File information
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About this mod
Create your own Bloodborne experience with a collection of features, all of which can be individually enabled/disabled. Rematch Bosses. Bonfire-like lamps: rest, warp to other lamps, level up, and upgrade weapons directly at lamps. Auto restock vials so farming is no longer required. Stocked shop: start the game with any gear you want. And more!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
Please report any bugs that you encounter by leaving a comment here or sending me private message. Include what platform you're playing on, which CUSA version you're using, and any other mods that you have installed. Thank you!
[PS4 console]
Easiest method is using GoldHEN's AFR plugin. Install plugins by following the instructions on this page. FTP to your PS4, make sure the path "/data/GoldHEN/AFR" exists. Within this directory, create a folder with the name of your game version's Title ID (e.g. CUSA03173 or CUSA00900). Place the dvdroot_ps4 folder from my mod into the folder you just created and enjoy!
Easy installation guide by Harpi
Compatibility Patcher:
This tool can merge the enhanced mod with other mods that also modify event, msg, param, and map files. Tested merging with Boss Weapons mod, Great One Beast Restored mod, and the randomizer mod. Some boss rematches may not work correctly with the randomizer, but everything else seems fine.
Note: For now I am being lazy with the talk scripts, map mesh edit, and menu icon changes. These files are just copied and not properly patched, so other mods using these same files won't be fully compatible.

Default Settings Tool:
This can be used to change which features are enabled by default for new characters (or characters that haven't been played with the mod yet).

Access the mod menu to customize settings within the game by speaking with the Doll. The menu now shows by default, but you can enable the "Gesture to Unlock Settings" option in misc. This hides the mod menu, but it can be accessed again by bowing to the Doll before speaking with her.
The default settings for this mod can be permanently changed using the included BBEnhancedSettings tool. Settings changed with this tool will only affect new characters. This tool and the compatibility patcher were developed using and include SoulsFormats. Appreciation and credit to TKGP ♡ on the soulsmodding discord for creating SoulsFormats.
Activate All Lamps:
Makes all lamps available for warping. Warping to boss lamps before defeating the boss may cause softlocks. Use the Lesser Hunter's Mark to return to the Hunter's Dream.
Unlock All Shortcuts:
Unlocks almost every locked door and activates all elevators.
New Hunter Tools/Item:
Added tool variants of Bolt Paper, Fire Paper Beastblood Pellets, and Bold Hunter's Mark to the Stocked Shop. These work similarly to the Empty Phantasm Shell, meaning they're reusable and require 15 arcane. Bolt Tool, Fire Tool, and Beastblood Pellet Tool consume 3 bullets on use. Bold Hunter's Mark Tool consumes 1 insight. Also added a paper variant of the Empty Phantasm Shell. The Lesser Hunter's Mark will return you to the Hunter's Dream at no cost.
Visual Effect - Dark Fog:
This will cloud the world in a dark fog, making it difficult to see and for extra spookiness. For those who think Frigid Outskirts in DS2 is a good area. Random Spawn will give a 1 in 3 chance of being foggy when spawning and the fog will stay active until the next load. * [ NEW ] * Random Time will activate and deactivate the fog dynamically as you play. Requires sfx folder.
Blood Gems by wiskey009:
Adds blood gems to the world and more (Full description). Included in the patcher and as an optional file (just replace file in GAME FILES folder)
Manually Advance the Cycle:
This adds an option to the Doll's Enhanced Features menu that allows you to manually increase the new game+ cycle. Start the game straight at new game+6 if you want a real challenge!
Random Moon Cycles:
This feature is visual only. The Hunter's Dream, Central Yharnam, Cathedral Ward, Abandoned Old Workshop, Hemwick Charnel Lane, Old Yharnam, Yahar'gul, Hunter's Nightmare, and Fishing Hamlet should have a random moon phase when loading into those areas.
Quick Warp to Boss:
This feature, much like Stakes of Marika in Elden Ring, seeks to eliminate long boss runbacks. Once you've encountered a boss, a new option will show in the warp menu at nearby lamps allowing you to quickly warp from the lamp directly to the boss. This option is removed once the boss is defeated.
