Read the description and pinned comments of the dependencies. Uninstall and reinstall dependencies. Reinstall the mod. Delete the files inside Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded. They will be re-generated on next launch. Verify game integrity. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Log files RedPrelauncher should prompt you to open its log file if there are any issues. \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs\redscript_rCURRENT.log \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs\cybercmd_rCURRENT.log
If you have any issues related to the mod you can share the contents of your log files in your comment/bug report. You can even upload them to and share the link instead.
is there a problem on my end or after the small 1.1mb update from today this mod does not work anymore? if so can you please fix this because it is driving me crazy :D
logs are are showing no problem (tried to reinstall redscript and the mod - with deleting the cache - r6\cache\modded) - but it is not working
[INFO - Mon, 10 Feb 2025 21:40:21 +0200] Compiling files in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts: ResetAttributesAlwaysAvailable.reds uninstallMods.reds [INFO - Mon, 10 Feb 2025 21:40:21 +0200] Compilation complete [INFO - Mon, 10 Feb 2025 21:40:21 +0200] Output successfully saved to E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\final.redscripts
I'm reporting a soft incompatibility with Stealthrunner.
When attributes are reset, the Stealthrunner perks are not reset, and the perk points are not refunded. Not sure if this should go on your or rmk1234's end. But rmk didn't respond when I reported this.
Without your mod (attributes can only be reset once), it refunds the Stealthrunner perks. But with your mod, the perk points used for Stealthrunner perks are not refunded.
I did bro. All i had was the downloaded file "ResetAttributesAlwaysAvailable.reds" inside the script folder. The mod worked well btw! I removed it and checked its gone. Also used the search bar to check if theres a different file with that name in a different folder of the game but it wasnt. Maybe only gets removed when i start a new save?
getting a problem where when i try to reset the attributes again it says renaissance punk not available cause i dont have enough cyberware. any ideas how to fix?
Thanks for this excellent mod Recommend for quality of life in game.
Other recs include: Auto Unequip Weapon Mods (When dismantling only) Unequip Mods (Keep and remove then add what you want) Smarter Scrapper (Customize auto dismantling weapons, junk, mods, quickhacks)
What flag or fact does this mod modify and where in the save data is it?
I'm interested in resetting my ability to re-spec using a save editor. I saw someone else on this thread reference a flag like 'ResetAttributeDisabled = 1' (to then change to 0) but I can't find it while trying to edit my save.
Disable this mod if you're worried about the conflict. Then Save edit. Launch game. Save. Then Enable: Reset Attributes always available Play the game no problem. Worked for me.
Common troubleshooting
Read the description and pinned comments of the dependencies.
Uninstall and reinstall dependencies.
Reinstall the mod.
Delete the files inside Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\modded. They will be re-generated on next launch.
Verify game integrity.
Log files
RedPrelauncher should prompt you to open its log file if there are any issues.
\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs\redscript_rCURRENT.log
\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\logs\cybercmd_rCURRENT.log
If you have any issues related to the mod you can share the contents of your log files in your comment/bug report. You can even upload them to and share the link instead.
if so can you please fix this because it is driving me crazy :D
logs are are showing no problem (tried to reinstall redscript and the mod - with deleting the cache - r6\cache\modded) - but it is not working
[INFO - Mon, 10 Feb 2025 21:40:21 +0200] Compiling files in E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts:
[INFO - Mon, 10 Feb 2025 21:40:21 +0200] Compilation complete
[INFO - Mon, 10 Feb 2025 21:40:21 +0200] Output successfully saved to E:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\cache\final.redscripts
I'm reporting a soft incompatibility with Stealthrunner.
When attributes are reset, the Stealthrunner perks are not reset, and the perk points are not refunded. Not sure if this should go on your or rmk1234's end. But rmk didn't respond when I reported this.
Recommend for quality of life in game.
Other recs include:
Auto Unequip Weapon Mods (When dismantling only)
Unequip Mods (Keep and remove then add what you want)
Smarter Scrapper (Customize auto dismantling weapons, junk, mods, quickhacks)
I'm interested in resetting my ability to re-spec using a save editor. I saw someone else on this thread reference a flag like 'ResetAttributeDisabled = 1' (to then change to 0) but I can't find it while trying to edit my save.
Then Save edit.
Launch game.
Then Enable: Reset Attributes always available
Play the game no problem. Worked for me.