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MalachXaviel and Nox Phantom

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Characters fully controllable outside of combat and during non-enemy events (such as when large traps are triggered)
No Aura
Conversations Fixed
Improved AI

This mod causes the spell Friends to work as an AI toggle changing your party members to be controllable by the AI whenever combat is initiated. Party members will use a custom AI package and will prioritize healing (when available) and capitalizing on enemy weaknesses and positioning.

At this point, I've devoted quite a bit of time into this, especially in testing and improving the AI. If you'd like to incorporate the mod, please make meaningful changes so there aren't 10 versions of the same mod floating around.

To Install: Insert the Public folder into your
\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\Data directory.

To uninstall, simply remove the above files

Will not work out of the box with mods that alter the following files:

Technically the spell can be cast on anything to achieve the same result such as Summons, Familiars, etc. Anything that despawns will need the spell cast on it again. The spell doesn't use up an action point so it can be cast freely during your character's turn.

This mod does not provide easy access to the Friends spell. If you're a non-caster class I recommend using cheat engine to give yourself the spell.

To add the Friends cantrip using cheat engine:
Download the most up to date table from here (courtesy of Zanzer): https://fearlessrevolution.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=13996

Open cheat engine, target the BG3 process. Select Console Commands > Register Commands > Random Cheats.

Double click where it says script next to add spell. It will open up a window where you can edit the script.

Where it says local spell = "Projectile_MagicMissile" replace so it says
local spell = "Target_Friends" and click ok.

Make sure your character is selected in game, and go back to cheat engine and click the checkbox by "Add Spell". You should now have the spell in your ability bar as a cantrip.

To edit the mod in yourself:
In Status_BOOST.txt, find [new entry "FRIENDS"], ignore brackets, and insert this code (both paragraphs):

new entry "FRIENDS"
type "StatusData"
data "StatusType" "BOOST"
data "DisplayName" "hf01f3bfdg8763g4dfagb043g9864f584101e;1"
data "Description" "hf61260e8g3c54g48b7g9ce8gbf362d66d134;2"
data "Icon" "Spell_Enchantment_Friends"
data "StackId" "FRIENDS"
data "StatusPropertyFlags" "LoseControl;OverheadOnTurn;LoseControlFriendly_TOGGLE"
data "Toggle" "Yes"
data "TickType" "StartTurn"
data "TickFunctors" "IF(Combat())"
data "ManagedStatusEffectType" "Negative"
data "ManagedStatusEffectGroup" "6435c10a-c67d-4f79-8813-b84b0762f92b"

new entry "AI_FRIENDS"
type "StatusData"
data "StatusType" "BOOST"
data "DisplayName" "hf01f3bfdg8763g4dfagb043g9864f584101e;1"
data "Description" "hf61260e8g3c54g48b7g9ce8gbf362d66d134;2"
data "Icon" "Spell_Enchantment_Friends"
data "StackId" "AI_FRIENDS"
data "Boosts" "AiArchetypeOverride(AIFriends,99)"
data "StatusPropertyFlags" "LoseControl;LoseControlFriendly;OverheadOnTurn"
data "ManagedStatusEffectType" "Positive"
data "ManagedStatusEffectGroup" "6435c10a-c67d-4f79-8813-b84b0762f92b"
data "RemoveEvents" "OnCombatEnded"

In Spell_Target, find [new entry "Target_Friends"], ignore brackets, and insert this code:

new entry "Target_Friends"
type "SpellData"
data "SpellType" "Target"
data "Level" "0"
data "SpellSchool" "Enchantment"
data "SpellProperties" "ApplyStatus(FRIENDS,100,-1)"
data "TargetRadius" "9"
data "TargetConditions" "Character() and not Enemy()"
data "Icon" "Spell_Enchantment_Friends"
data "DisplayName" "h8f8a19a6gb008g490dgb644gb10fe05748fc;1"
data "Description" "h21bab19cg2de1g46f5g9805g7fb58680f3ff;2"
data "ExtraDescription" "h7eac983dg27b7g46d4g8821ga217d9f33411;4"
data "TooltipStatusApply" "ApplyStatus(FRIENDS,100,10)"
data "TooltipPermanentWarnings" "676ef361-c11d-4e5a-bcae-3b0332cbebf5"
data "PrepareSound" "Spell_Prepare_Control_Gen_L1to3_01"
data "PrepareLoopSound" "Spell_Prepare_Control_Gen_L1to3_01_Loop"
data "CastSound" "Spell_Cast_Control_Friends_L0"
data "TargetSound" "Spell_Impact_Control_Friends_L0"
data "CastTextEvent" "Cast"
data "UseCosts" "ActionPoint:1"
data "SpellAnimation" "554a18f7-952e-494a-b301-7702a85d4bc9,,;,,;af94aac1-d8eb-4ccb-9520-694ade11b61c,,;f5db4001-b136-4c48-9aa4-026c4a7dd3b7,,;22dfbbf4-f417-4c84-b39e-2039315961e6,,;,,;5bfbe9f9-4fc3-4f26-b112-43d404db6a89,,;,,;,,"
data "VerbalIntent" "Control"
data "SpellFlags" "IsSpell;HasSomaticComponent"
data "PrepareEffect" "2fa6b127-6f8a-4150-8be6-6f62b7a85911"
data "CastEffect" "d2ef6b50-243f-478d-85c6-892086a1477e"
data "TargetEffect" "e1b340b6-78a9-413a-bb7e-8299848238ae"
data "AmountOfTargets" "3"