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  1. p1xel8ted
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    (With more info than "me install mod; mod does not work.")

    Post a link to your most recent log file immediately after the issue you're experiencing.
    Log file is located within the BepInEx folder.

    You will need to upload the log(s) to Pastebin and provide the URL. If no log files are provided, the bug report will be closed. No images, no screenshots, the entire log file, uploaded to Pastebin.

    If the log contains any references to "MissingMethodException" - this is not a bug - update your game. Bug reports with logs featuring this will be deleted.
  2. p1xel8ted
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
  3. p1xel8ted
    • premium
    • 148 kudos
    2.1.8 Released - 30th January 2024

    • Fixed Exhausted followers not being able to be healed in the healing bays.
    • Improved associated notifications for the healing bay.
    • Speed increase now only applies to Sermons and Rituals.
    • All logging (for QoL) has been disabled; if you wish to see it, enabled it in the config file (or via the F1 key)
    • Fixed lamb not roaring(?) when using Mass Intimidate.
    • Removed some unnecessary logging.

    Bugs reported in this thread will be ignored; please use the Bugs tab.

    Kown Issue(s)

    #1. If you are near something that opens a menu (i.e. prison) and a follower is nearby and you accidently interact with both, triggering the command wheel; the command wheel will interrupt the menu and stay open when you move away. To resolve, close the command wheel and talk to a follower.
  4. CeliBee
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Does this disable achievements?
    1. p1xel8ted
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
    2. AciesGecko
      • premium
      • 150 kudos
      It does though, I was getting achievements until I installed this mod, defeated heket and didn't get achievement
    3. p1xel8ted
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      It doesn't. If you installed the API alongside it, that disables achievements (can be turned off in its settings) 
    4. AciesGecko
      • premium
      • 150 kudos
      Ah, sorry my bad. I got it working now
  5. LittleEvo
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    is it possible to add a setting to disable getting blue hearts from a sermon after maxing out the weapon upgrades? thank you!
  6. ddymka
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you!! This mod is very useful. I had to tinker with the settings to make the perfect game for myself, but it was totally worth it.
  7. Werevampiwolf
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Would it be possible to add the ability to see a follower's traits from the selection menus? Like, the missionary menu, the sacrifice menu, ect? I have a ton of followers and I want to sacrifice the ones that keep starting fights but I can't remember things to save my life.
    1. FormDrop
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I want to sin and reroll the followers that have golden poop! But I can't remember which -_- So I also would like this
  8. Rumpelsp
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't put this mod to work in any way I don't know what else to do does it only work if the game is original? because I have tried to install it in every possible way and I can't make it work.
  9. FormDrop
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Would it be possible to add an option for 'add both tarot cards' to the mod? Like when you go to pick a card, you also get the second card no matter what you pick.
  10. FormDrop
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Does anyone else have unsynced visual night turn from the clock? Like could still be morning timing but suddenly the screen turns night time, even if time is day. This at least tells me that yes, time is longer than vanilla with the option on
  11. Nyngamma
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do I access the config? Is that the thing that allows you to toggle/change certain things?

    Nevermind found some comments. Sorry!
  12. C0ur4g30usN4n0u
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do you open/use the menu?? It's nowhere written
    1. p1xel8ted
      • premium
      • 148 kudos
      Press F1
  13. quiniiiii
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    EDIT: I decided to start a new save cus i wasnt that far anyway and now everything work the form is there, sorry i havent thought of starting a new save, thank you so much for the mod, I wanted to delete comment but i cant xd

    Hey, amazing mod, but i have a question, I got the mod because i tired to grind the game to the end just to get the twitch cat form so i thought this mod can unlock it but the pink twitch cat with the heart is the only one missing, should i edit something specific or? thank you