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About this mod

A Cyber Engine Tweaks mod that lets you tweak the max ammo count in-game.
And now you can trigger an auto refill at a % of total ammo count.

Permissions and credits
A Cyber Engine Tweaks mod that lets you tweak the max ammo count in-game.
This does NOT change the current ammo amount you have currently have, unless you hit the Fill Ammo button after you save and reload.

  •  All you need to do is open the Cyber Engine Tweaks Overlay and you see the a new window Max Ammo Count.
  • Change the ammo numbers to what you want.
  • Save game and reload too apply.

The Fill Ammo button you don't need to save and reload, You can just hit it and keep playing, but you use it you will need to have reloaded a save to apply the Max Ammo Count change.