Dragon Age: Origins

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  1. Lear19
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Don't use this mod, use the other one with 0.5 second cooldown. When toggles have 0 cooldown (like in this mod), enemy NPC (especially dwarves AI) tend to get stuck spamming them.
  2. newmanchris
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    I'm not sure if its this mod causing the issue or not, but my sustainable effects for my warrior randomly deactivate in the middle of battle, this includes the dog summon. It only happens to Hawke, whether or not I'm controlling him, and has only been happening since I downloaded Legacy and Mark of the Assassin.
  3. Imp of the Perverse
    Imp of the Perverse
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    • 324 kudos
    I haven't installed this mod, but read your description (I'm just looking for something to reduce the haste cooldown). You did say something about characters bouncing back and forth between shield defense and shield wall, occasionally. I'm currently using two different mods, one that reduces the shapeshifting cooldowns and casting times to zero, and another that enables tactics for shapeshifted characters. If I tried to have a character deactivate shapeshifting once combat ended, they would repeatedly activate/deactivate, and bounce back and forth between mage and bear form indefinitely. I tried a couple of different cooldown mods, but the fix was to set edit the mod so that the cooldown was really low, but not zero. Setting it to a fraction of a second might help with the shield wall/shield defense problem as well.
  4. conorr
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    • 0 kudos

    It seems to have fixed itself, from what I see it was just a bug related to my tactics but w/e. Great mod
  5. Radagast82
    • member
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    nice mod any chance of adding the shapeshifter cooldown remover too? (optional or not)

    PS : And what about the 1.02 patch cooldown changes? Any chance to add those (or make a new mod just for that) for us mod-using players who can't install the patch due to the many mods we use?
  6. Mnemnosyne
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    • 3 kudos
    I've tested the berserk issue, and I can't quite figure it out. With or without the mod installed, it seems to behave the same way. Indeed, after clearing the Override folder entirely to test with no mods at all, it still seems to fail to regenerate any stamina when Berserk is active. I'm not sure why this might be, unless it alters something in a save file, so that it breaks stamina regen with berserk whether the mod is currently installed or not.

    As far as the shield defense/shield wall bug goes, I have yet to reliably reproduce it for testing. Sometimes it happens, I've observed it, but when I reload and fight the same enemy again, it fights normally. Making it hard to figure out whether a brief delay of 1.5 or so seconds would fix it or just continue the issue with a short delay between flipping modes.
  7. Hillanish
    • supporter
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    Found an old save near one of the times it happened to me and took a screenshot of the bug in action


    Even after finding the spot it took a few loads before i was able to reproduce it. In this case it was right after picking who i wanted to sponsor in orzammar and getting attacked by the opposite side's fanatics.

    As for the mod randomly not working, i have yet to encounter that <img class=">
  8. Mnemnosyne
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Makes sense, the NPC's probably aren't scripted to avoid such conflicts. Although I'm not sure why they'd be set to activate both shield wall and shield defense in the first place, but without the cooldown if they're set to activate them both they'd flip between them constantly since they never achieve the state of having them both active. I could just put a cooldown back on Shield Defense or Shield Wall to fix that, most likely, but I'm not sure if it's worth it. I'll try short cooldowns and see if that works, if I can find an NPC doing that to test with.

    I've found another bug myself, a very odd one in my experience. The mod will sometimes just...stop working. Not sure why, but closing the game and restarting sometimes fixes it. Some of these oddities might be beyond my knowledge to fix, but I'll see what I can do.
  9. Hillanish
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I believe i found one bug/side-effect to this mod.

    In certain fights where there is sword and shield type enemies, sometimes they flip out and rapidly switch back and forth between like "Shield Defense" and "Shield Wall", many times per second, sometimes locking them in place.

    I have other mods installed but this is the only one that i think could cause this. I suppose the cooldowns are also removed from enemy skills which allows this to happen.

    Don't know if it can even be fixed, if not it's not too big a deal since it dosn't happen so often that it would be game-breaking. Either way it's something to think about <img class=">

    Otherwise awesome mod thanks a bunch <img class=">
  10. Mnemnosyne
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I'll check this berserk bug out soon, don't have a save handy with a berserker to test it with just this moment.

    I'm not sure what could be causing it, since I only edited the cooldown line on berserk.