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  1. Vazl
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Please be specific when reporting an issue, error or bug. Always look in documents\battle brothers\log.html for information when the game crashes or behaves peculiarly, and consider taking in-game screenshots of whatever the issue is (when possible), to help out with the report.
  2. reNice2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    seems like it doesn't work with latest legends mod(16_1_14).
    any solution to fix this?
    1. BayAreaBeast
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Im having the same issue
    2. BayAreaBeast
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Ah looks like its not compatible =/

      Source: Legends Mod Compatibility - Google Docs
    3. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      I don't use Legends, nor do I keep up with its updates, so I'm afraid I don't know of any solution because I don't know what the problem is (and you haven't given me anything to go on other than "it doesn't work"). If I am to speculate, since they've explicitly listed this mod as incompatible, as seen in the document you linked, then perhaps they might have made some significant changes to one or more base classes that hinder this mod from properly doing its thing.

      Perhaps I will re-install Legends and have a look myself one of these days.
  3. Reianor1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    There's a pair of mods out there by MrBrut with similar functionality, however it's distinctively a pair.
    The background tooltip inside the roster compares the characters actual attributes to the ranges they could be in. And that's one mod.
    The background tooltip inside the recruitment screen shows if the background has a modified average, and that's the other mod.

    Also his mod doesn't have the additional info (accustomed to combat or whatnot) which for me is a big deal because I'm new to BB and that kind of info is news to me.

    So I'm having both a hard time picking and a hard time figuring out what exactly am I looking at here...

    1) Does your mod work for both screens or just one of them?
    2) Is the data on your tooltips static or is it pulled dynamically? (though I'm not currently using any relevant rebalancing mods anyway, so this is mostly a curiosity/future consideration question)


    So I just tried the crazy and launched all 3 of them together.
    And they work together. Kinda. What happens is I get one extra long tooltip with info from two mods at a time. Yours, and one of his based on what screen the tooltip is on. It's freakishly long though so the result isn't exactly nice to look at. What's worse the tool tip on the indepted (and who knows, maybe some other BGs I couldn't test) attempts to draw itself downwards (probably because it got overextended) thus making the additional info from both mods unreadable.

    So, I hope you don't mind but I made a bit of a hackjob version of your mod for personal use that only adds the "extras" info to the tooltips. Which would be a kinda pointless on it's own but works perfectly fine alongside MrBrut's pair of mods.

    It's alive!, alive!...

    So now I have the best of both worlds... maybe? I'm still not 100% sure if I like the "average" approach he took to recruitment tooltip or if I'd prefer to see the full ranges instead. But going around that would not be worth the hassle (for someone with my "level" of BB modification knowledge) anyway.
    1. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      This mod adds the tooltip information (as you see in the image section) both while in the roster and while in town (like the hiring screen). It pulls information directly from the game, yeah, and doesn't use any premade attribute lists for backgrounds.

      Not really sure what kind of mix of mods you're looking for, but I'm glad you got it working :D Feel free to change my mods as you see fit. No problem at all.
    2. Reianor1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Not quite sure what I'm looking for either...

      The part I like from the MrBrut's mod is that it handles the actual comparison of stats the best.

      Your mod is more informative on the recruitment page, because unlike his mod your mod gives the actual RANGE of stats while his only shows the full range post-recruitment and on the recruitment tooltip it shows just the shift in average. Not to mention the fact that his doesn't pull any "extras".
      However both of his mods are colour-coded which gives an excellent at-a-glance idea of what the background is good for (during recruitment) and how good are the level 1 recruit's rolls for his specific background. But it also starts adding level-ups to those numbers which is kinda counter-productive because that doesn't show you what stats the character STARTED with.

      And then there's another mod which I'm using - the smart recruiter (standard version). Which shows me the full stats of the recruit before recruiting him. Kind of a cheat if you're not abusing saves, but since I'm too new to this to play by the Ironman rules yet, to me it's just a matter of not reloading an extra time anyway.
      However that one for whatever reason also decided that it's the mod's sacred duty to make a background tooltip.
      That one works only in the roster and shows the background roll compared to best possible roll. But seems to only do that for recruited characters and not for the starters...

      So I ended with 3 mods writing into roster tooltips. Modified version of yours, which writes about extras and nothing else. MrBrut's which shows the starting roll ranges and current "naked" stats and Leonionin's which shows where the rolls started at so I can see how good the character was with his level-up rolls thus far.
      I'd probably disembowel one more of em if I could do that easily enough. But MrBrut's mod scripts seemed to be encoded or something (text editor didn't display them as readable), and Leonionin's looks like it'd be somewhat harder to disembowel. Probably not too hard, but for someone who's not a modder, like I am, it seems to be an unpromising effort to result ratio.

      Besides, It may be a weird mix, but in it's own weird way it works.

      Still, the whole situation has me feeling about as confused as an octopus with shoelaces.
      Mostly because I'm not experienced enough yet to know for sure which parts of all that info mess are useful and which just create a false impression of being useful... (which is actually a pretty common occurrence among the interface mods, especially if you install them like I do - "oh!, interface mod with more info, gimme!", instead of selectively looking for them after having a real experience with UI shortcomings)
    3. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Fishing for characters is part of the game experience, and making use of the characters (good and bad) you end up with is great fun! When you get more coin you can start fishing from the higher tiered and more expensive backgrounds. I personally don't like those mods that mess with the Try Out function or otherwise let you know a character's actual attributes and talents before you hire them. I think it's cheating, ruins the game experience and it doesn't appeal to me at all, which is why I made this mod to let players see part of the starting potential of a character right there on the screen instead of having to look backgrounds up in the scripts or in some wiki (or having to memorize it). It's mostly intended for new(er) players, but I like having it around even though I've played since the beta days. It just looks good, you know ;)

      My latest release, Veteran Attributes 11, is in the same visual style as this one and the two mods go well together. It (VA11) lets the player see what a character's base attributes will be at level 11 if they were to allocate points into it at every level up. It's super basic math and I always used to just add it up quickly in my head, but I had a blast of energy the other day so I threw it together.

