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About this mod

This pack contains the Combines from Half Life. They have come to kill you, Mr Freeman. Are you going to let them?

Permissions and credits

Skin Pack
The skin pack is made up a combine model from Sketchfab, found in the Credits area. The skin is applied to waves under the “Half Life” tab in game. This is made available thanks to the Custom Avatar mod

This has been my most ambitious mod yet, and I hope you guys like playing it as much as I enjoyed making it

Voice Pack
The voice pack is made up of over 100 combine lines taken from Half Life 2 and Half Life: Alyx. These include general conversation, enemy sightings, taunts, death sounds and hit sounds. As the pool of lines is so big, you won’t need to complain about hearing the same lines over and over again. This is made available thanks to the Custom NPC Framework.

The Combines are found in the Waves area under the "Half Life" category.