Sid Meier's Civilization VI

Millionth member modding competition

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The Nexus sites are very close to hitting the million member milestone which is an exciting achievement for myself and the other staff here at the Nexus. We started accumulating members back in July of 2003 when Morrowind Source was launched and the site has been receiving a steady flow of new members each day since then.

The millionth member milestone is greatly coveted by me. As the owner of the site it makes me proud to see so many people registering to make use of the site's features and download modifications for some truely awesome games. But most of all the milestone is a trophy for the strong support of the modding communities behind Morrowind, Oblivion and Fallout 3. Traffic figures on TESNexus have far surpassed those of March/April 2006 in recent months, which is amazing considering the game is now 3 years old. Similarly the Fallout 3 community continues to expand, develop and mature.

So how are we going to celebrate this monumental occasion? What better way than to get the creativity flowing and set an old school Oblivion and Fallout 3 modding competition for all to enter, complete with some prizes of the monetary nature straight out of the Nexus war kitty!

The theme for the competition revolves around that of the Oblivion and Fallout 3 community respectively. I want modifications that contain unique and innovative representations of members or locations within the community that have influenced your time within the community in a positive way. Perhaps you’d like to make a tavern on some well travelled road containing NPCs representing your favourite community members, or maybe a companion mod with a representation of Buddah wielding a mighty hammer of bannage + 5. Maybe, just maybe, even a quest mod to save your friends from the evil clutches of the worm like Dark0ne? The idea is to make something fun and interesting with the emphasis on including your community friends. It’s all about the community, folks!

For full details on what to do and how to enter go visit the competition page. Top prize for winners is a $125 voucher, with $75 prizes for runner-ups and $50 prizes for mods with the highest potential. The competition closes 50 days after the site hits the millionth member mark, so get your thinking caps on!

For those without the creative edge or time to create modifications for Oblivion or Fallout 3 you can always become a fan of Nexus sites on Facebook. All people who become fans up until the closing date of the competition will be entered in to a prize draw for a £30 voucher.

Further updates will come as the millionth member mark is reached. Happy modding.


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  1. jaysus
    • member
    • 740 kudos
    spoiled obse brat <img class=">
    back in the days we knew how to work with our bare scripts... <img class=">

    but hey whats up with the competition?
    i heard rumours that dark won in the lottery and increased the prizes!
    but since he still needs to check it in for income tax we have to wait or somin like that... but maybe i just misunderstodd somin...
  2. TheTalkieToaster
    • supporter
    • 796 kudos
    Just checking- is it allowed to require OBSE? The competition page mentions it's vanilla only, but doing anything fun with vanilla script is like trying to build a house with nothing but 2x4s and superglue.
  3. TeeFwock
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    the reason for me personally not uploading my mod is because it is far from done. I'm still working on a couple of cells of my map and have tons of scripting if I want to include everything I wanted. Any testing would probably just be to help me pick out misalignments on my map and maybe get some opinions on details. I have a feeling that I'm not going to get any such help though so I will debug it myself and release it when i get the scripting done.
  4. moogleviii
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Well my personal outlook on the competition is this:

    If you're really that worried about someone stealing your ideas, then submit your mod early. That way if someone does use a similar idea, you can always argue that you posted it on the site first.
    And by posting it early, that also gives your mod time to build up a notable reputation on the website.

    Oh and another idea: instead of searching desperately for beta-testers, you could just post your mod whenever you think it's good enough, and then let everyone else tell you --when they inevitably comment on it-- what they think should and shouldn't be fixed.

    But the date that you choose to release your mod on is ultimately yours. I'd just really like to see some actual "competition" here soon. (Seeing as there's only, what, 15 days left in the competition?)
  5. TeeFwock
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I got kind of a late start on producing my mod for the competition.I don't plan to actually submit my mod until close to the deadline as it is growing pretty large and I would like some time to debug it. To this point, I wondered if there are any stipulations as to having other site members do some testing. Tentatively (with the assumption that this is okay), I'd like to see if anyone would be willing to test my mod. Preferably, I'd like someone (some people) who isn't/aren't in the competition or planning to enter and I would be keeping documentation of any files/emails/messages that are sent. If anyone is interested please send me a message.
  6. jaysus
    • member
    • 740 kudos
    so when is that date of doom? i know that you said 50 days but cmon lol... when is that? i just made a nice reward for the quest so yeah its getting better... would be a pity to miss that date lol
  7. Dark0ne
    • Site Owner
    • 2,925 kudos
    Yup! You might find people are not releasing their entries yet so that people don't copy their ideas. Either that or my selection of winners is going to be made very, very easy <img class=">
  8. exanimis
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    This is a bit disappointing! More than half of the allowed time is gone and still only two entries. The few threads that I have seen about the competition have faded away without any new updates. Is the competition still going on?
  9. exanimis
    • member
    • 50 kudos
    I didn't see anything in the rules saying that we can not enter more than one mod. I say go for it.
  10. jaysus
    • member
    • 740 kudos
    btw can we send in more than one mod? apart from COMM gold id also like to put in the Sword Contest Compilation which is more or less a tribute to the community anyway...