      Dunno what else to say, buddy. You do you!
    4. Reianor1
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah, I personally don't think it's fun to "gamble" on character stats. Never been fond of that. Actually that's one of the few things I dislike about BB. And the
      "Are you tired of roleplaying a halfwit who just can't understand it's a good idea to test potential recruits before hiring them? Have your character(s) never thought of giving them a sword and a shield and asking them to block some strikes or giving them a bow and asking to shoot a target or asking them to do some simple exercises that would test their reflexes and stamina? If so, then this mod is for you."
      sales pitch is quite on point, IMHO.

      But having had experience with how much Smart Recruiter can affect the game I can see why people would want to avoid it.
      There's a HUGE difference between having a rag-tag-team of randoes and a team of cherry-picked elites.

      Which means I'll eventually might have to drop this habit if I want the challenge to last. But I'm still not looking forward to doing that.
      Because to me dealing with those "walking dead" type of recruits feels like digging through trash.
      It just doesn't feel satisfying to control a team of disposable cannon fodder.
      And the harder it is to find your best men the more it sucks to lose them.
      And the more it sucks to lose them the less fun it is to play Ironman.

      As for new players, as a new player myself (on my second run thus far) I think the mod that helped me the most with learning the ins and outs of random stats of backgrounds is actually the smart recruiter.
      Because of it, every time I enter the recruitment screen I see the stats of the whole range of recruits I get there.
      That gives me a clear idea of how rare the good recruits are, how much better the costly backgrounds are and even how close a bad costly recruit can happen to be to a good cheap one. Not to mention who is worth his salary and who isn't.

      Can't say I got it all down to the last digit yet. But I'm most of the way there, and most of what got me where I am is the Smart Recruiter mod.
    5. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Of course there's a huge difference between well-rolled characters (attributes, traits, talents) and the ones who aren't, but even characters with poor potential can end up rolling very well on their level ups and/or serve in other ways. Playing with the cards I'm dealt and making the most with them, until new cards are dealt, is what I like about BB. If you don't, that's totally fine by me.
    6. said46
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      What is "accustomed to combat"? I didn't find any info in Google.
    7. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      "Accustomed to combat" is what I have chosen to call a background's true-valued IsCombatBackground property. I thought it was pretty good, but maybe it isn't?

      It is one of the 4 characteristics a background can have, the others being Lowborn, Noble and Offended by violence.
  4. Stigtoffen
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Love this mod, will this mod be updated for the Flesh and Faith DLC at all?
    1. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      It didn't have to be updated, as far as I have seen, so you can just keep enjoying it :)

      EDIT: Unless you were implying that you found or know of some errors, in which case you're welcome to report them
  5. Ironfrank
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for the mod, it very helps for the beginners like me
    1. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      You are welcome :)
  6. kryndude
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does this work with the 'compare attributes' mod?
    1. kryndude
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Huh, cool it does.
    2. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      No idea. Just give it a try
  7. wormicek
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    possibly bugged with cultist conversion? the original background icon just disappeared for me after the cultist conversion event proc and I didnt get the 'succesfuly converted' confirmation popup either, brother thereafter stuck in a limbo
    1. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      I'm not sure that bug is related to this mod. Is it? I mean, it might be, but I dunno how or why if that's the case so I'll need more info. This mod simply slaps on the details of a brother's current background to their background icon's tooltip and shouldn't affect anything else. Any errors showing up in the BB log? documents\battle brothers\log.html
    2. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      You bringing this up did, however, make me find an oversight that's related to any background without a tooltip of their own. It should only make backgrounds like converted cultists not display their background description properly, but perhaps it does affect more. I'll experiment a bit with it.
    3. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      See if it makes any difference with the latest version, 1.08. Still, please let me know more about that bug you're talking about, especially if there are any errors in the log.
  8. GrabMyForumNick
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can u make a mod that would show what stats brother will get on 11th level, given the current values ?
    For example. If the bro's level 9 and he has an mattack of 80, show that by the 11th level he will have an attack of 82-86.
    1. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Yes you can. It's pretty basic.
    2. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Or are you asking me to make such a mod? If so, nah, I will probably not. I've never felt the need for such a mod.
    3. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Actually, you made me curious about it. I am going to make such a mod.
    4. GrabMyForumNick
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Cool! The mod would be useful for many players, including beginners. This would allow you to literally understand at a glance what can be done from bro.
    5. GrabMyForumNick
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    6. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Here you go. First release.
    7. GrabMyForumNick
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks. I visited the forum every day in anticipation !
  9. GrabMyForumNick
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  10. PremierVader
    • member
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    Does it work with Blazing Deserts DLC and Legends mod?
    1. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      It definitely works with Blazing Deserts, but I've no idea how it fares together with Legends. Give it a try?
    2. arleeds17
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Yeah, it works with the Blazing Desert DLC and Legends mod patch 3
  11. deleted45880762
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    Quick question, does this make any changes to the hiring screen or just the background tooltips? I already have a mod that alters the hiring UI so I don't want to run into mod conflicts, but this would be great for looking at in the party menu.
    1. Vazl
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Nah, this mod doesn't make any changes in the actual hiring screen. It simply extends the return array of character_background.nut::getGenericTooltip(). You should be good to go :)

      EDIT: This mod also derps around in skill.nut, with the tooltip functions.