Baldur's Gate 3

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  1. kharneth
    • premium
    • 499 kudos
    Any feedback will be wellcome, as always!


    1.1 Update

    -This update adds two feats for wands.

         -Quick Channel is sort of extra attack, but limited to non upcast channel after using upcast channel.
         - Overchannel is similar to sharshooter and great weapon master, add extra damage at a roll penalty cost.

    Both give 1 ASI point limited to intelligence, wisdom or charisma. Despite I think the feats are in the strong part of the feat list, I did it for two reasons:
    - Seens a bit unfair that non charisma (and one point charisma are mediocre feats) casters not have access to a one point main ability increase like martial classes.
    - The feats are good, but limited to only one weapon type, and a really limited one as there's only 10 of them.

    In any case, I also added a optional remove ASI file for those who see it too strong.

    1.2 Update

    -Text corrections. As always, a  HUGE thanks to skystryke468 for making it!

    -Added VFX for blood offering.

    -Update Forbidden Word requirements to make it require both, Forbidden Wand and blood offering. Previously it only relies on blood offering and you can unequip the wand and "fist punch cast it", very comical XD but not intended.

    -Internal updates to ensure interaction with future features in nexts mods in the series.

    1.3 Update

    -Improved Icons

    -Fixed Crafting, you should be able to customize equipped items.

    -Fixed Ranged wands. They will work without issues now, with their basic attacks being replace by channel and channel (offhand).
    Only remaining issue (that probably can't be fixed) is that dual wielding them with HandXbows will mess up animations and attacks. I don't think many characters want to dual wield a crossbow and a wand, so this is really minor.
  2. bwnary
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I honestly love this mod! it is so much fun. I actually love the whole series. Especially this, the blades, and the Katana one.  Would it be possible to add a basic version like the fire wand (common) for all elements? I understand if not because it takes time, it would just be a nice addition. 
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Many thanks!

      Sorry, not really something I've planned. First because I want the wands feel different and not just the same thing with different element, but more important becuase each wand is really a lot of work. Even before considering any ability, just the basic channel are 14 spells entries to work.

      On top of that, this is by far the largest mod in the series code wise and being somewhat old it's not really optimised to work with on updates and similar. You won't noticed anything different in game, but work with it to add/update things is really hard. That why I struggle on add the acid and psichic wands whose models have been finished for some time.

      I'll like to redo the entire mod from scratch one day, just to make it more modder friendly. Then I maybe think about more basic versions. But at this point I'll probably wait the modding tools for it.
  3. insalatadicetrioli
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    • 3 kudos
    Hey, I've translated your wandslongbows, rapiers and blades mods into Russian, and I'm hoping to translate the whole weapon series eventually. Figured I should let you know

    Side question: are you planning to add Academy wands and Repaired Spellweaver Wand? I just loved the idea of them :D
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Hi! Many thanks for the translations!

      They are already included, but they are somewhat "hidden" and have special ways to get them:

      -Academy Wands can be obtained as a random loot using "Just what I needed!" spell from Academy Robes

      -Repaired spellweaver wand can be obtained by "fixing" the broken wand (both versions) from the base game that you found on the underdark using the Elven Smithing Kit.
  4. ArcaneInterrobang
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    Can you make it so Glut also rewards Thorn of Myrkul for delivering Nere’s head? Currently only Spaw does, so if you help Glut overthrow him you miss the wand. But it seems equally thematic to both of them. 
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Yes, that one was on my to do list and I forgot about it. But something I'll add on a next update
  5. Shrimmpxd
    • member
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    Hey cheers for the mod, I'm having a bug where I'm using this build for Gale main sorcerer but when I multiclass into wizard the channel spells start using intelligence modifier instead of charisma modifier for their attack roles. I assume it's a prioritizing problem, can you try to look into it? thank you.
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      That isn't related to this mod and isn't a bug neither, wands use your character spellcasting ability and this is determined by the class of your last level. This is how the game do it.

      If you want your spellcasting ability to be charisma, your last level class need to be one with charisma.
    2. Shrimmpxd
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      • 0 kudos
      I tested the attack roles when my last level was in sorcerer, unless it determines it by "last class picked". Either way any chance in the next update you could make it so it picks the highest spell attack role between classes selected like some of the other items in vanilla?
      here's an example test
    3. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      If your last level was in sorcerer it should be picking charisma, otherwise maybe you have something messing with it. Try playing with load order. Also make sure you look at the numbers on combat log, not at the names. The combat log mess ability names a lot, displaying it's incorrectly using X ability when the actual modifiers are correctly picking from Y.

      I don't think there's an item like that on the base game.

      I won't change something that "doesn't need" change. Either changing spellcasting ability pick up or spell attack roll will require a lot of scripting. But way more important it will directly override game things causing compatibility issues.

      Edit: I make a test, It's working fine for me: last class pickup determine spellcasting ability.