Enhanced Lamps:
- Adds a menu to all lamps that provide the functions listed below. These options, as well as the entire menu, can be toggled on or off in the hidden mod menu.
- Warp to (almost) any other activated lamp. Only exception is that it is not currently possible to warp from a chalice dungeon lamp to a lamp in a different chalice dungeon. Reawaken and warping within a dungeon works.
- Reawaken - rewarp to the current lamp. Respawns enemies and restores health.
- Chalice rituals in the warp menu. Full menu only available at non-chalice lamps. Within a chalice dungeon, you can now access the full menu for that current dungeon. It's possible to remove the chalice from the dungeon you are currently in. Doing so should immediately return you to the Hunter's Dream
- Level up
- Access the workshop to upgrade and repair weapons, change gems, and extract arcane haze.
- Change character runes
- Access the storage box
- Buy and sell from the echoes shop, buy from the insight shop, change messenger appearance, and access the stocked shop (if enabled)
- Change your character's appearance. Experimental feature. It's difficult to see the menu or your character, and face geometry doesn't seem to update until reload. Best use is switching between saved presets.
Rest at Lamps:
You can now "rest" at lamps, similar to bonfires or grace points. Enemies will de-agro as soon as you rest, and you'll be forced to reawaken once the lamp menu is closed. This means enemies will be respawned, but you'll be restocked. Be sure to check out the options for this feature.
Restock Blood Vials and Bullets:
Bullets and vials will be restocked every time you respawn, similar to estus or flasks. No more farming!
* [ NEW ] * Optional Lamp Kindling: In case the regular restock feels too cheaty. This works very similarly to bonfire kindling in Dark Souls. Instead of always fully restocking vials and bullets, the amount will be determined by the lamp's kindling level. A new option Offer Insight is added to lamps, where one insight will be consumed to kindle the lamp. Unkindled will restore up to 5 of each, kindled once restores 10, kindled twice restores 15, and kindled three times fully restocks. In order to kindle a lamp more than once, the Rite of Kindling will have to be acquired by defeating the Shadow of Yharnam.
Prevent Lamp Deactivation:
Prevent Lamp Deactivation: Enable this to always allow warping to the following lamps: Oedon Chapel and Grand Cathedral during Eileen's quest events and Hypogean Gaol after Rom. Hypogean Gaol lamp will no longer break and can be used normally at any point in the game. Oedon Chapel and Grand Cathedral won't be usable until defeating the nearby opponent, however.
Boss Rematches:
Rematch any boss that you've already defeated at any time. Can be activated from that specific boss's lamp, or from the new Broken Lamp located in the Hunter's Dream. The broken lamp is located back and to the right from where you spawn, in the raised garden area near the tree. Chalice dungeon bosses can only be rematched directly from their respective lamps. An insight will be consumed every time a rematch is started, if you have any. More to come with this feature in the future. Added "distorted memories" feature preview. Includes fights with both phases of Gascoigne, Ludwig, and Orphan of Kos, as well as Gehrman+Moon Presence and Wet Nurse's cloned phase permanently enabled. Auto rematch for distorted memories is currently bugged, but will be fixed in the next update.
* [ NEW ] * Optional Rematch Scaling: This will raise the boss difficulty and reward when rematching to the next game cycle level (roughly). E.g. for a new character the bosses will scale to NG+.
Stocked Shop:
Enable this feature to allow purchase of all weapons, spells, armors, consumable items, chalices, ritual materials, and upgrade materials at the bath messengers for no cost at any point in the game. Includes bulk acquisition menu options for trick weapons, secondary weapons, armors, hunter's tools, chalices, chalice materials, and upgrade materials.
Unlocked Chalice Dungeon Lever Doors:
For those who only want to rush the bosses.
Prevent Auto New Game Plus:
Toggling this option on will prevent the game from starting new game plus immediately after defeating the final boss. Speak with the doll after completing the final boss for the option to begin new game+.
