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About this mod

The land of Daggerfall is massive, so one would think that it would inhabit many diverse people? Villager Immersion Overhaul adds many villagers and adventurers/New races to the cities of the Iliac Bay. Cities and towns should feel more alive than ever with this mod.

Permissions and credits
Villager Immersion Overhaul is coming back....

We are under construction! The original VIO mod is being rebuilt from the ground up. VIO is becoming VIOII. No more replacing textures. VIOII will now add NPCs to the game rather than  replacing textures. As with VIO once was, expect some dynamic options like Population sliders, dynamically changing population due to weather, proper race names, proper portraits, and much more.

Until its ready for launch, please check out the current version of VIO here:

Villager immersion Overhaul - Classic

I'm putting up a Pre-Alpha preview build of what to expect and updating the screenshots. (Windows Only for now) If you are curious please check it out. Nothing is finished. Nothing is finalized. But it gives a basic idea what we plan on achieving.

VIO Roadmap:

Race's and Clothing Types:
Breton Tempered Clothing
Breton Heat Clothing
Breton Cold Clothing
Breton Desert Clothing

Redguards Tempered Clothing
Redguards Heat Clothing
Redguards Cold Clothing
Redguards Desert Clothing

Nords Tempered Clothing
Nords Heat Clothing
Nords Cold Clothing
Nords Desert Clothing

Argonians Tempered Clothing
Argonians Heat Clothing
Argonians Cold Clothing
Argonians Desert Clothing

Khajiits Tempered Clothing
Khajiits Heat Clothing
Khajiits Cold Clothing
Khajiits Desert Clothing

Dark Elves Tempered Clothing
Dark Elves Heat Clothing
Dark ElvesCold Clothing
Dark Elves Desert Clothing

Wood Elves Tempered Clothing
Wood Elves Heat Clothing
Wood Elves Cold Clothing
Wood Elves Desert Clothing

High Elves Tempered Clothing
High Elves Heat Clothing
High Elves Cold Clothing
High Elves Desert Clothing

Orcs Tempered Clothing
Orcs Heat Clothing
Orcs Cold Clothing
Orcs Desert Clothing

-Combine all my previous villager mods into one. (Villager Reactions, Nighttime Guards Villager Bodies, etc)

-Villagers reacting to the weather (Less clothing in hot environments, hoods when raining, etc)

-More Villager Colors

-Population sliders return from original based on location type (Farms, Cities, Hamlets, etc)

-Include Enemy Expansion NPC's (Brotherhood, Necromancers, Barbarians, Monks, etc)

-Add Billboard Styled Villagers

-More Villager jobs (More villagers pulling wagons, other lines of work)

-Add horse mounted villagers for all races

-Add all warriors/adventurers as travelers

-Add portraits for warriors, workers, guards, and new races

-Add NPC's to Unique areas (Balferia is a High Elf run Island therefore dominant race. Unique NPC's in certain environment

Special Thanks:

WilhelmBlack - Villager Graphics/ Portraits
Villager Graphics
Ninelan - Portraits and Portrait Assets/DET
RealAKP - Portrait Assets