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About this mod

Makes Dungeon Containers lootable.

Permissions and credits
We've all been there when we first played Daggerfall. We find a weapon shelf in a dungeon and think we can loot it. Disappointment ensues. This mod makes those containers lootable. When you interact with the object, you'll roll a chance to find loot. Luck increases your chances.

Version 2.0 - Release

-Re-wrote Loot System
-Added optional
toggle for changing textures of containers
-Added World Tooltips support
-Added random undead creatures to coffin attempts

If you have any issues, be sure to to keep Dungeon Loot below any other mod that adds clickable objects to the game.


1. Open the folder that matches your operating system (Windows/OSX/Linux)

2. Copy the "dungeonloot.dfmod" into your DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/Mods folder

3. Make sure the mod is enabled