Dark Souls 3

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Archthrones Team

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  1. nimanima
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Where is the fire keeper set ?  I can't find the location
  2. Cortes007847
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    I want to ask you. What kind of asshole worked on Keeper of the Old Gods? Are you crazy? Add a boss to Dark Souls with the pace of combat for a slasher! How hard did they beat you that you took the s#*! out of such a boss?
    1. SniperParrot
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      • 6 kudos
    2. darkmimicofash
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      You imported that abomination, it was def one of the most enjoyable and hard boss fights on the mod, it's like fighting a ninja on crack. Vaati is proud of your work my hollow friend
    3. SniperParrot
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      • 6 kudos
  3. Gethesmain
    • supporter
    • 44 kudos
     This isn't Animal Crossing, this is supposed to be a challenge addon for the infamous Dark Souls series. I cannot believe the constant BITCHING. You wimps cant beat it so what? I cant wait for more. This is EASILY the best mod to ever come to any Dark souls game.  Level up, git gud and SHUT UP.
  4. Lechebutt
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    Love the look of this mod. Went and explored the areas a bit everything looks amazing. Love the revamp of firelink. But the combat feels awful. First boss for example. Golem fucker cant remember his name. Awful boss. first phase is cool feels like a fight. second phase meh. as soon as you get this fucker to full health its just dodging projectiles and aoe attacks the entire rest of the fight. not to mention hes so tall you cant see him above the knee when youre hitting him and the audio que for the smash attack and the homing projectile attack are exactly the same so you cant tell what move youre supposed to be dodging. cool fight if you like chasing the boss to the other side of the bridge and dodging 50 projectiles just for him to teleport to the other side of the bridge. this is isnt touching on the fact of how ridiculously tanky he is. if youre not hitting him in the head the damage is atrocious. when you do knock him down hes down long enough for 2 charged attacks which still do s#*! damage but better than his ankles. Thats if he doesnt fall at the wrong angle and his head is inaccessible because his head is through the side of the bridge. This rant just to say the combat feels like a chore. Visually an amazing mod but for me thats just about it.
  5. MildredGay
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    so far an amazing mod love the areas, the looks, the bosses, everything, although one small note about angelic guardian, I think its fist WoG move is stupid and unfair, basically undodgeable and the WoG is untelegraphed, I think it would be way better if it held his its hand up, a light burst effect came out, then he slammed it down, would make it so much cooler, easier to tell what it is, and less annoying to get hit by
    1. MildredGay
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      I would also say radius and damage should increase, think something like the dragonslayer greataxe weapon art where he stands up straight and slowly raises the fist, then when it hits the highest point it lets out a sound and a force effect, then comes down quickly for a giant WoG, also absolutely love the teleport giant wave move it feels really nice to dodge the projectile swarm, none of them are too fast or undodgeable and it gives a nice moment to heal after dodging the big wave
    2. MildredGay
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      I also think the pus ridden beast's jump attack is really stupid and should be completely removed or changed, does insane amounts of damage, can't realistically dodge visually so you just have to guess how long it is till he lands, he can go insanely far so you can't just run, and visually really dumb attack
  6. realgorin
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    • 0 kudos
    I have very mixed opinions on this mod, even after uninstalling it about halfway through
    The work and quality is very impressive, it's huge
    5FingerButtPunch's comment on this is spot on.
    Archthrones is seriously cool and very well crafted, but the combat design is just... not fun
    The enemy movesets just do not translate well into dark souls 3.
    Almost every single enemy feels like they attack based on RNG, with random combo extensions that just don't fit in a souls game

    It emphasises the worst parts of Dark Souls, especially DS2:
    Unreactably fast moves that you need to rote learn how the boss moves and behaves before they wind up their swing,
    True combo boss attacks,
    Annoyingly long runs back to bosses filled with frustrating 'gotcha' type enemies hiding around corners you can't see,
    Having to spam roll for 90% of the fight while you wait for the single attack length opportunity you get,
    Almost unbreakable poise on half the bosses while the other half die in 5 hits,
    Poorly telegraphed or insanely delayed attacks that 1 shot you,
    Forcing the player to farm souls because most bosses are insanely overtuned,
    Every enemy is a damage sponge, and weapon balance is horrible,
    Poor hitboxes that cause you to get hit by bosses when you're behind them during their frontal swing,
    Terrible visibility during boss fights resulting in you getting hit by attacks you literally can't see,
    And goofy boss/enemy AI that is almost completely busted if you just walk backwards and wait for them to come to you, or sprint forwards and around them.

