing bug after combat: you only heal 10 points of health and stamina (even with lv. 20) and therefore it takes really long to regenerate.
The mod above fixes this bug but ONLY if you respec your character with the respec mod or do a level-up.
You are my hero ^_^