Dragon Age: Origins

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  1. PrinceArthur2708
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    If you read this, it's because you are searching solution to fix bug... those fix are great but obsolete and conflict with some MOD like Improved Atmosphere.

    Try this one, Qwinn's Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3.5 and Qwinn's hotfix 3.52 instead. It has more than 800 bug fix and after reading the list here I think Qwinn's fix
    all what you have here.

    See you ;)
  2. GregSolidus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks for fixing these bugs.
  3. SilverLucario
    • BANNED
    • 3 kudos
    Hello sorry for creating a Mod Mod error correction would not be possible to separate folders by your mod to know what the events are all within a single folder and if I want to remove modules that are not useful I can not because I do not know what Is that ... since there are many errors of compatibility with other mod known as AI or other bug fixes that there could be an update to your mod that fixes unique things please and fit it in separate folders every thing ...
  4. PainZero
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i would like to now if is posible to make it compatible with others mods like ZDF or dialogues tweaks?
  5. Ryno27
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Will this ever be updated? Great effort, but falls short just like all the other bug fix mods. Can't say I blame modders for losing interest. What a pile of issues to have to deal with /sigh
  6. Asimova
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Wow amazing mod! I'd like translate it in spanish, it's possible?
  7. Jengonthanda
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    By the way, the mod fixes a lot more things than is mentioned in the description. Like the dagger you are given in Dwarf Noble Origin is not ignored for instance. I even remember placing a missing door in Redcliff and lowering floating plants on some random encounter map I have never been in any of my playthroughs. I even tried to make Alistair warn the Warden about darkspawns in Korcari Wilds which he is supposed to do (don't know if it worked)

    I have no idea why I haven't mentioned any of that or the rest of the fixes.

    The biggest issue, in my opinion, is approval system. That is the Warden can talk to many companions before recruiting them there are approval hits in most of these conversations, but because they haven't been recruited yet these approval hits don't count. The best example of this is Morrigan, if you are rude to her in Korcari Wilds she should hate the Warden's guts (there are few quite severe hits in that dialogue) when she joins, but she doesn't.
    1. Tommy2368
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Just so you know, Alistair will warn the player about darkspawn in the Korcari Wilds with this mod installed.

      Zevran Dialogue Fixes does restore the approval hits in your very first conversation with Alistair. The only other companion I know of with missing approval changes is Morrigan. The Morrigan Restoration Patch does not fix that issue, but it's far too comprehensive to overlook.
    2. Jengonthanda
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Alistair is easy. There is no way to get out of this conversation without getting him to join the Warden, so I can just put the actual joining before any approval hits. Morrigan, Zevran, Sten, Oghren are different because there is an interim period before the first conversation and their joining. I can circumvent that by adding them into the pool, but the downside is that, although you can't add them to your group, they are shown on character selection screen. And it's not pretty. (I think it actually works with Morrigan because there are no character selection screens between Korkari Wilds and Flemeth's hut.)

      So I need to see if removing companions from the pool keeps their approval, and if it doesn't - or if it messes with the plot - I need to find a way to store it and add it on their joining.
  8. Tommy2368
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    I have played with this mod on a new character, up to the Denerim Alienage. I removed the files pertaining to the blood mage confronation... if Wynne doesn't complain when given the Blood Mage specialization, she shouldn't complain to Greagoir about you.

    I ran into the following issues in my run of the game.
    - Oghren did not appear at Tapster's when I was assigned to find Jarvia (working for Bhelen). He still showed up when I left for the Deep Roads.
    - Uthkiel the Crusher's new plot marker did not disappear on my run through the Fade.
    - Lost to the Curse is still bugged. Without Leliana or Morrigan in the party, Athras will not give the pendant.
    - The quest "Have You Seen Me?" could not be completed. Despite countless attempts to trigger the encounter on the World Map, I did not receive the encounter. Enabling the console and traveling to the location confirmed that I had not triggered the encounter beforehand.