    It just feels cheesy.
    Combat is super unsatisfying and it made it very hard to appreciate the rest of the stellar work that went into this massive mod
    Fights don't feel like fights, and they rely on knowing the exploitable weaknesses in enemy AI rather than actually being good at the game
    One of the things Sekiro and Armored Core did so well was let the player feel like they're actually fighting the enemies, rather than just rolling around and chopping their toes one swing at a time until the boss dies
    Archthrones is a huge departure from that combat direction, and I think that was a huge mistake

    The Necromancer fight is perhaps the least fun boss I've ever seen in a Souls game.
    Every issue mentioned above is twice as prevalent for them.
    Seriously that boss made me furious, and I finished the last 4 Souls Games grinning the whole time
    Archthrones needs a lot of fine tuning for me to reinstall.
    1. Whit3hous3
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This is probably the dumbest comment here.
    2. ghkl0440
      • premium
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      some people are more harsh and analytical in how they think. I don't Necessarily agree with everything this person said but it is important to find the problems and to see different perspectives. even if only a few of those points are accurate I would hope the creators see it and take it Constructively. then again I doubt they look at all these comments.  This is also a demo that just launched, hopefully the creators will listen to feedback like this from their fanbase including the angry fans, assuming they plan on doing a lot more and making it a whole game
  7. AkiraK86
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The game is closing every 5 minutes (i have ds3 v. 1.15)
    1. SniperParrot
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Hop in on the discord server and we'll try to help. 
    2. AkiraK86
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      People there told me, that Hunter's Set causes crashes. It seems to be true
    3. Whit3hous3
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You're welcome
  8. 5FingerButtPunch
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    This mod is insane. The quality and creative reuse of assets are some of the best I've ever seen in a mod, ever. However, it gravitates to so many mechanics that people hated in DS2 and Lords of the Fallen. FROMSOFT pulled away from many of these in later games.

    Forcing these long and anavoidable gauntlets before a boss. Bosses that have attacks that will not relent and don't seem to have any logic for their implementation. Basic enemies being damage sponges. No checkpoints between anything and almost no resorces to get you through. These things make build deversity almost impossible. Just make a tank. That's all you can really do. Or slam your head against a wall until RNJesus grants you a string of attacks that are actually feasible to deal with. I played a good chunk of every level, encountered several bosses, and beat a few. I didn't leave a single encounter happy. Which is what makes these games fun. Feeling like you overcame something by getting better. Not because you got lucky.
    1. lalien3572
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      • 0 kudos
    2. realgorin
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      Excellent mod, but has a fair few issues

      I also really don't like how every 2nd weapon you find in early game requires 36 strength
      Most of the armour you find is incredibly heavy
      A LOT of enemy movesets require rote learning their wonky hitboxes and timing
      Only allowing time for a single hit at a time for most bosses, most of which have almost infinite poise
      Feels more like grinding enemies to death rather than actually fighting them
  9. realgorin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When two-handing the angel sword & shield, it keeps automatically attacking
    Adding an extra swing after some attacks, and almost always auto attacking after dodging
    Wtf is happening?

    It only does this when i two hand the angel sword

    Also that weapon feels overtuned. Too much damage per hit, and the 2h moveset is way too fast
  10. jimbomcdonald
    • member
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    so, where are sharp gems in this mod?  i've made it past 60% of the conent in this mod but i havent found a single one