Cyberpunk 2077

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Say hello to "Bad Medicine", Dino's personalized shotgun
Don't ask me why there's bottle caps strapped to it, I'm pretty sure he's just an alcoholic, or maybe really loves fallout?
He does own a bar as well, so maybe he got bored one day. It is also plastered with alcohol labels...

These are actual unused game assets found with wkit
A while back I was digging around trying to save some files for myself and found some unique gun piece meshes named specifically to the NPC Fixer Dino Dinovic, obviously that raised some eyebrows and I decided to follow some file trails and learned there was an unused appearance for the Constitutional Tactition shotgun specific to Dino. A shame really cuz it's pretty fun! So naturally I saved the files for future use. Finally I put them to good use and learned to slap them into an actual usable version.

As far as I am aware the stats themselves will randomize when it's spawned.
I have yet to grasp the nitpicky part of assigning specific abilities but maybe once I can I'll come back and edit this


The console spawn code for the gun is as follows:

For the prop version:
Go to AMM's decor tab, they should be found under 'misc' if you wanna go scroll forever
or searching 'Loki Bad Medicine' should bring up the item faster

Note: /!\ KNOWN ISSUE /!\
DO NOT SCALE The option is there, but trust me, don't use it... It doesn't work as intended on this guy.
The limitations in AMM's props only allow for so many meshes to be scalable and this weapon build exceeds the mesh slots for it. If you try to scale it, it will not all work, some parts will change some wont.

To install:
place the .archive and .xl file in your mod folder
Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
(not the REDMod folder)

place the .lua file into
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\AppearanceMenuMod\Collabs\Custom Props

place the .yaml file into
Cyberpunk 2077\r6\tweaks

To uninstall:
just delete/move the files out of the respective folders


Have fun!

If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee?

Big thank yous to:
Sammysilverdyne for the name, which is fantastically fitting given the alcohol themed decals and stuff. Honestly *chef kiss*.
PinkyDude and Halkuonn for all the help with me learning the initial archive XL/props and putting up with my dumb ass as I worked my way through this~
As well as the redmodding wiki for helping me grasp the differences needed between garment and weapon xl stuff.