About this mod
Saber pack containing sabers from Jedi Academy for B&S PCVR!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Here I present to you the Jedi Knight Saber Pack for U11!
This pack comes with 23 lightsabers to choose from, each with ignition animations, hum, swing, hit, clash, and lock-up sounds.
They are all contained in the new 'Sabers' category in the item spawn book.
Most of the models and textures come from the original Jedi Academy game, where the textures have been upscaled for more clarity.
All scripting was custom coded by Redline90, source code below.
New Custom Sabers (Credits listed in text file included with mod and in section above):
"Revans lightsaber hilt" by Athan Samaras.
"Darth Vader Lightsaber" by art_em
"DarkSaber" by THEIRONBOI
Sabers by et2020:
Obi-Wan Kenobi Lightsaber
Temple Guard Staff
Activate/Deactivate: Press A for left hand, or X for right hand to power on/off the sabers depending on the hand your holding it in.
Color Change: Hold the trigger and press the Activate button while the saber is on to cycle through colors of the blade(s).
Current choices are Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow, Purple, Red, and White.
Recall: Hold grip after throwing saber to recall to either hand, adjustable or togglable on/off in Level_Config file, explained below.
Inside the mod folder there is a Level_Config file you can open and customize some aspects of the mod to your liking. Below are the parameters and what they control.
-RecallAllowed: Controls whether the Recall function is active, set to False to disable this.
-RecallTurnSaberOff: Controls whether the saber turns off when it is recalled, set the False to keep it ignited.
-RecallMaxDistance: Maximum distance the sabers have to be away from the body to be recalled, increase this number if you want the sabers to be further away from you before they can be recalled.
-RecallStrength: Strength/Speed at which the sabers are recalled back to either hand. The higher this value the faster they will return.
-IgnitionSpeed: Time it takes for the ignition cycle to happen, increase to make the saber expand at a slower rate.
-IgnitionDelay: Delay between which ignitions can happen, decrease if you want to turn the sabers on/off in quicker succession.
-SaberTrailsActive: Controls whether the sabers trails when moving them are active.
-SaberTrailsSpeedDiff: Determines how fast you must swing the saber for trails to appear, increase this value to make trails take more swing to appear.
-HumVolume: Volume of saber idle sound.
-IgnitionVolume: Volume of saber ignition sound.
Included Waves:
Wave I - Very Easy - (3 enemies at once, 9 total)
Wave II - Easy - (4 enemies at once, 16 total)
Wave III - Medium - (5 enemies at once, 25 total)
Wave IV - Hard - (6 enemies at once, 36 total)
Wave V - Very Hard - (8 enemies at once, 64 total)
Wave VI - Impossible - (10 enemies at once, 100 total)
Endless - 1v1
Wave I - Very Easy - (3 enemies at once, 9 total)
Wave II - Easy - (4 enemies at once, 16 total)
Wave III - Medium - (5 enemies at once, 25 total)
Wave IV - Hard - (6 enemies at once, 36 total)
Wave V - Very Hard - (8 enemies at once, 64 total)
Wave VI - Impossible - (10 enemies at once, 100 total)
Endless - 1v1
Planned Features:
-Better lightsaber clashing effects
-More sabers
Having Issues?
If you have any problems at all, before posting, remove any other mods you have. If that doesn't work delete your save file, it can cache old mod data and cause issues.
Here is a link to my map packs to play with them on:
Jedi Knight Map Packs
*It needs to be said that this mod is not meant to compete with The Outer Rim, it's just a fun project I wanted to try.
Source code: