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Hoodless Io Collection by Mattatatta
Version 2
Modular Version

New in V2:
- All Io body models have been updated to restore animations to eyes, drain attack red colour, and communal gift glow effects
- All Veils have been updated with improved cloth physics

Inspired by an older mod by persuis31 that has been broken for a long time, this mod removes the hood from Io's veil and fixes issues caused by doing this, such as fixing the hole that appears in Io's head, remaking the cloth physics, and bringing back facial animations.

This mod replaces both the body model and veil model of:
- Io
- Cutscene Io (this model is also used in Home Base when Io is not napping or thinking of napping)
- ALL Anothers costumes (Alternate and the colour variants)
- Io Yami costume (Dark version)

Other features:
- Mod is available in All-in-One and Modular flavours.
- Attendants are untouched, because they are not Io.
- Alternate download for Io Yami costume that does not have the horn sticking out of her head (Modular only).
- Modular version allows for flexibility between Io mods and vanilla, allowing a user to install Hoodless Io for specific Io costumes while leaving others alone. There is a big asterisk for this, which shall be explained under "Considerations" below.

This mod is untested with other Io mods, but it should be assumed that 'total overhaul' mods are most likely incompatible. For mods that replace very specific Io costumes, they should work as long as the textures are not radically changed. See "Considerations".

Additional changes/notes:

- Though it was not the focus of this mod, Io's facemorphs have been carefully recreated and restored with the use of Aneox's morphs as a base, and a great deal of time and care on my part adjusting them for the best quality I can muster. You might not notice any difference between this Io's expressions and the Io in vanilla unless you're keen-eyed or you look at a comparison screenshot. This was the goal.
- There is an experimental "Veils Only" version that can be used as an override for the Modular and All-in-One versions of this mod to provide possible compatibility with other Io mods. The download is under the Misc section, and it has its own readme instructions.


1. Decide between the All-in-One or Modular version of the mod and download the files of your choice.
note: The CORE file is required for the Modular version, and is compatible with V1 and V2 .paks
2. Navigate to where your copy of Code Vein is installed, and go to:
If the "~mods" folder does not exist, create it yourself.
3. Place the .pak file from the CORE file inside the ~mods folder, plus any additional .paks from the Modular line.
- Do not use the All-in-One version with any files from the Modular version
- If trying out the Yami modular file, do not use both Yami files at the same time.
4. Install done!

To uninstall the mod, delete the .pak file(s).

Considerations when using other Io mods with (or without) the Hoodless Io mod:

- The Io Another (Alternate) line of costumes all reference some common textures from regular Io, such as her hair, eyes, and face textures. Any changes to those textures (such as through installing a mod for regular Io that retextures her) will also impact the textures of all Io Another variants.
- In addition, the Io Another1 and Another2 colour variants share the same skin texture with Io Another, so any changes to Io Another's skin texture will be reflected in the colour variants.
- There should not be any problems if a given Io mod only modifies the model, but if an Io mod comes along that radically alters these shared textures, expect things to break.

Modder's Resource:

Because facemorphs are time-consuming and daunting to anyone wanting to make NPC mods, and to follow in the spirit of Aneox's contribution to Code Vein modding, I have released my Io facemorphs .blend file as a resource on the CV Modding Discord. Anyone interested in modding NPCs (or making mods in general) should join the Discord.

Credits and thanks:
Aneox for making a face morphs pack. Thank you for sharing that pack and making life easier for other NPC modders.
PraisetheSun for spending a lot of time helping me get the model to work.
Yerba for saving me hours with one simple trick (telling me where X-axis mirror editing is (top right in blender 2.8 near options drop-down) so I can tweak the face morphs twice as fast).
Stealthunt3r for tips on cloth painting and explaining their method of using custom physics assets, and for figuring out the restoration of glowing eye. I aspire to have your patience and knowledge that no doubt only comes from making all those Mia mods.
fatihG_ for their guide on setting up cloth physics. Cloth physics have shortened my life expectancy, your video helped claim some of that back.
Chonkinator for advice on getting the cloth physics to behave.
Telli for figuring out how to restore eye animations.

Thanks to the Testers:
UnitDragon for testing an early version of the Io Alts and enduring the crashes I caused.
Karma for extensive testing of later versions right up until release, and for enduring the nightmare of Ios with holes in their heads.
Yerba again, but this time for checking the Io Alts too.