This page was last updated on 11 August 2024, 8:20PM
Version beta-2
Dual Wielding
Reverse Grip
Ban System / Prevent specific mods (To make it easier and better to host custom servers)
A surprise ("Can you hold out long enough to win the fight?") => Conquest Gamemode
An additional surprise ("Do you hear your enemy coming closer?") => Voice Chat
Fix slowdown issue... (First progress made)
Fix server passwords (Was a bot issue, already fixed)
Magic Stage 3 - Merge Spells (only in hand visibility, full effects dont work yet)
Fix Stretchy Arms (at least reduced)
Decouple Player Tickrate (For smoother and lower latency player syncing)
Fix distorted ragdolls on death
Version beta-1
Better Magic Syncing (Fix Fireballs)
Magic Syncing Stage 2 (Show effects at the hands)
Improve NPC Syncing / Reduce Rubberbanding
Fix respawning
Fix Imbues
Reduce glitchy Arms
The UI will reset to the corner when the game window gets resized
Performance Improvements / Rework how the game handles networked objects
Finalize SpaceWar Mode (Oculus Steam Networking Implementation / No crossplay between Steam and Oculus for now)
Networking Improvements
Fix items and creatures spawning in each other
Ingame Menu (Works with serverlist and Steam Hosting, no IP Servers yet)
Options available directly inside the book
Fix Ragdoll Bugs...
Version 0.8.2-alpha
Improvements to Dungeons (Should work now)
Reduced issues with loading screen getting stuck at Despawning
Improved Clientside Prediction
Version 0.8.1-alpha
Fix Player Damaging
Fix NPC Damaging
More improvements to ragdoll syncing / player syncing
Version 0.8.0-alpha
Polishing of Creature Syncing
Fixing Player Syncing (misaligned swords and weird syncing)
Polishing of Item Syncing
Clientside Prediction for Items and Creatures
Magic Projectiles (Fireballs work, rest is untested atm)
Improved Netcode
New and reworked serverlist
Version 0.7.0-alpha
Steam Networking
Improved Item Handling
Fix most core issues with NPCs (Frozen Ragdolls on death and stuff)
NPCs are now smart enough to attack every player, not only the one starting the wave
Improved the damage handling system
Polished the mod and make connecting and disconnecting more reliable
Version 0.6.1-alpha
Networking Improvements
Other small bugfixes
Version 0.6.0-alpha
Reworked everything
NPCs and Players now have full ragdoll syncing
Improvements on item syncing
Improvements for level changing
Dungeons should work now
Implemented a different networking solution as discord discontinued theirs. If you dont want to port forward you will need to use the bot on my discord for hosting.
Version 0.5.2-alpha
Fixed performance issue
Version 0.5.1-alpha
Small fix for dedicated servers
Version 0.5.0-alpha
NPC Ragdoll syncing
Full body syncing for players
Dedicated servers and Ability to host either via discord or use port forwarding
Item duplication detection improvements
Bugfixes to make the mod more stable
Bugfix for random ragdolls spawning
Fixed lagging issue
Fixed telekinesis bug
Version 0.4.4-alpha
First stage of PvP with configurable damage multiplier
Improved damage handling
Imbues now sync, still not the full magic stuff, but I'm working on it.
Reworked many core parts of the mod to improve syncing and other stuff. It doesn't add anything new to the mod but it should make stuff a lot more stable
Level changing should work better now, even when joining the server from a different map
Config files to disable name displays and health bars, also to disable PvP or set a damage multiplier (default x0.2)
If you are missing a modded item it will now default to a item depending on the category, currently there is only Food and Shield, otherwise the default sword is used.
Equipped items should no longer just fall to the ground also the butterfingers bug should now be fixed