Dragon Age: Origins

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Place in [Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override]
What this mod does
Ranking of guards [ Orzammar Guards -> Proving Guards -> Royal Guards -> Second Lieutenants -> First Lieutenants -> Captains -> Commanders
All Guards from Second Lieutenants - Commander now have individual names. Example... [First Lieutenant, Halgrir] | [Captain Thurgur] where as before [Royal Escort] | [Mines Commander]
Modified Vanilla outfits for Commons Guards
Proving Guards equipped with a set of medium dwarven armor from Shanamah's Daughters of the Stone
Royal Guards are now equipped with a set of heavy orzammar armor from Shanamah's Daughters of the Stone and a matching helmet from Rak's Rak_DwarvenWarden in custom red tint
Second Lieutenants & First Lieutenants have the same armor as Royal Guards, but with Shanamah's Daughters of the Stone matching helmet
Captains are equipped with a full set of Shanamah's Daughters of the Stone in custom black tint
Commanders are equipped with a full set of Shanamah's Daughters of the Stone in base material silverite
Changed Trian's Name to "Crown Prince Trian Aeducan" instead of just "Prince Trian Aeducan", Put Trian in Commander armor since he is a commander, and gave him a better weapon model.
Proving area
swapped out Orzammar guards for proving guards.
Had to do it via area because the guards used the same resource as the commons.

Royal Palace
Added two Royal Guards to kitchen hall.
Added Trian's men to Throne room.
Model swapped character in cutscenes for continuity.
In the proving scene bioware had a royal guard getting his ass beat...
I didn't think it looked right, so I swapped him out for a random dwarf.
items sets (Helm, Chest, Gloves, Boots)
dcap = -10 fatigue when fullset equipped
dcom = -10 fatigue & flank immunity when fullset equipped
tint override
Armor is using custom tints that I made, make sure to place in override.
Gives PC Golden Aeducan Shield that Royal Guards carry at start of a new game.
Script will switch PC into a set of Commander gear when you start the deep roads expedition.
Why? Because they can't really expect you to haul-ass in a set of ancient armor!
It was just for the ceremony, right?...
Item scripts
get_dcom = Commander
get_dcap = Captain
get_drgo = Royal Guard/Lieutenant
get_pdg = Proving Guard
get_dgo_wep = Custom Weapons
Place in [Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override]