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About this mod

Gangs members are now able to drive trough NC.
Motorbikes are part of the traffic.
Civilians and NCPD are more aware, aggressive and reactive to what happen in NC.

Permissions and credits

ZIGGY Q to Sarah KRAKOSKY (Police officer) : " When will people no longer need to carry a concealed weapon for a trip to the mall ? "

This was the NIGHT CITY they promised, here it is :


Remember when traveling from a contract to an other was easy ? Or just going to a shop in a peaceful world ? Remember that Night City was static unless you do something ?

It's over now.

This mod focus on those things :

-Gangs members will join traffic
-Motorbikes are part of the traffic

-Civilian are more aggressive, more responsive to your crimes AND gangs crimes
-Relationship trough gangs is now active
-Police react based on affiliation with gangs


-Phantom Liberty DLC is required.
-You have to install Redmod 
-Simply drag mods and archive folders in Cyberpunk2077 folder
-Then enable Mods with the Red prelauncher

-Not compatible with SP0 BODY MOD


All system (gangs, civilian, police) are now aware and connected.

Gang members using certain type of civilian cars to do there own things, they can be the driver, or a passenger (when they go out with their civilian or merc friends to hang out).
There is a low probability an entire crew is in the same car, and if it happen, better stay away.
The relationship trough gang have been added. Base game allow only Maelstrom and Scavenger to interact.
Now there is a nice flow trough all gangs driving the streets.
It is not a permanent war. They can be two different gangs in the same street and be peaceful. But if one of them taunt the other, they will act as expected.

Armoured car is no longer driven by civilian, but by Aldecaldos and Wraiths. Wraiths will now be real bastards as they attack on sight. Badlands is no longer 100% peaceful and fit more the lore described in the game.

Civilian are now more sensitive when they have been bump into, reducing the amount of bump needed to piss them off. 
More civilian are able to be aggressive. 
They now react to crime. And they will not stop being aggressive if you are in combat. Resulting in a really nice living NIGHT CITY.
Be careful when you steal a car, when you aim in the middle of the crowd. Don't do to much mess with police as some civilian gonna think they are Superman and try to stop you.
They 're no longer react only to YOU, but they now react to all the things happening in NIGHT CITY. Resulting in being aggressive with gangs or police too !

NCPD will be intolerant with certain gangs, and tolerant with other, depending of affiliation. 

Three versions is available :

Low density :

Night City will let you play as usual, don't be afraid of the streets.

-Maximum one aggressive civilian at a time
-Low probability of a gang member spawning in a car
-Firefight happen rarely 
-Fit well for mods that add more cars and crowds, or players who want to be surprised rarely
-No performance cost

Standard density :

Night City will feel more organic and dangerous, you can play as usual, but be aware of your environement. 

-Medium Density, the one i personally prefer
-Double the probability of spawn of low density
-Maximum two aggressive civilians at a time
-Firefight will happen but are still kind of rare
-Fit well in the general lore of Night City
-Really low performance cost (tested on potato PC)

High density :

Night City is now dangerous, living a day without being involved in a firefight is nearly impossible.

-Chance of gang members by car spawned is high (~1/3)
-Max aggressive civilian is still two, to prevent strange behavior
-Firefight can trigger at every corner of crowded streets
-Result in a more chaotic Night City, a bit extreme sometimes, can create warfare situations when gangs, police and civilians decide to interact
-Performance cost is non negligible, as aggressive AI cost more than simple civilian AI
-Fit well for good computers, players who want to experience kind of a "riot" atmosphere

Got it ? Night City is now Alive, and you will never feel in a static world again.

Suggestion :
use it with NCPD Prevention Police Enhancement for a real experience.


Want to dig more into the mod ? Check this, but it will spoil the surprise :

Added Gang members :

+MAELSTROM  in "low life cars" + they work as truck deliver too
+SCAVENGERS in "low life cars"
+6THSTRETS in normal cars
+VALENTINOS should appear more at night
+TIGERCLAWS in "rich" cars + they work for ARASAKA too, as utility drivers. They also are the only ones driving Kusanagi motorcycle


Known issues :
-Raymond Chandler Evening quest mix not well with the mod as if it trigger an aggressive gang the target will be scared, resulting in a fail.
-Bikers spawn lately du to game engine, nothing I can do here. Resulting in ghost bike if you drive fast.
-You can see sometimes spinning bikes, nothing I can do here.
-Not compatible with SP0 BODY MOD


My other mods :