Dragon Age: Origins

File information

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About this mod

This script adds autorun and toggled highlighting, using autohotkey.

Permissions and credits
I want to thank those of you who have taken the time to post in the comments area :)
I probably wouldn't even have updated the first upload if it weren't for a couple unexpected (although very welcome) comments that I received a while ago.

Updated again 2011-03-21 - complete remake, and added autorun feature.

Updated 2011-03-16 to work with Dragon Age II as well.

The idea is to spare your pinky finger from getting all soar, by allowing you to simply
tap tab instead of holding it down.

Run the script
Tap Tab to toggle highlight, Tap it again to toggle off.
The script is only active when DragonAge has focus, so it won't (shouldn't) get in the way when alt-tabbing etc.

Hotkey: Tab

Pressing Tab will simulate it being held down until pressed again.

(Thanks to NobodyElse for the update suggestion and preparing an updated version of the code)


This is a hotkey script made using Autohotkey (www.autohotkey.com)
If autohotkey is installed on your system, you can simply run the .ahk (which is clear text) instead of that scary .exe ;)
(or compile your own exe from the .ahk, if you think that's amusing)

Some Anti-Virus tools may flag the compiled versions of the script as malicious (keylogger or trojan).
This is because AutoHotKey monitors keystrokes to know when the hotkeys it's waiting for is used.

A clear text source code version of the script is also included, which - however - requires AutoHotKey* to be installed in order to work.
Installing it, however, and running the .ahk-script instead will most likely calm your AV down.

To use:
1) Run the script (or the exe)
2) Tap Tab to toggle Highlight
3) Tap Tab again to turn of Highlight

(it's not a perfect solution, and you'll sometimes need to re-enable highlights after dialogs and/or area transitions)

It works by re-binding the Tab-button to it's "down"-keystate (or Up-state, if the script previously triggered Down) while Dragon Age has focus.

If you'd rather use a pure Dragon Age Mod, I recommend "Auto Highlight" by jwvanderbeck:

* http://www.autohotkey.com/