Baldur's Gate 3

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  1. yoonmoonsick
    • premium
    • 74 kudos
    1. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Haha can you elaborate? Did you tried version5?
    2. yoonmoonsick
      • premium
      • 74 kudos
      I downloaded v5 but not tested yet. 
      I expect that new features will help me to modify some visuals. 
  2. emissary06
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello. I've played around with your mod tool a bit and it seems to work really well. It was immensely helpful in sifting through assets for me to modify in blender. My question is now that I have these modified meshes, is there an easy way to import the new assents into your modders tool for use?
    1. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Keep tuned. This weekend I will upload a new version with virtual template (meshes) material bank and texture tools 
    2. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Uploaded version 5.0 Now you can manage your meshes/textures. See sample at
  3. bloodfroxx
    • premium
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    Would it be possible to make it so the treasure table name for custom containers is editable in the future? Additionally will you be adding the feature for custom spells or effects or will that still have to be manually edited?
    1. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Hi all these will be added probably in the future. Right now I am working in the visuals part (meshes, textures and materials)
      ig you found it useful do not forget to endorse.
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    How do you add gold in a specific amount to containers?
  5. ViVey
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey, I tried to add one item as a camp-only clothes copy (armour from voidborne mod) but for some reason I can't get it to spawn in tutorial chest. I was following tutorial and got kinda stuck, any idea what could i've done wrong?
    1. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Have you added the tutorial chest on the world injection tab? 
      Have you checked the mod is active with bg3 mod manager? 
    2. ViVey
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes and yes, I put it at the bottom of mod order. Does the fact that original item is also in tutorial chest may be breaking something?
    3. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      It shouldn’t unless it is marked a unique. If so , make your version with unique as false 
    4. ViVey
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nah, it's not unique. Setting by hand unique to false also did nothing
    5. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      By any chance you included numbers in the mod folder? It seems that bg3 doesn’t like when there are numbers in it as reported by other user 
    6. ViVey
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh. Yeah, I did that. I guess I'll do this again with correct name this time ;d. Tho probably next week fastest. Thanks for the help, will give info if that was the problem.
    7. ViVey
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      okay, it's kinda working now, tho I had to override basic item, it wouldn't work if it was cloned
  6. tclingan
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    What's the functional difference between the Inherit option and the Clone option? Does inherit create a dependency on the original while Clone does not? or is it something else?
    1. MANOLOV02
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      • 11 kudos
      Inherits does not copy parent attributes (icon for example) and if you change the parent icon all inheriteds will change the icon as well. Meanwhile clone makes a copy of the attributes (and nodes) so changes in the parent will not be reflected on children’s. The same for the stats 
    2. tclingan
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you!
  7. SatanModding
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    That looks so interesting and really needs more visibility :)
    1. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Thanks! Feel free to use it, repost and share . And don’t forget to download at least one sample just to give it downloads so it moves up in nexus list. 
  8. Eiriiiiiii
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thanks so much for the mod! I've been practicing trying to make my own weapons but I'm sure I'm missing stuff since I don't really know how to input/phrase some of the code where necessary. Would a small youtube guide be in the cards in the future for editing weapons/armor more in depth by any chance?
    1. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Hit. Take the sample where I replicated all the weapons (or do it by yourself following the tutorial) and look for their codes. Then it’s very straightforward (for larian standards….)
  9. OhMyMycroft
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    Hi, I need some clarification:

    • I see there's an option in the processer to “include active mods”. Is this option currently unimplemented, or am I doing something wrong? No mod gets ever processed.
    • How do I delete things? I see that in the editors you can right-click on the left panel, but the option “delete” is always greyed out, except for empty groups. But if I wanted to delete an item I added from the list, how should I do it?
    • In the “Stat Attributes” part of the editors, there's a “using” field that gets autofilled on new item creation, and can't be changed. Could you make it changeable? I know I can simply change stats, but I would prefer to use the Larian default ones for the appropriate objects, when possible (if I want to make a chest, I would like to use OBJ_Chest, instead of adjusting every OBJ_Bag stat, or opening the text files to change it manually). If it's possible, of course.
    • Can I suggest a different category for adding spells in the armours' editor? I know they go in Boosts, but if I wanted to add a spell that no other piece of equipment adds, I'll have to add the “UnlockSpell()” part myself. Since the formula is always the same (as far as I understand), would be possible to make a category where you type, or drag the spell name, and when compiling the mod would add the formula automatically? Is it a bit too much?
    • In the “Attributes advanced” tab, if I want to change a boolean value I get constant errors because “String “F” was not recognized as a valid Boolean”, nor “String Fa”, “Strings Fal”, or “String Fals”. And only when I get to actually type the entire word (after having to close the warning 4 times) it stops. Can it be changed so that it would check if the value is correct only after you try to leave that particular field?
    Very useful mod, so far, thank you for sharing.
    1. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Hi. I see you have thoroughly! Nice!! responses below.
      1 it is implemente, not tested fully. With my active mods it works (it saves in the cache the mods I have active in the game mod folder). Do you get an error? 
      2. Although deleting templates is a recipe for bricking save games, I needed it too so I already implemented deleting in version 4 (will be uploaded in the weekend) 
      3 it can be changed trough drag and drop. Just drag an stat from the stat explorer or a template to use its associate stat (when editing an item). All drag and drop fields have a mark before the checkbox/text editor. The same goes for parentemplateid. 

      4 nice to have, not priority but will be added (like the way containers add the Tagged() part in filter condition. 