      One thing I noticed that can be the cause of your issue (I never though about it because I don't usually multiclass), you need to reequip the items for the new spellcasting ability to apply. This is logic from how the game works as the "version" of the spell you have equipped doesn't change until you pick the spell again.
    4. Shrimmpxd
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      • 0 kudos
      You were right it does indeed picks the "last class picked" not last level put into class, I tested the staff again by reequiping it and it updates to intelligence too, the only way to have them use charisma is to pick wizard as main class then continue leveling with sorcerer or put another level into warlock or something, it's how the base game works as well apperently. Cheers for the help though.
  6. darshaybowman123
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    what is  ASI in the optinal file mean 
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      The same as anywhere  on D&D ASI=Ability Score Increase. By default new feats on the mod give you the passives and one point to choose for Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma (ASI). The optional file remove the second part and feats only gives the passives.
  7. howironiclife
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    Characters still make the melee attack sound as they cast wand spells, which sounds weird. And while we're at it, can we expect an optional version that makes all wands daggers instead of quarterstaves? 'Cause as you know, these tiny sticks have more similarities to daggers than they do to staves :p
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      They should have spell sound and voice and no weapon SFX, if you are not earing it must be a conflict.

      If you are talking about the animation set sound, it's tied to the animation and can't be remove separately.

      There's already a dagger wand for the one that really resembles a dagger. Other than that, or other special wands i'll may add, wands will keep qstaff profieciency as it interact better in some places with rules, making daggers without finesse also won't have much sense and wands won't be getting finesse as they'll keep a low profile as combat weapons
  8. TheCaptn
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Could you possibly add some Club versions of wands? Clerics are casters too! ... I've got a new nature cleric and nothing to pair with your Oak Ward, or the Wood Woad Shield (when I get to it soonish)... If you could base some kind of Green and Blue clubs on those Twisted Branches for example, or the top 1/3rd of the Pale Oak staff, that would be frickin' lovely. :D
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      I'll say that the actual emerald scion pairs really well with oak ward or wood woad (and you can get it very soon too) and it's extremely effective for a nature cleric using shigellath for a decent damage weapon with poison chances.

      But yeah, having in mind I already have a "dagger wand" other similar simple weapons (like clubs) aren't out of question. I have intention of update with several new wands so i'll keep the idea in mind. No eta yet as i really don't even start to work on the update, just start thinking around some ideas for it.
  9. KY2063
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos

    I really like the concept of wands as ranged weapons but didn't like the issue you stated with the Ranged Mainhand Attack being useless.

    Since I recently experimented with overrides of Target_MainhandAttack and Projectile_Mainhandattack for some personal mods and out of curiosity if it would work here as well, I did a small Proof of Concept for one of your Ranged Weapon slot wands:
    new entry "TEST_EW_Projectile_FireWand_Melee"
    type "SpellData"
    using "Projectile_MainHandAttack"
    data "SpellProperties" "GROUND:SurfaceChange(Ignite);GROUND:SurfaceChange(Melt)"
    data "TargetRadius" "18"
    data "SpellRoll" "Attack(AttackType.RangedSpellAttack)"
    data "SpellSuccess" "DealDamage(LevelMapValue(D10Cantrip),Fire,Magical);IF(not SavingThrow(Ability.Dexterity, SourceSpellDC())):ApplyStatus(BURNING,100,1)"
    data "TargetConditions" "not Self() and not Dead()"
    data "ProjectileCount" "1"
    data "Trajectories" "792ba497-a6ea-46bc-81cb-deb78e4dd9d3"
    data "Icon" "EW_Action_Channel_Fire"
    data "DisplayName" "h539066bcgc01bg4458g9129g2a23f19bed62;1"
    data "Description" "hbb843b97gca4fg49beg8039gcbeaf3a763e2;1"
    data "TooltipDamageList" "DealDamage(LevelMapValue(D10Cantrip),Fire)"
    data "TooltipAttackSave" "RangedSpellAttack;Dexterity"
    data "TooltipStatusApply" "ApplyStatus(BURNING,100,1)"
    data "TooltipUpcastDescription" "480f82b1-669a-482c-bc5d-1433133ee308"
    data "TooltipUpcastDescriptionParams" "2;DealDamage(1d8,Fire)"
    data "CycleConditions" "Enemy() and not Dead()"
    data "SpellAnimation" "2ba949b7-0329-4190-992c-11b0d29183c5,,;9583ecee-cf6c-4735-86db-7ebf1df15eae,,;de006e3f-70fb-4eb7-a98d-d845d15b20e8,,;50696db7-d931-4734-915d-32d038ba99a5,,;a0503ad0-c1b1-449c-b431-4ac6c39c58d7,,;c36ed247-2272-492b-99c2-2ca10b014670,,;0b07883a-08b8-43b6-ac18-84dc9e84ff50,,;,,;,,"
    data "SpellFlags" "HasVerbalComponent;HasSomaticComponent;HasHighGroundRangeExtension;RangeIgnoreVerticalThreshold;IsHarmful;IsSpell;IsAttack"
    data "HitAnimationType" "MagicalDamage_External"
    data "SpellAnimationIntentType" "Aggressive"
    data "SpellSoundMagnitude" "Normal"
    data "PrepareSound" "Spell_Prepare_Damage_Fire_Gen_L1to3"
    data "PrepareLoopSound" "Spell_Prepare_Damage_Fire_Gen_L1to3_Loop"
    data "CastSound" "Spell_Cast_Damage_Fire_FireBolt_L1to3"
    data "PrepareEffect" "d2ed4f24-55f8-4c70-9bd1-8da22deb8e83"
    data "CastEffect" "b5b24254-75d3-4575-af9f-ba3575a2f8b7"
    data "TargetEffect" "d5f54cd9-9252-4bcd-9e04-7e63d071eac6"
    data "DamageType" "Fire"

