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  1. lehrax
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hey, folks. I am back to modding with a brand new v2.12 vanilla release of the mod. Have not tried the photo mode, but other than that everything should be well tested. Enjoy.
  2. lehrax
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I have just uploaded the new experimental v2.12.03 with two redscript modules. Feel free to leave any feedback here.
    The module for quest untracking is kind of hacky and cheaty so maybe is not for everyone :D

    UPD: v2.12.05 does things properly for both holstering and quest toggling.
  3. JackFrosted
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Oh please god this mod was my saving grace back in the day someone PLEEEEEEASE i hate pressing Enter to select a hack mid combat Someone update!!! anyone!!! D:
    1. RelaxItsOk
      • supporter
      • 18 kudos
      You can just use F to select quick-hacks... Am I crazy?
    2. JackFrosted
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      this was a 2023 issue it was resolved later on you can def press f now and its a lot less clunky lol
  4. yourdeath117
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please update for V2.0

    This is clearly superior.

    Pressing 'enter' to use anything is insanity.
  5. rebeccaMT
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    PLEASE someone make a mod that works like this!
  6. Puncake99
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know of a similar mod to this that's updated? 
    1. Pickstar
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      looking for one as well
  7. RaPoZaUm
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I uninstall this properly?
  8. silencer711
    • premium
    • 95 kudos
    UPDATED! (The sticky post now reflects TODAY's update - v1.52 ). This update is compatible with game version 1.5+.
    1. tyabbo3
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      The only file I'm seeing in the download is the inputUserMappings XML file, which didn't fix the issue I had with not being able to fast travel. Is there something missing, or am I doing it wrong? Thanks!
    2. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      This mod does not touch fast travel. Just verify your steam/GOG files. Stupid crap like that gets fixed when I do that. Then (if applicable) re-enter in any entries that certain mods ask you to do
    3. tyabbo3
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Fixed it! Appreciate the reply!
    4. zorg172
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hello. The built-in key for switching to walking does NOT work (Which appeared with the latest patch, it seems). It is assigned through the menu, but does not work. And dodge is now on both ALT and CTRL. I would like to be able to assign walking to CTRL or CAPS.
    5. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      Go to your SETTINGS \ KEY BINDINGS (TAB) and press F1 to reset them to the defaults, that should clear it up to where you can assign it to whatever you want (in that same page).
    6. seyl0n
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How did you fix it? I've used both the nexus version + silencer fixes aswell as silencers provided version + his fixes and nothing is working for me lol.. can't fast travel, no matter what >.<
    7. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      EDIT: Do NOT use the other .xml files besides mine. The old ones are out of date and will cause problems.

      You'll need to download the nexus version (this page) and THEN use the community fixes version (replacing all when asked).
    8. ElementalNimbus
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Hey, thanks for the work bringing this up to compatibility. It really is a must-have for me, it baffles me the layouts some games are going with nowadays. Had two quick questions if you don't mind:

      1. I see the primary post includes a changelog for 1.6 so it looks like you did the work to update it, however the link seems to still go to the 1.5.3 version. I am likely being dumb... but was hoping to ask where to find the new file?

      2. For the proper install post-file-verification, no other mods, do I download the base year old addon then overwrite the one file with yours, or do I just use your file with absolutely nothing else? Been running just your file the past day and had some aberrations but not sure if that is due to the out of date version or me not installing it correctly. 

      Again, thanks a ton for the work you put in on this. You are a savior, in this very specific important way. :) 
    9. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      Hi, ElementalNimbus!

      Due to how severely out-of-date this mod has become, I felt it necessary to publish continued updates into a new standalone mod.