* [ mod.0.9.6 ] *
- Added vermin as a drop to boss rematches
- Rite of Kindling can be discarded. It will be automatically removed if you disabled kindling. If you plan on uninstalling the mod, be sure to discard before removing the mod. To reaquire, toggle kindling off and then on again.
- Added variations of icons to custom items to make them more distinguishable
- Added Lead Elixer Tool
- Fixed missing meshes in Old Yharnam when looking down from the upper section caused by deleting the floating statue. Added a somewhat proper mesh edit to remove the statue without affecting other parts of the map
- Fixed pillars being too bright in Old Yharnam when using Random Moon Cycles feature
- Fixed double moon and building being on fire in the Hunter's Dream during the opening cutscene
* [ mod.0.9.5 ] *
- Fixed restock for chalice dungeons
- Fixed restock not working for max amounts above 20
- Fixed player not returning to lamp after boss rematches
- Added slight delay before bosses start moving during rematches
- Fixed Wet Nurse distorted rematch issues
- Enabling Lamp Kindling after defeating the Shadow of Yharnam should now automatically give the Rite of Kindling
* [ mod.0.9.4 ] *
- Changed Visual Effect - Random option to Random Spawn (works the same as before), and added Random Time
- Added Difficulty menu to the features menu. Moved Increase Cycle here and added a new option Rematch Scaling.
- Added Lamp Kindling option
- Changed the way item restock works behind the scenes, removing the need for warping the player around to drop items. This removes some jank, but as a side-effect, the original side-effect feature Item Drop Hunt no longer functions. I may bring this back as a standalone feature at some point with some improvements.
- Included missing Simplified Chinese msg files
- Quick Warp to Boss no longer causes the player animation to get stuck when resting is enabled
* [ mod.0.9.3 - patcher.0.4.1 ] *
- Changed "Specialty Items" to "Bulk Items"
- Moved broken lamp slightly and gave it a visual effect to make it less hidden
- Added translations for Simplified Chinese (thanks ashlord0715!) and Russian (thanks RoneVVV!)
- Added Lesser Hunter's Mark
- Fixed issues with patcher related to regional decimal differences
- Fixed enhanced menu not showing sometimes when without insight
- End the Night messages show correctly when Prevent Auto NG+ is on
- Fixed bugs with Activate All Lamps feature
- Broken Lamp can be disabled again
- Fixed Distorted Memories menu in Broken Lamp showing when it shouldn't
- Added blood vials and bullets to the stocked shop
- Added Phantasm Paper and Bold Hunter's Mark Tool
- Fixed some basic enemies having 15000 HP
- Activate all lamps should work correctly
- Auto rematch for distorted memories now works
- Restored missing messenger grab animation when doing boss rematches
- Added feature Activate All Lamps
- Added feature Unlock All Shortcuts
- Added feature Dark Fog
- Added features Fire Tool, Bolt Tool, and Beastblood Tool
- Restored blood vials and bullets to the shop when restock feature is enabled
- Added all consumables to stocked shop
- Enhanced menu can now be accessed at the doll even without insight
- Added new Distorted Memory boss rematches: "Mergo's Wet Nurses" ;) and "Gehrman and the Moon Presence"
- Advance the Cycle option moved to the Other menu, along with the Unlock All Lamps and Unlock All Shortcuts options. These options can all be set in the settings tool
- Fixed missing patcher data. This was causing the issue of falling through the ground in the Hunter's Dream, as well as some other issues.
- Included all messenger skins in stocked shop
- Included "Caryll Rune Scripts" in stocked shop. These were unused items that give specific runes when used. It may be possible to add the rest of the runes to the shop in this manner
- Improved "Advance the Cycle" option. No longer requires reloading and the cycle count is displayed when advancing
- Fixed quick warp to Cleric Beast
- Fixed boss rematches in chalice dungeons (it should no longer be possible to fall out of bounds in chalice dungeons)
- Added feature Increase the Cycle
- Fixed acquire all runes option, including patcher
- Fixed rest animation playing when it shouldn't
- Fixed falling through the floor when warping to a chalice dungeon
- Added "Acquire All Runes" option to stocked shop's specialty items menu. Includes variants that can't normally be acquired
- Added option to spawn Iosefka Clinic lamp at the start
- Included msg translations for Traditional Chinese (thanks olylanboy!)
