Borderlands 2

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  1. IAmACactus
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello, I have a mod in making and I would I ask for your permission to use some of your mods contents?
    1. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Can you send me a DM with the details of what content you want to use.
  2. IAmACactus
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    No, I apologize, this was not the case, it have broke again without any noticeable reason and I don't know why it got fixed out of sudden
    1. 55tumbl
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      • 147 kudos
      Hm, so you still have the problem, but only sometimes? That's weird indeed... I gave it a try, but didn't see anything wrong..
    2. IAmACactus
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      • 1 kudos
      So in order to fix it I have to recreate it's P1 and P2 via CE and now everything seems alright. I used Sal's Just Got Real skill to recreate it's effects. If you require, I will provide all the changes I have made and CE code. It seems that P2 formula itself is just broken if used without P1 that contains stuff like GD_Mercenary_Skills.Misc.Att_JustGotReal_DamagePerLvl or GD_Siren_Skills.Misc.Att_Sustenance_HealthRegenPerLvl, NGL, I don't see any problem with this but it is there
    3. 55tumbl
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      • 147 kudos
      You can send me on discord. I'll have a look when I can.
    4. IAmACactus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hello, I apologize for silence, I have DM'd you here, but you haven't read it. May I have your discord contact?
  3. IAmACactus
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hello I running your mod for quite a while and I like how well made and gimmicky Maya feels now. Unfortunately that seems one of last patches have broke something and now there is a bug with Death Wish skill which is just nullifies all the DoT damage dealt with fire or corrosive weapons or just makes it deal like 9999999K damage. The weird thing is that most of the time when I load in Sanctuary it is working fine until I reload my save somewhere else but even there it is getting bugged sometimes. I am pretty sure that the bug is in GD_Siren_Skills.Misc.Init_Sustenance_RegenFormula_P2.I tried everything: uninstalled all of my mods, pythonsdk, used online/offline, nothing worked. Also it is just doesn't loads if I don't resaved it via blcmm. I will look for some kind of solution here, I am afraid it could require CE to fix stuff up but I will provide solution if I will figure something out with it.
    1. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Hm, I'll have a look when I can. This is happening with UCP or other stuff? or also with nothing else installed?
    2. IAmACactus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Actually I have not tried it with any other mod. I disabled everything and even reinstalled the game with deleting folder in steamapps/common and this is still happens. Haven't found anything yet. That seems that the formula is correct and effects too in blcmm. I will try it with UCP when I could
    3. IAmACactus
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Nope, ucp wasn't any useful
  4. NyxBlackthorn
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I really want to try this mod, but it never appears to change anything in the skill tree. I have tried solutions posted in the thread but no luck...
    1. 55tumbl
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      • 147 kudos
      Do you have python sdk installed? Are you using BLCMM or OpenBLCMM?
      There were some changes in the hotfix system for BL2, and not sure I updated the mod. You can try to save the mod after checking "Offline" mode in BLCMM (bottom of the BLCMM screen), see if it works. If not uncheck "Offline", save and try again. I think OpenBLCMM does the right thing automatically when you re-save the mod file.
    2. NyxBlackthorn
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks, I'll try that when I have time!
  5. japficracker
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Mod is not functioning for me. I see the default skill trees despite mod being installed in BLCMM with a loot drop mod also attached. The loot drop mod is functioning, but not this one. I am getting no errors upon mod activation either. 
    1. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Have you tried the mod separately?
      Maybe try saving the file with "offline" box either checked or unchecked in BLCMM.
    2. japficracker
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I tried all these things yes. Tried it as the only mod installed in BLCMM, with both offline and not offline checked. Loading the txt file never gives issues in the console, but I get nothing but the original skill trees in game.  Is it incompatible with Steam or something else that I am not aware of? I've gone down the installation steps a dozen times getting the same result again and again without any error messages. 

