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Orcs up in your grill with the Rona? Rogues continually invading your personal space? Are you a giant cat, with the dexterity to match, and still move like a fat, slow Nord. Not anymore. With some basic training, you can move, feign, and dodge your way into as much personal space as you need. Escape from sticky situations and attacks with dodging.

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Orcs up in your grill with the Rona? Rogues continually invading your personal space? Are you a giant cat, with the dexterity to match, and still move like a fat, slow Nord. Not anymore. With some basic training, you can move, feign, and dodge your way into as much personal space as you need. Escape from sticky situations and attacks with dodging.


Use the unity key property list and type the key into the key mod setting area.
All single letter keys, like A, G, I, Ect., must be capitalized. Other inputs, like mouse, gamepad, or non-letter keys, must match their property name exactly, including capitalization from the unity list provided below.

Unity KEYCODE Property List: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/KeyCode.html


  • Fixed dodge feigning not working. Now you can truly feign by stopping the dodge early and pulling out twice as fast.
  • If not moving at all, dodge direction always defaults to a backwards dodge to make it more usable when standing still while fighting.
  • Weapons lower during dodging.
  • Cannot attack or parry until you're completely done with parry animation/roll. Aka, compatible with ambidexterity module since it uses same base script fpsWeapon.cs weaponstate object to check if player is attacking or parrying.
  • Multiple state checks to ensure player always returns to default state once dodging it done, no matter what happens during the dodge.
  • Change lerp to smooth a little bit slower to give more natural dodge/roll feel to camera.
  • Rolling into enemies is the same as a wall. You will leave dodge immediately, be open to an attack, and go back to default state.


  • Dodge is based on your movement and is dynamically altered by it. Not moving at all, and you're dodge will be small in distance because of a lack of momentum. If you're full sprinting, your dodge will go much further because of increased momentum.
  • Dodge effectiveness is dynamic and based on your training in Agility. The more training, the further, longer, and more effective your dodge will be. Bodies have specific muscles used for quick reflexes that can be trained over time.
  • Learn to feign dodges, but at a small cost to you. Get the advantage on an opponent by feigning a dodge after they miss.
  • Be aware of the environment your around, as it can affect dodging. If you are back against a wall or object, you do not have the room to dodge. If you hit a wall or object in a dodge, you will stumble out of it making you vulnerable again as you recover.



  • If you want to dodge enemy attacks until your completely out of your dodge, hold down the dodge key until the dodge ends by itself.
  • If you let go of the dodge key earlier, you will be vulnerable from the moment you let go of the key, but will come out of the dodge faster.
  • Agility affects both how long you can execute a dodge for and how far you can move. The more you train it, the better you will be at moving in combat against enemies.
  • Every dodge cost between 10 to 20 fatigue depending on your agility. 100 agility, it cost 10. 0 agility, it cost 20.

  • Dodges can be customized in the settings area. You can adjust their distance, cost, and time using multipliers. You can also bind any key to dodging. 
  • Dodges simulate real life movement using a complex math wave function and time lerping. It will ease you into and out of the dodge to simulate the real life movement of ducking and moving done to dodge attacks in real combat.
  • Dodges are completely dynamic meaning you can affect your dodges a multitude of ways to simulate real life combat movements/dodges. This is done by giving player complete control over when to end their dodge and how much momentum/movement to put into it.
  • If you hold down the dodge key, you will start a dodge. As long as you keep it held, you will continue your dodge and dodge enemy attacks. If you hold it for the full time, you will be invulnerable for the full dodge window, including recovery.

  • The momentum of your current momentum affects how far your dodge will go in distance in said distance. The faster you're moving the further you go in the distance you're moving when imitating it. Just like in real life, once your momentum begins, it takes time to stop and reverse it.
  • You can also use momentum to try and stall dodges by trying to gain traction the opposite direction of your current dodge movement. Move the opposite direction after starting the dodge to slow/stall it. You can technically simulate in place dodges to slower dodges this way.

  • Dodges are completely controllable time wise too. You can let go of the dodge key at any time to feign your dodge. 
  • Feigning will pull you out of the dodge twice as fast as normal, but will make you vulnerable to hits during this brief feign/recovery window. This is the small price of going off balance to feign a dodge (act like your were going to do a full dodge to trick your opponent). Ensure your timing is right or pay the price.

  • If you hit a dungeon mound in the outside world at just the right angle and speed, you clip through and fall from the sky splatting to death. This is an issue with how the dungeon mound cuts out a spot in the terrain to place the mound. I can't resolve this myself, must be resolved by devs. Avoid dodging around these.



  • Bundle it with upcoming Combat Overhaul Project.
  • Create possible stumble and other type fake animations using the camera object and the magic of math.
  • Don't know what else.