      5 in version 4 will be fixed. I am also adding a “change” button so it is tested before changing.

      Thanks for the feedback and stay tuned for version 4 (will also include weapons) 

    2. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Release 4 Uploaded!
    3. OhMyMycroft
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Hi, thanks for the update.
      I managed to process mods (yay!). It did give me error, before, there's probably some incompatibility, I cleared my mod folder of the mods I did not care to process and tried again, and it did work. I use many mods, so I'm not sure which one is the culprit, sorry. Still, the equipment and the spell mods I tried to process so far, all worked.
      I didn't realize the symbol means drag and drop, now I know, it is very useful and works as intended. Once you get it, it is actually very intuitive and fast.
      Thanks for the fixes, the boolean thing was driving me mad. It usually goes untouched, I changed it just a couple of times, but they were enough. Now the drop menu is very elegant and nice.
      I'll go back frustrating over Larian code now (seriously, where in the code is written the Everburn Sword extra fire damage? Why is it not in stats like the extra radiant damage of the Monlight Glave? It's the same thing, isn't it?), not your problem, though. I'll wait to see what comes next, everything so far has been great, again, thanks for sharing, you made a lot of work very easy, very fast.
    4. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Nice! if you find the mod that is giving trouble let me know so i download and try it and try to fix.
      In case you didnt find it yet : Look at status of the template for the blade. It has an status applied (see extract down)

      <node id="StatusList">
      <node id="Status">
      <attribute id="Object" type="FixedString" value="MAG_FIRE_ALWAYS_DIPPED_FIRE" />

      I neeed to work on this as is the pretty much the same for cunsumables (status on use)
    5. OhMyMycroft
      • premium
      • 10 kudos
      Hi, thanks for the Everburn Blade! Anyway, I did find the mods that were causing issues with processing, and I found several.
      I found 4 mods that give me error, they are: Arcane Rings, Scratch Variety (I'm using the Black Shepherd with Bags), NPCs Don't Run From Summons and Druid Forms (“still look and react” version) and “No Story Item” and “No Merchants” version of Bags Bags Bags add-ons (didn't try the other files, I don't use them, sorry).
      There are other mods who don't give me error, but prevent cache from being saved. I can see the tool is collecting templates, and stats and treasure table, etc… because I see the numbers going up, but when the process finishes, cache is not saved, explorers are not populated. These mods are See Invisibility Rework, Lydia's Heads (I'm using the base version), Secret Scrolls and Secret Scrolls 5e (both main mods, the only optional ones I'm using are the “lockclass” and they don't cause issues to me). I always run the tool as Administrator.

      Also, I found a couple of weird behaviours. The “clear cache” button does not seem to do anything for me. And when your tool is open, I cannot move pak files out of BG3 mod folder in any way (the one in AppData/Local), even when they're not being processed, or have not been processed at all. File locksmith tells me your tool is using them.
    6. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Hi. Thank you for the testing! I have already added status list management for weapons and armors so you will be able to see/change it for anything like everburning on the next release. 
      I will try these mods and look for incompatibilities.

      I will look at the clear cache button. (I don’t actually use it. I just run the processes again)

      finally, yes I keep the files open as the cache doesn’t save assets (mainly icons and now I am working with armors dds files). It’s quicker than closing and opening every time but probably not the more efficient way. Will look into that 
    7. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos

      First 5 mods they all shared the same mistake. In the meta.lsx they have the following code
      <attribute id="Version" type="int32" value="144115188075855872"/>

      where clearly 144115188075855872 is bigger than a 32 bit integer and LSLIB is rejecting it as its very picky on type conversions. It should have said:

      <attribute id="Version64" type="int64" value="144115188075855872"/>

      I made a replacement "on the fly" for this line to the correct one in the processer and works for all of these 5. Probably they are using and old template for the lsx.

      Second 4 mods where trickier, LSLIB is refusing to process the localization .loca file from the packed file and i had to copy it to a temporary file, process it and then delete the temporary file. (all transparent to you, you will notice nothing in the processer) and it worked for all four. Probably the compression method used for these are raising this (will investigate deeper but for now it works).

      Uploaded version 4.3, let me know if it works for you (I have processed all the mods listed with no issue now)
  10. karmariaz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    When i start processing it giving me an error, i do have Microsoft runtime and all other stuffs, what's i am missing now?

    1. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      It seems that you don't have mods already, ¿can you confirm?.

      It is seeking for the file "modsettings.lsx" that should be located in : 

      C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Larian Studios\Baldur's Gate 3\PlayerProfiles\Public\modsettings.lsx

      Just create it with the following content
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <version major="4" minor="6" revision="0" build="900"/>
          <region id="ModuleSettings">
              <node id="root">
                      <node id="ModOrder"/>
                      <node id="Mods">
                              <node id="ModuleShortDesc">
                                  <attribute id="Folder" type="LSString" value="GustavDev"/>
                                  <attribute id="MD5" type="LSString" value=""/>
                                  <attribute id="Name" type="LSString" value="GustavDev"/>
                                  <attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="28ac9ce2-2aba-8cda-b3b5-6e922f71b6b8"/>
                                  <attribute id="Version64" type="int64" value="36028797018963968"/>
      I will fix this in next release
    2. karmariaz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I do have modsettings.lsx in that folder. Just check the image plz

    3. MANOLOV02
      • member
      • 11 kudos
      Can you send me the file content (it’s an index out of range) so I can’t replicate it.
      i will run the program with it in my pc and see what is out of place 
    4. karmariaz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      here is debug file 
