About this mod
Adds Various New Pieces Of Gems, Jewelry, and Accessories To Daggerfall. New items can be bought from and sold to Gem/Jewelry Shops, Pawn Shops, and Alchemists for the gems. Can also be dropped in certain dungeon types, by certain enemies, as well as found in "private property" containers. 8 different jewelry types added with nearly 120 variants.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

- I always found the selection of items in Daggerfall to be surprisingly small for just how big the entire scope of the game was and how many different shop types are in the game. I also feel there was a great lacking of variety for the accessory slot equipment items, even though you get two of each! The gem/jewelry stores served very little purpose for the most part due to this lack of jewelry items to select from for both buyers and sellers alike, basically a wasted shop type when you found them. On top of all this, there are very few high value and low weight items in the game outside of daedric weapons/armor and holy relics/holy daggers. So I felt like having more items that you could look for in loot without over-encumbering yourself and be able to make a decent profit when going back to town was an overall good idea, so I made this mod for all the above issues I found in the vanilla game.
- 8 Different types of jewelry items have been added in this mod, with nearly 120 variants across the board for a different jewelry items with different material types and gem-stones.
- 8 brand new gemstone types. 24 variants of rings, 12 silver, 12 gold. 12 variants of pendant based on the gemstone. 11 variants of earrings based on the gemstone. 11 variants of bracelets based on the gemstone encrusted. 2 types of armlets with 11 variants each based on the gemstone. 4 variants of crown, 2 silver, 2 gold. 24 variants of tiara, 12 silver, 12 gold. All variants having different attributes depending on the gemstone and material used.
- WEARABLE jewelry that appears on the paper-doll. The current ones being the crowns and tiaras, which take up the helmet/head slot on the paper-doll.
- Each new type of jewelry is equipped onto a different accessory slot, here is the list: Gems = Crystal slot. Ring = Ring slot. Pendant = Amulet slot. Earring = Mark slot. Bracelet = Bracelet slot. Armlet = Bracer slot. Crown & Tiara = Head/Helmet slot.
- All added jewelry items can be bought and sold in Gem/Jewelry Shops, Pawn Shops, and Alchemist Shops (for gems.)
- All added jewelry items can also be found in certain dungeon types in the various loot piles in said dungeon. From the corpses of certain enemies that it made sense might wear/carry these sorts of accessory items (either to wear or have stolen.) As well as inside the "private property" that can be found in many interiors such as houses, stores, palaces, etc.
- Some of the vanilla jewelry items and gems were also changed in their attributes to make them mesh better with this mod, so their weights, values, enchantment capacity, durability, etc, have been altered somewhat for better balance with this mod.
- ATTENTION: In version 13.4 of DFU, due to a modding limitation that will be resolved in later versions of DFU, Crowns and Tiaras will be considered armor items so they can properly be rendered on the paper-doll. This means you can only sell crowns/tiaras to shops that will normally buy armor items, but you can still buy them from places that normally sell jewelry however. This being classified as armor also causes some weird name display in the inventory such as "Silver Silver Crown". While strange, this will eventually be resolved in a later update.
- If you wish to quickly test the mod in-game, or just want a piece of jewelry quickly. You can use the custom console command "ja_jewelry" to spawn one of each of the items added in the mod with a random variant applied to each.
- If you want EXACT numbers and information on how some mechanics and formula work in this mod, under the hood. You can look at the source code yourself from the GitHub linked lower down. You can also email/post a thread on the parent forum post linked below and I would be happy to answer any questions.
Currently no options available to change.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me on the forums: (https://forums.dfworkshop.net/index.php)
My Forum Account Name Is: Magicono43
Main Forum Post: https://forums.dfworkshop.net/viewtopic.php?t=5346
Github Repository: https://github.com/magicono43/DFU-Mod_Jewelry-Additions
This mod should be compatible with all other mods out there, as it essentially only does things within it's own confines. However, the items textures used in this mod will likely clash graphically if you are using a graphical overhaul mod such as DREAM, but that is to be expected.
Unzip and open the folder that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)
Copy the "jewelryadditions.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods folder
Make sure the mod is enabled and "Mod system" is enabled in the starting menu under "Advanced -> Enhancements"
Remove "jewelryadditions.dfmod" from the "StreamingAssets/Mods" folder.
Special Thanks:
Hazelnut: For having essential examples on how to add items through the custom item additions system from his "Roleplay Realism: Items" mod.
Ralzar: For having extremely useful examples for adding custom items to inventories, as well as item variants from his "Skill Books" and "Thief Overhaul" mods.
Ninelan: For helping frequently to make the jewelry textures look alot nicer, with better shading methods that I used very often after the fact.
BadLuckBurt: For helping me find a workable temporary solution so that tiara and crown items will properly show up on the paper-doll.
Pango: For assistance in making a mathematical method that I used very often in this mod for the custom loot generation system.
RealAKP: For the swaggy staff used in the thumbnail image, from his mod "Diverse Weapons".