    New Passive:
    new entry "TEST_EW_Attack_Override"
    type "PassiveData"
    data "Icon" "EW_Action_Channel_Fire"
    data "DisplayName" "h539066bcgc01bg4458g9129g2a23f19bed62;1"
    data "Description" "hbb843b97gca4fg49beg8039gcbeaf3a763e2;1"
    data "Boosts" "AttackSpellOverride(TEST_EW_Projectile_FireWand_Melee,Projectile_MainHandAttack)"

    Weapon Data:
    new entry "EW_Wand_RNG_Fire"
    type "Weapon"
    using "WPN_HeavyCrossbow"
    data "RootTemplate" "77c350be-b710-4399-bd1c-44478d1e5acc"
    data "Damage Type" "Bludgeoning"
    data "BoostsOnEquipMainHand" "UnlockSpell(RNG_EW_Projectile_FireWand_Melee_1,AddChildren,d136c5d9-0ff0-43da-acce-a74a07f8d6bf,,,)"
    data "PassivesOnEquip" "EW_Wand_QuickHands_Passive"
    data "PassivesMainHand" "TEST_EW_Attack_Override"
    data "Weapon Group" "SimpleRangedWeapon"
    data "Weapon Properties" "Ammunition;Magical"
    data "Proficiency Group" "Quarterstaffs;SimpleWeapons"
    data "Rarity" "Common"
    data "ValueOverride" "300"

    What it does is, it replaces the default Projectile_MainHandAttack with the spell - its added via passive on MainHand because otherwise SpellAttackOverride() causes the (technical) entry-name of the new spell to show up in the weapons description-text/passivelist. The spell that overrides the existing one does not need to be unlocked via unlockspell or spell-lists.

    Another thing I noticed and I'm not entirely sure of the reason: it seems to only overwrite spells of the same type - ie. projectile you can override with another projectile and target with another target but not projectile with target (at least not in my testing). And there seems to be problems if the spell that overrides does not inherit (via using) from the spell it overrides - not sure if thats a real limitiation or just some data that was missing when not "using".

    Inheriting new Weapons from _base had some strange effects in my test, hence the test-weapon-stats inherit from HeavyCrossbow instead of base.
    (Thats something I noticed with your Elven Longbows as well - they inherit from _base instead of Longbows - when I was using them in my last ranger campaign was suprised as I wanted to use it together with AethersUsefulBows which changes the base longbow stats to 1d10 and usually all longbows inherit their base stats from that - so that didnt work out the way I imagined it would :D )

    There may be other side effects (possibly with extraattack) to this and Properties etc. may not yet be perfect. Didn't want to play around/infringe on with your mod too much tho. 

    But maybe it helps with further development / tuning of this (and other) Weapon Types.
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Many thanks for the in deep investigation!

      Using spell override was in fact my first try, but I couldn't make it work initially. I changed to the "melee" wands them and I ended up liking that version more. I discover how to make it work eventually (I was just failing in the need of the "isattack" on spelltags) but I have been lazy to update all the ranged wands, but it's something I'll do eventually.

      By the way, what you mention from my longbows is an oversight on my part. I copied the longbow entry on my base longbow and forget to change it to wpn_longbow for using and delete unused values. As that really give no technical problems I always keep forgetting to change it.

      Thanks for the reminder, it's something i'll try to remember to fix when update something in them.

    2. KY2063
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos

      If you want I can send you my diy for the elven weaponry longbows' Weapon.txt (just changed inheritance for EW_Ranger_Longbow and removed the explicit [data "Damage" "1d8"] entries) that makes it compatible with AethersUsefulBows.

      Might save some time to just make a diff to your own source.

      Really like that all your mods put the new items out in the world instead of just dumping them into tut-chest - one of the reason I use nearly all of 'em - please keep them coming :D
    3. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
      Many thanks! But don't worry, it's quick to do an I need to remove other unused entries anyway.
  10. DragonSlayer5569
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The Trickster one is probably my favorite. I can't wait to go all Wingardium Levifuck you on everyone lmao.
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos
  11. AChanceOfReign
    • member
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    Absolutely love this mod, ever since Harry Potter the idea of brandishing a wand to cast spells was rad. Although, I would be lying if I said that an Elvish Staff mod would pair perfectly with these Wands. Mayhaps the Wizards' Staves from LOTR? winkwink nudgenudge
    1. kharneth
      • premium
      • 499 kudos

      I'll like to add some staff/s together with a caster robe mod I'll be finishing someday
    2. AChanceOfReign
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That sounds absolutely awesome! Can't wait! :D