      I seem to have resolved it. Either by a complete reinstall of BL2, or by starting to activate the txt file from the menu screen instead of the welcome screen. *Shrugs* What matters is that its working now xD
    3. 55tumbl
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      • 147 kudos
      "by starting to activate the txt file from the menu screen instead of the welcome screen"

      Yeh that's very possibly necessary. Some types of changes that such mods do (notably anything related to skill trees) work via "hotfix", which require to load the Gearbox hotfixes, which happen in the menu screen. 
  6. EnigmaticPuppet
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A really cool mod! I've always wanted to play some form of melee Maya and this takes my dream to the next level
    I want to ask tho is it supposed to nuke unphaselockable enemies when u hv the love thumper lmao
    1. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it. Besides the more technical testing, I did also start a new melee Maya with it (when I have the time, so mid TVHM now), and it's been fun.
      Phaselock vs. non-phaselockable targets is supposed to benefit from all melee damage bonuses, incl. roid shield. And so yes, it should deal a significant amount of damage when set up correctly (empty shield, bladed weapon, reaper stacks etc), and proc special effects (e.g. Love Thumper) just like a regular melee attack. I did however decrease the base phaselock damage, but maybe not enough (?).
    2. EnigmaticPuppet
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Idk maybe its cos I'm still in normal mode?
      But like
      i practically 1 shot the Bloody Harvest pumpkin guy with 1 phaselock, granted with a thumper and a rapier but woah
    3. 55tumbl
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      • 147 kudos
      Yeah, I didn't want it to be balanced around top gear in Normal mode. I played normal mode with whatever gear I found, and the damage seemed good but not excessive. I suppose any character with top gear is supposed to rip through everything in normal. That said, I did nerf the Rapier, unless you disabled that ? But anyway thanks for the feedback! I'll do some more testing and might nerf it a bit.
    4. EnigmaticPuppet
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Mm maybe itll feel better in T/UVHM
      Hope to see more updates btw
    5. sammantix
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hahahaha, speaking of the Love Thumper...did you ever send out a Scorn into a whole crowd of enemies while wearing a depleted Love Thumper? It's just nova city ?
    6. EnigmaticPuppet
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yes i have lmao its just explosions everywhere
  7. Vladdy
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Having fun with this so far, but I have to be completely honest, Shriek is not very good, at least at level 5. The effect would be nice for the increased damage and firing speed if it simply drained shield immediately and stopped it from recovering for the duration of the damage/firing buff, even if the buffs were a bit lower (65% and 40%, or so). Again, I am really liking this change in pace for Maya, just don't think Shriek is all that useful in actual practice, mostly since the bonus is gone as soon as your shields hit 0.
    1. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks for the feedback!

      About Shriek: I like this skill, and I've had a couple people tell me it's one of their favourite among the new skills I put in this mod. But I do agree that it's not (and it's not meant to be) an absolutely good skill.

      Some design thoughts and tips if you're interested:
      - When it works it's a pretty good dps skill (at 5/5, double the Wreck bonuses for the base phaselock duration of 5 seconds). But indeed sometimes it ends up being completely useless, e.g. if you phaselock with empty shields or magazine. That can be annoying but I also find it interesting, since it rewards good timing.
      - The whole left tree is built around the idea of killing phaselocked enemies quickly. And Shriek is meant to help with that. But compared to a constant buff during phaselock (even with negative side effects like you suggest), I thought that this approach had the potential to create more urgency, since even with phaselock duration boosts you can't keep the bonuses past shield depletion. And it contributes to push away from the typical Maya gameplay of keeping the phaselock enemy alive to benefit from Wreck/CR as long as possible.
      - The usefulness of this skill quite obviously depends on the shield you use. It works quite well with fast recharge shields (cracked sash and the like). The combo (phaselock -> shriek kill -> reload and fast shield recharge while subsequence seeks a new target -> phaselock -> shriek kill -> ... ), is not going to work every time, but I find it quite satisfying when it does.
      - Unlike most skills in the BL system, putting more skill points in it is not necessarily better (since the negative side effect increases too). So it's maybe not so much about dropping 5 points in it, but about finding the sweet spot that works best for you (which could be e.g. 2/5... 40% fire rate and 24% gun damage is still quite valuable).
      - Another intended use for this skill is to strip roid shields without having to use a grenade, in a melee build.

