- Refine results Found 187 results.
Allows to change terrain type, features, improvements, roads and resources in game.Accessible via new button in top right corner of the window near the Civilopedia button.Works with GS.
- 57KB
- 1.3k
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Allows to change terrain type, features, improvements, roads and resources in game.Accessible via new button in top right corner of the window near the Civilopedia button.Works with GS.
Add a panel with buttons to execute cheat commands (duplicate, add movement points, restore attack ability, heal, promote) for selected unit.
- 17KB
- 1.2k
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Add a panel with buttons to execute cheat commands (duplicate, add movement points, restore attack ability, heal, promote) for selected unit.
This mod makes village more likely to get better stuff and enables certain traits from Villages that were otherwise extremely rare or completely disabled by default.
- 2KB
- 890
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This mod makes village more likely to get better stuff and enables certain traits from Villages that were otherwise extremely rare or completely disabled by default.
3/6/24 comment: I've just returned to playing the game and I will look into making this work!This is a cheat that adds units, tech, gold at the beginning of game
- 5KB
- 808
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3/6/24 comment: I've just returned to playing the game and I will look into making this work!This is a cheat that adds units, tech, gold at the beginning of game
Adds a button to the in-game menu to restart using the same game settings.
Gives you a gigantic map size (9000 hexes) that's even bigger than huge (6996 hexes).
_Defunct as of 2024_ More Builds per Builder
*Defunct*As of 2024 this does not work, a compatible version can be found, made by Bearwad, at: feel like the builders shouldn't disappear after three builds? Well, using this they won't disappear for a ton more turns.*Updated for Rise and Fall**Updated for Gatherin
- 18KB
- 580
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_Defunct as of 2024_ More Builds per Builder
*Defunct*As of 2024 this does not work, a compatible version can be found, made by Bearwad, at: feel like the builders shouldn't disappear after three builds? Well, using this they won't disappear for a ton more turns.*Updated for Rise and Fall**Updated for Gatherin
Environment Skin Sid Meier's Civilization V
This example mod changes the visuals of the game to better match the colors and tones of it's predecessor, Civ V.
- 2.4GB
- 506
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Environment Skin Sid Meier's Civilization V
This example mod changes the visuals of the game to better match the colors and tones of it's predecessor, Civ V.
Warmonger Penalty Reduction Project
Reduce, or eliminate, the warmonger penalty due to attacking others nations. Makes for a more pleasant playthrough with less denouncements.
- 1KB
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Warmonger Penalty Reduction Project
Reduce, or eliminate, the warmonger penalty due to attacking others nations. Makes for a more pleasant playthrough with less denouncements.
Adds a Unit List and improves Yield info on the Report Screen
Feel tired selecting the best location for your next city? Still trying to count 6 tiles in every direction to maximize The Colosseum wonder effects (cities within 6 tiles radius)? The best brand new tool for visual city location estimation and various radius related bonuses measurements is here for you only for "Endorse" the mod!
- 29KB
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Feel tired selecting the best location for your next city? Still trying to count 6 tiles in every direction to maximize The Colosseum wonder effects (cities within 6 tiles radius)? The best brand new tool for visual city location estimation and various radius related bonuses measurements is here for you only for "Endorse" the mod!
3/6/24 comment: I've just returned to playing the game and I will look into making this work!Adds 5 new map sizes.
- 4KB
- 301
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3/6/24 comment: I've just returned to playing the game and I will look into making this work!Adds 5 new map sizes.
Gives city states a bit more units, so they don't get rolled over so quickly, but hopefully without making them overpowered.
- 1KB
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Gives city states a bit more units, so they don't get rolled over so quickly, but hopefully without making them overpowered.
Gives Egypt all bonuses, unique units and unique buildings of all other civs. (Excluding the Aztecs, Religious Convert, Lavra and Mbanza.)
- 2KB
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Gives Egypt all bonuses, unique units and unique buildings of all other civs. (Excluding the Aztecs, Religious Convert, Lavra and Mbanza.)
Allows farms on tundra and tundra hills
Buffs Unique Improvements so you might actually build them
Mynex's Increased Starting Distances
3/6/24 comment: I've just returned to playing the game and I will look into making this work!Increased Starting Distances for Civs/Barbs
- 2KB
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Mynex's Increased Starting Distances
3/6/24 comment: I've just returned to playing the game and I will look into making this work!Increased Starting Distances for Civs/Barbs
Improves the Combat Pacing in the game.
The Elder Scrolls Civilization VI Pack
This mod adds several elements from the Elder Scrolls universe to Civ Vi. 13 Civs with 15 Leaders, an Alchemy Lab and an Arcane Enchanter (really cool buildings that use resources in a cool way), mage units, and a whole host of textual changes on existing assets.
- 142.0MB
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The Elder Scrolls Civilization VI Pack
This mod adds several elements from the Elder Scrolls universe to Civ Vi. 13 Civs with 15 Leaders, an Alchemy Lab and an Arcane Enchanter (really cool buildings that use resources in a cool way), mage units, and a whole host of textual changes on existing assets.
This is a total overhaul mod containing all of my mods, as well as UI mods made by others, and pretty much every other mod out there that A) I like and B) is compatible with this package. For obvious reasons, this modpack is MEANT TO BE RUN ALONE.
- 11.5MB
- 234
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This is a total overhaul mod containing all of my mods, as well as UI mods made by others, and pretty much every other mod out there that A) I like and B) is compatible with this package. For obvious reasons, this modpack is MEANT TO BE RUN ALONE.