Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion
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Ritvik Shukla

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  1. beomble
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    This is a huuge undertaking for one person and I truly applaud your efforts thus far! If youre willing/able, mind explaining a bit how exactly youre approaching unpacking/repacking the game's audio files and the AI youre using? I'd be totally willing to do some work on my end to help this project along.

    EDIT : figured out how to extract the old OG PSP audio files, next step is setting up and training the AI. I'll be using RVC! bit worried our naming conventions may be different since I used quickbms  Game Extractor to unpack the AWB/HCA files, but I'll do my best to keep everything in order

    EDIT 2: manually went through and picked out Zack's 2,000ish Reunion voice lines, the ones with heavy reverb are gonna be a pain. Converting HCA files to .WAV and editing them seems simple enough, but I'm still a bit lost on how to .WAV -> .HVC -> .AWB without messing the whole thing up. So I'm ignoring that bit for now. Prioritizing keeping things organized

    EDIT 3 (Jan 17): Actually got around to training the RVC model overnight and its pretty good! I added Zack's voicelines from KHBBS to pad the dataset a bit more and I think it was worth it. I'm putting Reunion's dialogue through RVC in 100 file batches so I can go through and pick out the ones that sound shit. Some lines have a bit of a crackle/slur/lisp but I'm pretty sure I can fix most of that by messing with the settings and running the lines through again. Only possible problem I'm forseeing right now is that most of the output sounds happy/excited, so I'll have to see if that sounds awkward later on when the dialogue becomes more angsty lmao. EDIT 3.5: Turns out the awkward line delivery isn't the fault of the AI, thats just how some of Zack's new lines were read 🥴... not much I can do about that. RVC just changes how the voice sounds, it cant change the acting/performance itself. Most angsty lines still sound appropriately angsty tho

    EDIT 4: It seems Ritvikshukla updated the main page to say that work this mod has been retired, so instead of continuing to spam "updates" here, I'll focus on making a separate voice mod without using Ritvikshukla's assets. I've taught myself a shocking amount on this journey so I think I can pull it off. Thank you for all of your hard work Ritvikshukla!! Without this mod existing in the first place, I'd likely never have the inspiraiton to give it a shot myself!!
    1. Ripbigdoinks
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm rooting for you man. Thanks for helping out getting this mod along. Hopefully the Mod OP will be able to get in touch with you.
    2. beomble
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      i've been sorting through unlabeled audio clips of men groaning and shouting dramatically at eachother for hours now, what a time to be alive!
    3. Rusle123
      • member
      • 5 kudos
    4. andthebecause
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's amazing that you're working on a successor to this mod. All the best!

      I'm currently playing through Reunion with Ritvikshukla's mod and will likely finish soon - but will follow along any progress you make just because it's so interesting!
    5. VandimionX
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Hope you're able to complete it! I can only imagine how much work it has to be, but we're all rooting for you. 

      Also, thanks Ritvikshukla for creating this AI voice mod. Being able to hear Zack's original voice actor in Reunion speaking all the new lines, even if only up to the Aerith section, is a pretty incredible experience as it is for us old fans.
    6. thelightbringer88
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Honestly, I'd love to see more updates here since it'd be really cool to be able to see what's going on. Unless you plan to post a youtube video or a community forum post for that?
    7. kimbunturaz
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm totally rooting for you on this project. I've never been able to finish the original PSP game, and I wanted to finish it now through this remaster as it has QOL improvements, but the voice acting turned me off so bad.

      While waiting for the PC port of FF7Rebirth, I'm hoping to play Reunion in the meantime with a complete VA mod. Cheers and good luck! 💙🩵
    8. beomble
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      I've been vaguely documenting progress in a .txt as I go, mostly so that I can remember where I last left off and whats next on the to-do, but I'll consider making a community post of some sort given the interest people have expressed! (if i can figure out how lol)
    9. mcmichele2
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Absolutely brilliant beomble. Thank you so much for carrying this on! I’m gonna use this mod wherever it’s at in a couple of weeks as I play through Crisis Core in preparation for Rebirth!
    10. DavrosKaled3
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you so much for picking this up.
      I look forward to the future of this project.

      The new Zack is why I still haven't played it.
  2. skyrim817
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hey bro please weve been waiting forever for someone to disable the activating combat mode voice line, please see if you can remove it or replace it with an empty file.
    1. Inugamii
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      This times a million! If the activating combat mode line cant be replaced with no audio- maybe replace it with the original FFVII battle start swoosh sound that plays when OG battles begin! It can even be a separate mod, someone please do this for us!
    2. MattAn24
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Removing one of the most iconic "part of its CHARM" lines of the entire game's identity? Yikes.
  3. MattAn24
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The irony of this mod is that using AI is a major middle finger *towards Rick Gomez*.
    This is abhorrent. Stop faking voice actor's voices with AI, it is rude and insulting, with zero compensation for the person you're ripping off.
  4. Glormac
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I like mods like this. The new voice actor sounds like he just sauntered into the studio, lazily thumbed through his lines, collected his paycheck, and then dipped out.
  5. BoxOfSardines
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    To those who have used this mod, does this cover all of Zack's lines or only a few before it was dropped?
  6. craigdown
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    gonna need you to do this for all of zacks lines in rebirth and the third part when they are out on pc
  7. kiwinz5
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    was this mod ever completed or still being worked on i cant stomach the new voice actor for zack i need this mod <3
  8. LegendOfAB
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    beomble If you ever see this, some form of update would be GREATLY appreciated. Whether you hit a wall and was forced to stop, or merely lost motivation to continue for whatever reason. Sharing what you have gathered/learned could help others assist you or even pick up the torch and continue where you left off if needed. Even just letting others know that work isn't actively being done could spur someone else on.
  9. mcmichele2
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Awesome mod. I hope beomble is continuing the work. There are definitely still spots where Rick Gomez voiced lines but they aren’t included for some reason. It’s the new guy instead. Also, on the beach with Cissnei, the lines that were switched to Rick in the game are now flipped back to the new guy. Some wonky stuff going on for sure. Hopefully works continues on it. It’d be nice to only have Zack replaced actually. All the new cast does a much better job. 
  10. mcmichele2
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Continually looking for updates on this mod lol. Quick question though, does this mod already include the Rick Gomez lines added back in, just not the unspoken lines past a certain point? ie we’ll hear Rick for all the stuff he did and then the new guy for the new lines?
  11. Gwyn2212323
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