      Part of my overall intent with this mod was to create skills that can be powerful but not necessarily easy to use, and/or that push the player to play in a somewhat different way. Success on that matter is highly relative and subjective, but it's definitely much more difficult to accomplish than just making powerful skills. So maybe experiment a bit more, and you'll find some use to it. Otherwise, if it really doesn't fit your gamestyle, hopefully there are enough other skills to go around.
    2. Vladdy
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I understand, just thought I would share my feedback and personal experience with it and, again, really enjoying the tree in general.
    3. sammantix
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I personally have two points in it and it works really well as "get that first kill to activate Kill Skills" option. I have a Maliwan SMG or Sniper in the appropriate element, make sure it's load, and pop a lock and pull the trigger. I unload the whole clip, and now the enemy should have a DoT and Lock. The DoT kills them, stack of reaper and stack of song. Moves on the the next enemy, but now I have Kinetic Deflection, Elemental Queen, etc.

      Now I have no shield. Which means I'll take health damage. Which can proc Supernova. Also, as my healthbar bounces (because of damage and life tap), my Death Wish fluctuates, causing waves of elemental damage. Meanwhile, my scorn gets stronger and stronger

      And since I'm using this mod with the new Exodus mod, where corrosion adds more...the fact that scorn also has my pestilence corrosion...

      The synergy is amazing. That's what I'm trying to say
    4. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks, yeh I was aiming to try and create some interesting synergies between skills.. though it's not always easy to balance..
  8. Goiu911
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Legendary Witch class mod makes me constantly drain health, is it supposeed to do that? Edit: i repeced out of catclysm skill tree and it fixed itself so idk. I feel its too hard to get stacks of reaper when in the middle tree, unless you have the right tree as well
    1. 55tumbl
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      • 147 kudos
      Yes, the three 61+ Legendary class mods have a hidden penalty, but it's very small (health drain from Legendary Witch is easily compensated by e.g. Sustenance). And the stacks of Reaper: I'll probably increase the duration & reduce the bonus a bit sometimes in the future. But currently, the bonus they give is quite strong, so the idea was definitely not to have people running around with 10-20 stacks. Early game, before you get to cataclysm, 3-5 stacks can already make a lot of difference. And the fact that Cataclysm is very useful to get more Reaper stacks was also a way to balance melee for the late game, without making it too OP early on.
    2. sammantix
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, if you don't mind my asking...what's the negative of the Legendary Fox Mod? I plan on keeping it and a Witch and having my maya be a Fox/Witch depending on my mood. (It's funny how I almost only choose class mods based on the name it will display)
    3. sammantix
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nevermind, I got bored and decided to read the code. And while I don't understand everything, I do know that I now stay lit on fire longer. That explains how Frostburn just had some moments
    4. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      yep, you got it.
  9. valshares24
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    55tumbl, your mods is great. Thanks.
    My little suggestion give more duration of Siren Song if invest all 5 points. For example plus 1 minute for every one point to Siren Song,
    Shriek need rework. It's just can't compete with a bee shield. I found a bee now and have to respec the skills for remove Shriek.
    1. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Thanks a lot.
      And it's not a bad idea to make the duration depend on the number of points in the skill, but the problem would be that any additional skill point in Siren Song (e.g. from a class mod) would also boost all the skills that depend on Siren Song stacks. So it would pretty difficult to balance.
      As for Shriek vs. the Bee... my solution would be to remove the Bee (or not use it).
  10. AppleHookah
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hey 55tumbl !

