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  1. borok
    • premium
    • 24 kudos
    I like this mod, it's really improving immersion by adding variety to dull Daggerfall interiors, but sometimes it's messing up things, for example with rugs - when one part of rug is replaced with low-tier variant and other part isn't.
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      Those are separate rugs. Depending on building quality some rugs get replaced (or removed completely).
      They apparently don't have enough money to replace all the rugs with upgrades, or that one rug was damaged recently and they couldn't get an adequate replacement.
    2. borok
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Well, it still not look good aesthetically-wise. Consistent (or consistently removed) rugs at least for each room would be better in my opinion.
  2. Flanua
    • premium
    • 19 kudos
    Fall underground when I entered a room in one of the guild houses in starter city. Without that mod character never fall.. Probably something to do with that dll library inside the mod.
  3. Positronico
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is it too much to ask for an Android version of this mod?
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      I've been intending to update my mods and release android versions but just haven't gotten around to it yet.  Hopefully I will have the time and inclination in the near future.
  4. flup72
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Hey, I was doing a quest for the Fighters Guild to kill a Harpy in a house and the Harpy spawned stuck under a bed and floor. The bed was a brown dirty one added by this mod.

    I also had a Thieves Guild quest that spawned the Ivory I needed to collect under a bed, but it was a regular one.

    I was able to kill the Harpy with an area spell, but the Ivory had to be collected with a console command to clip through the bed.

    Is this a vanilla/Unity bug or could this mod be responsible?
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      This mod doesn't set bed locations or enemy locations, it just changes the graphics.
    2. flup72
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      Then it must be a vanilla/Unity bug. Good to know. Thanks for the reply, I really like this mod.
  5. PyroParagon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a trick to making this work with DREAM? I have this and dream, but nothing has changed except the shops using the larger lamp designs and the beds looking different. 

    It has also turned my vanilla light spell from a candle to a candelabra. Not that I mind, but probably unintentional.

    Edit, seems to possibly also conflict with penwick papers? Since installing this I'm not suddenly dying during windwalks.
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      There shouldn't be any issues with DREAM, but the handpainted models mod prevents some of the changes.
      It's intended for use with mods that modify interiors, like Taverns Redone and Finding My Religion.
      Try installing Taverns Redone and visiting various inns.

      This mod only activates when entering a building, so shouldn't be causing any issues with wind walk.
  6. DeBIue
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Your mod is saying that I need DREAM - transparent windows 0.5.2 but there doesn't even exist such a version, the latest on his page is 0.5.1?
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      It's not compatible with the present version of transparent windows and the author of that mod hasn't been seen in a while.  I couldn't specify such a thing in the mod so I said it required a non-existent version of TW.  I should have specified 'Requires version 99.99' or something to avoid confusion.
    2. DeBIue
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Ah alright I understand
    3. Demonrifts
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I would suggest just saying on the description page here on the Nexus that this mod isn't compatible with transparent windows. I imagine that, like myself, other people will see "only compatible with version x of [mod]" and assume since we have the latest version, we'll be good until we inevitably get the warning in game.
      What exactly is the conflict between transparent windows and this mod, by the by? KingofWorms uploaded something a few days ago, so they may still be around.
    4. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      The description already notes the incompatibility.  I added the version check because many people don't read the descriptions.
      The author of the transparent windows mod has reappeared recently and can hopefully address some of the issues with the mod.
  7. mr2212
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would you be able to release a version without the small rats? I love the feature but they seem to conflict with warm ashes tavern encounters; I had a group of orcs who were out to get me, but they were distracted by the rats lol
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      I might add a mod setting to optionally disable the (heroic) rats.
    2. mr2212
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      honestly i love the rat feature so much i might just live with the orcs being distracted lol, but yeah more settings is always good!!!
  8. GaRRetZAV
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    It just didn't work. I tried to start new game without any other mods, but it's not helps.
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      I haven't re-tested with newer releases.  I should get around to that before  DFU version 1 comes out.
  9. nel000
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    edit: it isn't related to this mod, i just happened to notice after i enabled the mod. sorry!
    When the mod is enabled, there's these weird white lines that appear on walls and door. Video shows it off (you might have to change your resolution to 1080p to see them).
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      What version of DFU?  I haven't tested recently with the newer DFU releases.
  10. jodzie
    • member
    • 74 kudos
    I loaded my game where I saved in a tavern and the screen was black. I thought maybe I messed up installing mods so I deleted everything and did a clean install, tried again, went to a tavern to save and.. Black screen. I disabled this mod and the problem is resolved. Unsure as to why this is specifically occurring. Makes me sad because I really want to use it
    1. DunnyOfPenwick
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      Which version of DFU are you using?
      Sometimes certain mods don't work well with other mods.  Disabling one or the other can fix the problem.
      The log file might have additional information.
      The Player.log file is located in the  \Users\XXX\AppData\LocalLow\Daggerfall Workshop\Daggerfall Unity directory in Windows.
    2. jodzie
      • member
      • 74 kudos

      I dont have it installed anymore but I think I want to try again because I *THINK* your mod fixed the white seam issue I was having with house interiors. Im also using taverns redone and transparent windows.. I really dont want to let go of transparent windows


      I just saw this >> "Notice: This mod is not compatible with the Transparent Windows  mod (version 0.5.1) and prior."

      Pls no.. Not the windows..
    3. jodzie
      • member
      • 74 kudos
      Using your mod now and disabled transparent windows. It works but tbh with you I miss the windows too much, but ye that was the issue, the windows.. I need to read the description prior ; ] I like the mod, though