      Please consider using this new standalone mod for the foreseeable future, as we do not, at this time, have any word from quibblerone as to when they will update this mod or return to the modding scene.
  9. ParasiteAdam666
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    Hey might just me being dumb but should the new controls take effect after installation or do I have to rebind them myself? 
  10. SpadeXIII
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So i downloaded the updated mod and while i got dodging to work like i want it i still seem to be having trouble with Reject Call showing up as "invalid input" as well as E and Right-Click not responding in menus such as if i want to exit the game (E to confirm, Right-Click to cancel) everything seemingly looks right in the inputUserMappings and InputContexts but im not skilled enough in reading these sorts of files to know otherwise
    1. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      Damn, I'll take a look at it tomorrow on my laptop. Unfortunately my GPU died 2 weeks ago (the day after I posted the fix) and I have the VANILLA cyberpunk files on that computer. If you wouldn't mind using pastebin or something to paste the contents of the Vanilla cyberpunk files (inputUserMappings.xml, and InputContexts.xml) I would be most appreciative. That way I can compare the files and resume work on the laptop to fix things
    2. SpadeXIII
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      weeeell i kinda decided to do my own fixes to the mappings and contexts myself while i waited for a response; and i didnt make a backup of the vanilla files even though i PROBABLY should lol. Im really sorry i cant provide the vanillas :( for what its worth though, i do make mods nor do i usually perform these kinds of fixes; my fix has a couple minor inconsistencies and performed with "put 2 and 2 together" logic by comparing your files to the vanillas, but it works decently enough. you folks are the real magic makers lol 
    3. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      EDIT: UPDATED! (The sticky post now reflects TODAY's update - v1.5.1 )
  11. silencer711
    • premium
    • 95 kudos
    Hello, EVERYONE!

    Due to how severely out-of-date this mod has become, I felt it necessary to publish continued updates into a new standalone mod.

    Please consider using this new standalone mod for the foreseeable future, as we do not, at this time, have any word from quibblerone as to when they will update this mod or return to the modding scene.

    Very Respectfully,
    ~ S I L E N C E R

    Hi, quibblerone!

    I have updated the mod using the vanilla files of Cyberpunk 2077 version (1.52) as a base. This update is compatible with game versions 1.5 and up.

    Please consider using these specific files (replacing 2 of yours) to update your mod to version 1.5.3, so that both YOU can have an easier time updating this mod and users of the mod will have an easier time adding functionality from other mods.

    You'll need to download the nexus version (this page). o NOT use the other .xml files besides mine. The old ones are out of date and will cause problems. THEN use the community fixes version (replacing all when asked).

    Very Respectfully,
    ~ S I L E N C E R

    // CHANGELOG //
    1.6.0 (09/09/2022)
    --- Updated the file: "inputUserMappings.xml".
    1. Deleted various obsolete entries that were removed in the new v1.6 game update.
    2. Deleted a harmless duplicate entry I accidentally introduced in an older patch.
    3. Added new entries introduced with this latest patch.

    --- The values changed are below for user-reference:

    --- OBSOLETE values removed:

    <mapping name="world_map_menu_cycle_camera_mode" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_Pad_LeftThumb" />
    <button id="IK_C" />

    DELETED (Personal Error - Duplicate Entry from older patch):
    <mapping name="world_map_menu_debug_teleport" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_Pad_X_SQUARE" />

    --- NEW values added:

    <mapping name="delete_wardrobe_set" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_Pad_Y_TRIANGLE" />
    <button id="IK_Z" />

    <!-- UI - ARCADE MINIGAMES -->
    <mapping name="minigame_select" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_E" overridableUI="selectChoice" />
    <button id="IK_Enter" />
    <button id="IK_Pad_A_CROSS" />
    <mapping name="minigame_menu_up" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_Up" overridableUI="selectUpSecondary" />
    <button id="IK_W" />
    <button id="IK_Pad_DigitUp" />
    <mapping name="minigame_menu_down" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_Down" overridableUI="selectDownSecondary" />
    <button id="IK_S" />
    <button id="IK_Pad_DigitDown" />
    <mapping name="minigame_pause" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_Escape" overridableUI="cancelSelection" />
    <button id="IK_Pad_Y_TRIANGLE" />
    <mapping name="minigame_back" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_Backspace" overridableUI="cancelSelection" />
    <button id="IK_Pad_B_CIRCLE" />
    <button id="IK_RightMouse" />
    <button id="IK_Q" />
    <mapping name="roach_race_jump" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true">
    <button id="IK_Up" />
    <button id="IK_W" />
    <button id="IK_Space" overridableUI="selectUpSecondary" />
    <button id="IK_Pad_A_CROSS" />
    <button id="IK_Pad_DigitUp" />

    1.5.3 (03/26/2022)
    --- Updated the file: "inputUserMappings.xml". COMPLETE ACCURACY CHECKED. Deleted the value allowing the user to fast forward dialogue using the right-mouse button. I did this because if you wanted to ZOOM into a scene and see things closer, you would not only zoom in but you would also fast-forward dialogue (unintentionally).