    Downloaded this mod a few months ago on github and decided to try it again.
    I don't like melee stuff in general so that's why i was kinda staying away from it :P Anyway, I still love what you did with some of Maya's skills like Elemental Queen, Siren Song and specially Sub-Sequence cause it makes much more sense to have it as a capstone.

    But, there's just one thing about S-S that just makes me quit the game at times, it's when your phaselock goes infinite after hitting an immune target and then never goes on cooldown. I'm in the Tiny Tina dlc right now, and there's a lot more "unphaselockable" enemies like the Skeleton Kings, so it's happening a lot...
    Is there anyway to fix that in game or do i always have to save/quit ? I know it's an existing bug in the base game but coulnd't find anything online for that specific bug.

    Of course, I could just not play with it but I really want to make it work due to the synergy with Siren Song. By the way, i was playing with the "Vanilla enhanced" mod if that can help, although it's still happening without it.

    Thanks in advance for your answer, and as always I greatly appreciate your work :D

    Edit : just realised that it is probably due to the Phaselock bug on a "flying" enemy, during the Skeleton Kings fight, it might have hit a Skeletaur lunging on me. Same with some of the little green dragons... sigh it'd be nice if gearbox actually fixed that.
    1. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Hey! and thanks again!

      The system I made to have phaselock-dependent skills active for a while after hitting an immune target did at some point create a similar issue with infinite phaselock, if you died during the phaselock time. In principle, I fixed it before importing this system into Elemental Banshee in 1.3, but maybe I missed something. Does the same thing happen in vanilla, or only with my mod? I didn't know there was a vanilla bug like that, actually.

      In any case, I will have to look into it, but unfortunately I'm not sure I'll have much time for that in the next weeks. It would help if you can figure out the exact conditions in which it happens. As for fixing the problems while playing... not sure... with the latest versions of the mod you can maybe try entering a vehicle (when possible), or ffyl-ing/killing yourself...
    2. AppleHookah
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      I'm pretty sure that happened to me a few times in the vanilla game when I was playing with S-S, but it's very rare.
      I managed to fix it during the Skeleton Kings fight by taking off my shield (cause it also has a nasty combo with Shriek, your shield getting constantly depleted) but it doesn't work consistently.
      I'll try to test it a bit more with and without the mod on and keep you informed.

      Phaselock being active after hitting an immune target is from your Phaselock Tweaks mod right ?
      Anyway, thanks for the help and happy BL3 day !!! (hopefully...) :D
    3. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Yes it's from the phaselock tweaks. I gave it a quick try (with Elemental Banshee), and the only way I could make it happen is by phaselocking a regular non-immune enemy, killing it, and then have the subsequence bubble target and hit an immune enemy. Going in FFYL seems to fix it. Not great, but better than save/quit. Haven't tested in vanilla, but it might happen too I imagine, maybe less frequently than with the phaselock tweak. Actually, I guess it could happen with Lilith too (as subsequence is mostly hidden but always active, so you don't go out of phasewalk when the enemy dies), but only on some maps where phaselock immunities were not disabled.
    4. 55tumbl
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      I uploaded a new version of the file. I didn't truly fix the issue, and I don't think I can, because it depends on some code that can't be modified. So phaselock will still last too long in cases where subsequence redirects it to an immune target... but it should be only a few seconds longer now.

      Thanks for reporting the bug, let me know if you get more issues with this (and thanks also for making me play that mod again, I spent so much time on Lilith that I hadn't touched it in a while... it's pretty fun actually, uhuh).
    5. AppleHookah
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Hey ! Sorry I'm so late, kinda got caught in the BL1 hype train so i didn't play BL2 for quite a while.
      My pleasure, reporting on this mod, i also think it's pretty sweet and i'm about to try a full No Guns run with it (cause watching Maya run without guns does something to me, i don't know why :D).
      Thanks for the fix, gonna test this out !