- Messenger shop now updates after acquiring badges without returning to the Hunter's Dream
- Messenger grab animation now plays when triggering or completing a boss rematch
- Included English text for all language files (translations may come someday)
- The gesture requirement for opening the mod menu at the doll can now be toggled on or off like other settings. Defaults to no gesture requirement.
- Added Gem Workshop Tool and Arcane Haze Extractor to Stocked Shop
- Restored Item Drop Hunt option. Originally a side-effect of the auto refill option. When enabled, this totally pointless feature will leave an unreachable item drop at every lamp when you sleep there (excluding chalice dungeons). Some are obvious, and some are very hidden. Try to spot them all!
- Added feature Random Moon Cycles
- Added feature Quick Warp to Boss
- All consumables should now automatically be restocked from storage when visiting the Hunter's Dream
- If you die during a boss rematch, your bloodstain will be moved to the lamp or to the rematch spawn point if auto-rematch is enabled. Doesn't
currently work in chalice dungeons
- Fixed issue that caused lamps to sometimes require two interactions before the menu would open
- Should no longer be possible to get stuck at a lamp when resting is enabled but the warp menu is disabled
- Fixed issues related to having restock option off (e.g. incorrect boss rematch spawn)
- Fixed stump messengers not being available
- Fixed distorted memories showing at broken lamp before encountering and defeating relevant boss
- Restored walls I accidentally deleted outside of Yahar'gul Chapel
- CUSA00900 lamp prompt is no longer ?ActionEventInfo?
- Unbroke the warp menu after previous update
- Fixed minor inconsistencies with resting and warping
- Unreversed "unlock chalice doors" option in settings tool
- Broken Lamp Maria option starts Maria fight instead of Orphan
- Can now warp to chalice dungeons from all lamps in Old Yharnam
- Rest now works at all Nightmare of Mensis lamps, Lumenwood Garden lamp, and Hunter's Nightmare lamp
- Rest animations corrected for the lamps in Hunter's Nightmare
- Unswapped warp points when resting at Hypogean Gaol and Advent Plaza lamps
- Unswapped warp points when resting at Logarius' Seat and Vileblood Queen's Chamber
- Minor tweaks to resting to make animations less redundant
- Improved loading speeds when using lamp warping in many areas. Especially in chalice dungeons when reawakening and warping within the dungeon.
- Deactivated lamps can no longer be warped to when prevent lamp deactivation feature is off
- Hypogean Gaol lamp can now be activated after being broken (only when prevent lamp deactivation is enabled)
- Character now rotates correctly towards the lamp when warping in chalice dungeons
Known issues:
- Chalice can be removed from within dungeon
- Stump messenger skin doesn't update when changed at lamps until reload
- Change appearance camera and background issues
- Doll's dialog doesn't update after defeating Gehrman (auto ng+ disabled)
- Prevent lamp deactivation is buggy
Translation assistance
If you would like to assist with translating the mod text from English so that future updates can support more languages, there are a couple of ways you can do this.
First method involves using the patcher. Edit the "_data/msg.json" file and change the English text. Run the patcher and the text you've entered will be present in all msg files. Test the change in game to make sure everything fits and share the msg.json file with me.
Second method is to edit the language files included with the mod. Create a new project in DSMapStudio and copy the msg folder from my mod to the project folder you created in DSMapStudio. Go to Text Editor tab, change Text Language at the top to your language. Edit the text ids below, test changes in game and then share the *.msgbnd.dcx files from your language's msg folder with me.
- Armor ids 90000 and 91000
- Event ids 200000-200163 and 70011002
- Goods ids 1111, 1301, 1311, 1321, and 1401
- Character ids 271001 and 272001.
The menu text in game has a limit to how long each entry can be before they're cut off, so be sure to check your changes in game to make sure they display correctly.