    Most of the fixes, however, seem to be functioning properly. Endorsed, but I would like to see an update. This mod fixes more bugs than the Qwinn's fixpack (with the exceptions of the Teyrn's Crown and A Noble Birth quests), and was developed on the most recent version of the game.

    I would also like to see a new name for this mod. I actually stumbled on it by simple chance.
    1. BeeboiXD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Did you test the teyrn's crown or the noble birth quest with the mod (and without qwinn's/other mods) by any chance - info on them would be very nice
      Seeing a trend with plotflags and non-updating quests here

      And another call for a new name! Peer pressure him!
    2. Jengonthanda
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      • 4 kudos
      Hmm... I'm pretty sure Oghren doesn't appear there under certain conditions but I don't remember for sure and most possibly just screwed something up. The rest I don't recall at the moment.

      It is also quite possible that something else is taking precedence or was overwritten, as I recall some fixes required inventing new plots and plot flags.

      I don't think I touched Teyrn's Crown. It is screwed up so badly and Qwinn's solution if far from elegant but I couldn't come up with anything better.
    3. Tommy2368
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      I actually installed a few files from Qwinn's fixpack for the Teyrn's Crown and Noble Birth fixes. I was unable to test Noble Birth, but the Teyrn's Crown quest did work with Qwinn's fixpack. Only files related to those two quests were installed; this mod and Qwinn's mod sometimes use different files to fix the same bug (example: The Ostagar Chest).

      Two other observations on my bugs:

      - Lost to the Curse: I would expect Athras's dialogue to be modified, but this mod does not contain any DLG file for him.
      - Have You Seen Me: It may be possible that the relevant encounter was overridden by another encounter. In the script ranpt_generic_actions, if the encounter is placed in the queue even once, its plot flag is set to false, possibly preventing the encounter from ever triggering.

      Right now, I'm going through Awakening with my Arcane Warrior. Even with all the bugfixes the modding community has made (thank goodness), it still has some nasty bugs (like that quest for lyrium salts... ugh.) That's what happens when there's no source code.
  9. BeeboiXD
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Curious did you use qwinn's fixpack as a base by any chance? Compared the readmes and alot of the fixes seem to overlap, I'm kinda hoping this can act as it's successor
    Some nitpicky stuff:
    -For "Stealing the Teyrn's Crown". You mentioned that you fixed a 2 crown exploit under "Traitor's crown" but never mentioned whether you fixed the bugged solutions for the quest(?)

    -Can the Noble's birth quest actually succeed now? The readme kinda implies that it now only fails for the noble dwarf X)
    -there's also that convenient xp exploit(?)

    -Also you fixed the 2 summer swords but did you touch that the weird issue where Ser Cauthrien would appear in the funeral if she was died at the landsmeet, Loghain was recruited and the warden sacrificed himself?
    *http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Cauthrien (2nd bug)

    -Noticing you dug up the old wynne bloodmage scene - a fair warning that it can cause abit of gamebreaking weirdness with the plotflags (eg. if you've killed both the mages and the templars, landsmeet cannot occur) and some confusion to the epilogue if not worked around.
    *Refer to notes from Dialogue Tweaks, MRP's notes
    -line about there only ever being single warden mage is also incorrect (hence the cut)
    *broken circle wikipage http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Broken_Circle#Result

    -All the stuff from the "unobtainable item BUGFIX" seems to be present and "Golem Registry and Shapers Life Reward Fix" mods so I assume you incorporated them(?) should be worth a mention
    *http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/1262/? and http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/335/?

    -Did you happen to fix the lost nug quest? Just a useful note; there's a mod out there that fixes it but it uses nugbane for the unspecified reward (http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3432/?)

    ~more will come as one nits and picks through~
    -PS. the pack is greatly appreciated and is easily worth a good endorsement (+1). It really should be given a name that reflects its fixing prowess though...
    1. BeeboiXD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can confirm that the fix for the mage's quest chest in Ostagar breaks somewhat - even if looted (at night), there will always be a quest marker on the chest and it will stay forever in the journal

      p.s was done with quinn's fixpack as a base but not sure this would bear relevance as emerald has priority
    2. Jengonthanda
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      The whole idea behind that mod was to go through all bugs and fixes and see if the former were still present and the latter were still relevant in the latest version of the game. So yes, Qwinn's fixpack was both a guideline and an inspiration.