    --- The values changed are below for user-reference:
    <mapping name="SceneFastForward_Button" type="Button">
    <button id="IK_Pad_B_CIRCLE" />
    <button id="IK_X" overridableUI="fastForward" />
    <button id="IK_RightMouse" overridableUI="fastForward"/>

    <mapping name="SceneFastForward_Button" type="Button">
    <button id="IK_Pad_B_CIRCLE" />
    <button id="IK_X" overridableUI="fastForward" />

    The value deleted from the original was:
    <button id="IK_RightMouse" overridableUI="fastForward"/>

    1.5.2 (03/22/2022)
    --- Updated the file: "inputUserMappings.xml". COMPLETE ACCURACY CHECKED. Corrected keys used during braindance scenes, back to their vanilla values since the files for the mod were causing certain function keys (like play forward/backward) to only occur if pressing movement keys.

    1.5.1 (03/15/2022)
    --- Updated the file: "inputUserMappings.xml". Fixed some invalid entries causing the Reject Call and anything utilizing the E key to show up as INVALID_INPUT. Turns out, the file I uploaded was slightly corrupted in a way I cannot understand. Uploaded the corrected, accurate file and made certain this was accurate to the game's files prior to uploading it this time.

    --- Added the original game files for easy uninstalling / reverting from the mod's changes, back to Vanilla.

    1.5.0 (02/25/2022)
    --- Updated the file: "inputUserMappings.xml". Fixed various entries that were out of date due to the new v1.5 game update.

    1. lehrax
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Many thanks to Silencer for keeping my little mod updated!

      Feel free to use this as a drop-in replacement.
      I'll be back to updating the mod once my life situation stabilises.

      Stay safe out there!
  12. ankhyindell
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Even with the 1.4.0 update, I'm still not getting this to work correctly.  Something in the inputUserMappings is changing causing the game to display, "Press [NONE] to continue" on the title screen and then nothing I do on the Main Menu screen does anything.  I can only Alt F4 out.

    I know it's the inputUserMapping because if I replace that one with vanilla then the game loads and I can get in no problem.  Is there somthing I can look for to see about possible problems or conflicts?  I really love the changes this mod makes and playing the game without it is very difficult...

    I found the error.  The button <mapping name="run_benchmark" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true"> didn't have the </mapping> tag to close it off. 

    Once I fixed that it loads just fine. On a side note, you had <mapping name="world_map_menu_cycle_camera_mode" type="Button" SIEJADependent="true" > and it's related values in there twice. I doubt that would have any negative effect but it's weird so I thought I'd mention it.
    1. reposefultube
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      in inputContexts.xml the line   <hold action="world_map_menu_fast_travel" timeout="0.8" />  is also missing so fast travel doesn't work. This needs to be added under the line   <hold action="world_map_menu_debug_teleport" timeout="0.6"/>

      The block starting with   <acceptedEvents action="world_map_menu_fast_travel"> also needs to be updated to look like below.

        <acceptedEvents action="world_map_menu_fast_travel">
      <event name="BUTTON_PRESSED" />
      <event name="BUTTON_RELEASED" />
      <event name="BUTTON_HOLD_PROGRESS" />
      <event name="BUTTON_HOLD_COMPLETE" />

      That's about all that I have seen messed up
    2. Machonezzz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you, king
    3. silencer711
      • premium
      • 95 kudos
      EDIT: UPDATED! (The sticky post now reflects TODAY's update )

      ah shite. This is what I get for staying up all night doing this. I'll fix these issues today and change the uploaded file to the corrected/fixed one. Thanks for pointing these things out guys! (and sorry!)