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Uncanny Valley

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About this mod

Adds 192 hidden Skyshards to Daggerfall for you to find!

Permissions and credits
Adds 192 Skyshards scattered around the world. For each third that you find and activate, you gain a +1 ability bonus (Strength, Intelligence, Agility, etc...) in a pre-determined order. All Skyshards are located outside; some close to civilization, others are far of in the wilderness. 

  • You can find your first shard outside Privatee'r hold. 
  • Skyshards emit a strong blue light which makes them easier to spot at night They also emit a sound that can be heard from quite a distance.
  • Climbing is a very useful skill with this mod. When arriving at a new location, find the highest structure and use it to survey your surroundings. 

No known compatibility issue with other mods
Requires Daggerfall for Unity 10.25

Installation instructions:
  • Download the correct version that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)
  • Copy the "daggerfall skyshards.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Mods folder
  • Make sure the mod is enabled and "Mod system" is enabled in the starting menu under "Advanced -> Enhancements"