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  1. goralthekid
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    how to get the suit from images 1 and 3
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      Should be somewhere down below iirc.
  2. ekineon
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    please please plEASE update this :((((
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      Is it not working? That would be odd, as replacer-type asset swap mods are some of the most resistant ones to update apocalypses. Make sure you have installed it correctly, lmk if you don't manage to get it working.
      Edit: Or do you mean the physics and other flaws? I am planning a redo of some of my mods, but if i do, itll be a while as i'm very busy nowadays unfortunately.
  3. BouncingEel8
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What settings did you use to make your V in the first pic? Would love to use it. Great mod btw, looks great.
    EDIT: Nevermind, I see it's a private preset.
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      Glad you like the mod <3
      That pic was taken by Zwei btw, not me, and indeed their preset is private. The Glossy Netrunner Suit mod was used in the picture btw.
  4. WilliamPoka1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It doesnt work for me? I extracted it into cyberpunk yet its nowehre to be seen in game, can anyone help
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      Make sure you put the .archive in Cyberpunk2077/archive/pc/mod
      Then swap your character's hair slider to the slot mentioned in the description, and it should work. 
  5. brucethemoose
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Oh wow, I love this. I wasn't even looking for a hair mod, but I had to stop and grab this!

    And I love your other hair mods! But I am going with the Samus cut for my first 2077 playthrough. 

    If you are still looking for suggestions: vanilla has tons of very neat cyberpunk bobs, but one particular cut I looked for/haven't seen is a "messy" parted bob. Some example characters:

    - Elizabeth from Bioshock:
    11039715.jpg (1920×1214) (

    - Korra from the titular series (who also sports a very Samus-like ponytail):
    Tumblr: Image

    82037d49cc419395cfd04f3ddb7948b3.jpg (640×636) (

    - The Fallout 4 protag:
    162-1-1447274126.jpg (789×887) (

    I guess its a thing with 1920s characters... but I like it, and it would fit certain V styles for sure. 
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      Hair 12 is a messy parted bob (Literally named messy_bob in the game files lol), so make sure to check it out. I'm currently trying not to take more requests, but finish ongoing projects instead. However, some short/similar hairstyles might be coming soon (tm) :)
    2. brucethemoose
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, and I retract my complaint about the lack of modded bobs too. Now that I am looking more closely, there are some bob cuts on the Nexus. 

      Not that there can ever be enough bobs on the Nexus!
    3. eagull
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      Just gotta dig deeper sometimes ;)
      Ada Wong's by stevebg is one of my favorites, check it out if you haven't already, physics are done really well!
  6. KatWaifv
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    i love the hair! great mod and what tattoo or bodypaint she have on for 4 - 8
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      You can find that on Kala's patreon :)
      (mods are free dw)
  7. zninja101
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love it!
  8. Sklif05
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    great hair ... and the lineup and physics are very pleasing .. I hope there will be more such gorgeous hair ...
  9. FreyxFrey
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Question where do you get the Netrunner suit from picture 1 and 3 ?
    1. eagull
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
  10. tduality
    • premium
    • 324 kudos
    Thanks for replacing that hair.