      Most of your questions I don't actually remember answer to but as far as I remember:
      - looting Ostagar's chest should complete the quest;
      - there is no actual scene with Wynne and the hero being a bloodmage, she just has something to say on the subject;
      - I haven't touched many things as I am not really all that skilled with the Toolset and some of the files are sadly missing from it (I think there are al least two dialogue files that cannot be opened and one of them has to do with the finale). I am also just on person who cannot possibly even think of all the combinations of flags;
      - I didn't really incorporate anything specifically. I went through a game looking for bugs, glitches, exploits, weirdnesses and tried to correct them. If I saw a creature having an item flagged as undroppable I made it droppable as there is no reason to even having an item if it cannot drop.

      P.S. Ah, the name. It was meant to be obfuscating for this mod was something I did for my personal use. Being not good at coding I just didn't want to attract undue attention to this attempt at fixing things.
    3. Question2
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Are you planning to update this further?

      Edit : From the changelog, i think you forgot to fix the demon in asunder, he drops no loot at all.
    4. Jengonthanda
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I'm thinking about it. The thing is apparently I lost all my notes on the mod. So I would have to do everything from scratch.

      P.S. What makes you think it's supposed to drop something?
    5. Question2
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      It just feels out of place. It's a boss encounter where the alternative choice is to accept a ton of gold for letting the demon go. But he doesnt even drop regular loot? That is very odd.
    6. BeeboiXD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Question2 - The Asunder quest was meant to be like that as the codex mentions that "others were hurt by warden's greed" if he allowed the demon to pass. Dropping shiny loot would contradict the loss and lessen the dramatic irony, so in this case, the fitting price of humility is nothing (or generic loot) :'|

      Jengon - An unexpected return, a good sign indeed :0 - many of us are still looking for the one fixpack to rule them all so we can finally stop prodding origins heh...If you're still committed, reckoning you should aim for your fixpack to completely supersede Qwinn's overtime. Documentation, source-files and to a lesser extent modability are quality points but really no one should be expecting anything so anything at all is great

      As for resources, you have emerald's own readme as well as qwinn's hyper-detailed one and all the time in the world to work with. If you suspect something could seriously compromise the mod's quality (ie losing references), no harm in starting over. TerraEx and ejoslin are also still around and they're both experienced scripters/modders. SpaceAlex of IA too but he may have his work cut out with his mod...They're probably playing Inquisition/have lives atm but at least consider asking/collaborating with them if you haven't already. Highly doubt anyone will disapprove of helping another to improve or form a more stable pack for the community
      I got the toolset, two working eyes and keen to help out/nitpick in anyway I can, so there's that...

      P.s1 The pack deserves to be more well-known, don't be shy (>^_^)>
      P.s2 Do you know a quick and clean way to access levels, locations, specific quests, saves for testing in-game or otherwise? Testing the Ostagar chest but it's slow :/
    7. Jengonthanda
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah, right now I'm trying to figure out a better way to organize documentation so it'll be easy to understand what fixes do what.

      Just looking at Magi Origin alone (and only Harrowing and Apprentice Quarters at that) revealed some issues: Mouse doesn't end conversation with him with intended line, three children don't start second part of their banter. There also issues with fire and shield mentors. i.e. on one hand they are programmed to wander aimlessly after they finish their banter, on the other hand they are written to continue their magical study. Both are mutually exclusive and I'm not certain which behavior is the correct one. Haven't really looked past that so far.

      I guess it means I'm should start over.

      No, unfortunately I don't know a clean and quick way to access any of that for testing purposes.

      P.S. You can blame my return on Inquisition. :-)
  10. jiajiawei
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    don't abandon, this day lot of bugs flying around