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About this mod

Keeps the bullet in the chamber after you reload.

Permissions and credits
When you reload a gun with a non-empty magazine, the "bullet" that was in the chamber is now "kept track of", so you effectively get +1 shots.  This is simulated through making the gun have permanent ammo for a single shot (credit to [Glacknarf], which has given his permission for me to use his script, and TheBs65422 for coming up with the infinite-ammo thing in the firstplace (as credited by Glacknarf)).

There may, or may not be issues\bugs with this, I have only done rudementary testing, but for now, seems fine.

Pairs well with, and intended for use with my other 2 mods; Manual Reload, and Discard magazine ammo on reload.

Drop into your Cyberpunk Directory example: "C:/GoG Games/Cyberpunk 2077/", the requirement is not optional.

Known Issue

"Mod doesn't work" issues:

1: Check the mod's log (/Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods/DiscardAmmoOnReload/DiscardAmmoOnReload.log)

2: If there is no mod log, it means CET was unable to even attempt to load the mod, meaning the issue is with your installation (such as, outdated CET). Ensure proper installation of dependencies.

If the issue is not on your end (you do have the mods log, and the mod log is throwing a bunch of errors), post the log.