hi. raughnut here, to tell you that today, I was informed that mguitar07, who made some cool morphs inspired from the sacred ashes trailer, did us a big favor fixing the rough texture problem and has given us permission to upload it on this page. thanks man! and keep up the good work!
also, sorry for not doing it myself. I've been grad-school level busy...
We have worked on some of the issues we were told about in the comments section
-The armor appears in bodhan's store instead of appearing in the inventory
-Improved quality in the textures and added some details
-Improved details in the Chest piece mesh. (proportions, details and such)
-Fixed some rigging issues with the skirt and knees
-Added support for tint maps and compatibility with Nezroy's Universal Dye Kit (thanks :) ) (optional file)
-Some other stuff I dont remember... :p
-Add some better gloves
-Anything else listed in the complaint... ehem.. comments section ;)
No other site, apart from dragon age nexus or Bioware's social site is allowed to post this mod without prior authorization from any of the authors.
This mod adds Leliana's Armor from the sacred ashes trailer, the way we see it.
It is restricted to Leliana ;)
but Siramods made a nice script which removes the restrictions and thus makes it possible for every human female to wear it. scroll down to read the install notes and link.
Made in collaboration with Aranox, who provided the meshes and details, and me, who made the textures.
We recommend DaoModmanager to install/uninstall.
download it here = http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1742#fileanchor
Copy "addsacredashes.ncs" file to your "<documents>\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override\" folder
Launch the game (daorigins.exe) "-enabledeveloperconsole" parameter to enable console.
In game, bring up console and type "runscript addsacredashes" then press enter
For detailed information on how to use the console, read:
At the moment we have recognized just some minor clipping and rig issues.
level of detail files are adjusted from the original light armor mesh with our textures, since we don't know how to add them. its barely noticeable.
To our friends at the Anima Crew Forums for their support and advice.
To siramods for his script to remove the restrictions , make it go with you in awakening and have a console code.