Dark Souls 2

mechant hag sells fire bugs to light torches at reasonable price, torches drop in larger numbers so its finaly viable to use them

hollowing will lower HP to 80% intead of 50% (i see no reason to punish player for bad luck/lack of skill)

estus should be upgradable up to 20 (not fully tested yet)

physical resists increased a little, due to incoherence of game system (nonphysical dmg reduction is in %, so i can reach 900 fire resist for imunity, but physical is raw dmg reduction with barely 50 points of damage in full heavy and with levels, while mobs hit for 500+ now it should reach at high levels with heavy armor somewhere around 300 points of reduction), should be more on par with magic resistances. Heavy investment in physical stats (str, dex, vit, end) improves defences. If i find better way to improve defence based on type of armor (except changing every armor and inflating raw def numbers), i will change it. So its possible now to spec in physical tank or magical tank. Any feedback will be appreciated, so i can fine tune it.
Played up to NG+ and its better, will leave as it is for now

slightly faster run and walk (slower walk while locked on enemy), movement should now feel more natural
roll is changed a little regarding range, feels ok for me now

increased lock range and initial rebalance of ranged weapons (bows, xbows, gbows) - ranged combat finaly viable, bows use little less stamina, would like to change animation speed, but at the moment have no idea how 
idea what i want to implement is to have specific use for each bow, shortbow for fast low dmg medium range barrage, composite for medium speed low range heavy dmg, longbow hi range, slow speed, hi dmg, great bow in general slower with emphasis on poise dmg

slightly increased stamina regen (10% circa), won't help much in combat, but helps after combat 

changed scaling of agility, scales better at low levels, gets in line around 30 with original scaling - less initial investment needed for low agility builds, high investment kept intact for extreme agility build

lifegem have 50% faster animation, radiant 25% faster, old radiant 10% faster - i see lifegems as secondary source either after combat, or in combat if you feel lucky.... punk..... estus should still be main heavy heal (maybe i will increase life from estus to make it really that slow heavy heal)

infinite and cheaper repair powder in the city of Leningrad (i have no idea why are weapons breaking so fast, there are legends about stupidity of developers and about tying it to FPS), i feel thats better solution than hard increase in weapon durability... and safer :) 

doubled durability of weapons and shields

also infinite basic arrows and bolts in Leningrad

ugly hag sells infinite stone-be-gone branches and pharao..pharaso...pharoha...phasomethning-use-at-face stones, at lower price, so who want, can open everything, could change when i figure out how much you NEED and how much are just nice to have.

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