Baldur's Gate 3
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  1. Zehtuka
    • supporter
    • 27 kudos
    v1.0.6: Your current config is compatible, however I recommend you add the new SpellSaveDC section to your existing configuration.
    v1.0.7: Your current config is compatible! I recommend you add the new passive structure to your existing configuration.
    Note that the Act configuration is cumulative, meaning Act 3 = Act 1 + Act 2 + Act 3 pieces of the config.
    v1.0.8: Your current config is compatible! Here's the 5e default configuration if you want to combine CX with that excellent mod.
    v1.0.9: (Last version compatible with patch 5, anything after this point is patch 6+ only)
    Your current config is compatible! I recommend you add the new ability point structure to your existing configuration.
    v1.0.9: Ability Points: Documentation
    v1.1.0a/b: Release for patch 6 compatibility. Your current config is compatible.
    v1.1.1: Rechecked everything for HF19. No configuration changes, your current config is compatible. Cazador and Gortash have become official boss entities, whereas in vanilla they are considered just regular enemies.
    v1.1.2:  Hotfix for transforming creatures receiving too much health. Your current config is compatible.
    v1.1.3: Your current config is compatible. 
    - Player level scaling for enemies and bosses. Details here
    - Health scaling based on player levels. Details here
    - Damage log and analysis, follow this guide
    - Individual character overrides
    v1.1.4a: Your current config is compatible.
    - Fix rare error for level scaling feature
    - Overrides apply before combat
    - Lorroakan & Viconia are added to boss override list (as in vanilla they are not "bosses")
    - Add Chinese (Traditional) translations (thank you MrPartsr)

    v1.1.5: Your current config is compatible.
    - Extensive cloning feature. Details here. Looking forward to see what will be built with this! Don't hesitate to contact me as I think this feature will be very useful to customize any fight in the game
    - Exclude custom summons from determining highest party level
    - Switched to NdranC's proposed scaling, following the proficiency scaling system for stat boosts
    - Added overrides to default configuration, this fixes a few enemies that had incorrect health. I recommend you add it to your configuration
    - Added party size based health scaling as requested by yoonmoonsick
    - Added Brazilian Portuguese (thank you Theuw)
    - Fixed Chinese (Traditional) translations


    How does this compare to X or Y? (combined a few sticky posts into this one)
    Absolute Wrath:
    This mod adds a certain random factor to enemies. It is compatible with Combat Extender.
    Configurable Enemies: I tag enemies based on their archetypes and then use those tags (Fighter,Paladin,Spells,Control Spells) to configure their abilities versus the approach used by configurable enemies which results in making every enemy a multi class spell caster. Additionally this mod removes the resource requirements on spells, which allows the AI to cast spells for free.
    Nightmare Difficulty: Essentially it is an extended version of Tactician Plus. You can easily replicate the config with my mod.
    Death March: It isn't finished, so unless you want to stop playing somewhere in Act 2, don't use it. Note from the author: "There's no safe way to uninstall Death March."
    Stronger Bosses and Enemies: With this mod you are dependent on one persons artistic opinion about game balance. This is not necessarily a bad thing and for a vanilla party setup this is a quality mod to consider, however with no ability to configure anything in that mod this will inevitably lead to slight disappointment if you don't play vanilla. We have a configuration file to replicate this mod on the front page.
    Enemies Enhanced: This mod breaks the vanilla resource rules allowing the AI to cast spells and abilities for free. The end result is immersion breaking spam. With Combat Extender the AI follows the same resource rules as players do.

    Immersive AI: It was taken down after the author had a meltdown and is really outdated at this point.
    Lethal AI: Copy pastes an almost identical configuration for all archetypes which breaks the game design and causes game crashes.
  2. Emophaze
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey Zehtuka how does one set the enemys allys and bosses to being 200 percent greater with this new level scaling thing, so like my character is lvl one and all enemys will be 200 percent greater health wise on a by level basis?
    1. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, take the code from this gist. Put it into this editor and then try changing the numbers. Once you have found the curve that you like you can adjust your configuration file with the adjusted variables.
  3. forestluv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  4. Krau7799
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is probably a noob mistake and reading comprehension issue on my part but i tinkered with the static+health per lvl boost for enemies. It worked pretty well till now and i am at last night inn in the "certain fight on the balcony"

    So the boss of that fight has a static 86 HP +40 temporary hp no matter how much i tinker with the values.(also strange that the site says his tactician hp is 195 sth). The values for the mobs is working correctly. Another issue is the ally npc's,they seem to have boosted hp with some ~100 hp which shudnt be the case.

    I just have your normal config with only changes being the hp value for bosses and monsters. I didnt add lvl scaling nor did i add hp for my allies so i dont know whats causing the inflated hp for allies while the boss remains unchanged. Strange thing is when i chck the dead body of the boss, his hp is 260+ which is the value he shud have when the fight strts
    1. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, could you share your configuration using something like pastebin? On your side you can enable the script extender console to see what is happening behind the scenes, I include their names so it will be easy to find Marcus for example.
    2. Krau7799
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      wud this work?
    3. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey I have checked this fight on a vanilla save with your configuration. It appears Marcus is in the rare category where health adjustments don't apply to him. On vanilla tactician and honour he has 86 HP from what I could see on YouTube so at least that is correct.

      I fixed Raphael with custom code as he is important enough, but this didn't work as expected for Marcus.
    4. Krau7799
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you for checking. Its all good since he is more of a mob anyways. Also regarding the last light inn guards, i think 100+,99 hp range is a bit too much right? esp since marcus is only 86 hp or is that the normal hp for them?
    5. masospaghetti
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I actually came across the same issue last night with Marcus and was confused, pretty funny that Isobel had 270+ hp and Marcus was a total scrub. Thanks for looking into it.

      I also wanted to echo the comment about allies HP, is there a way to scale allies separately from enemies?
    6. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      For allies replace this line with for example with the same block you see for enemies. The value for allies has to be less than or equal to what you use for enemies (it is equal by default). As for the other NPCs, they were affected by health scaling with your configuration, here's the log output when I used your config:

      DEBUG: Boosting: S_HAV_FlamingFist_006_9629c27e-8e50-4258-8bda-6639af768ba6, Name: Fist Cyril, currentMaxHealth: 72, desired: 108, x: 1.49
      DEBUG: Boosting: S_HAV_FlamingFist_001_47058367-9c0c-4756-a467-07b87b28e0d6, Name: Fist Thadwick, currentMaxHealth: 72, desired: 108, x: 1.49
    7. Krau7799
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yeah it was super funny coz 3 tactician playthroughs,i remember isobel had like 56 hp so she was super prone to get being burst killed if not careful but now she is tankier than my entire team xd. Atleast i didnt have to stress this fight due to that
  5. SkrattyMod
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey !
    Just wanted to do a little crash report concerning the AI mod if this can help you or future adventurers. 
    The systematic crash happened in act 1 when Karlach become mad after the fight (4 crashes in a row with the IA mod, no crash at all (2 tries) when i isolated the IA mod)
    I kept a save just before this moment if you want me to do some testing. 
    Ty for the mods and have a good evening !
  6. SkrattyMod
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey (again) !

    Would it be possible to add (x) HP to enemies before your multiplicative Health Multiplier ?
    It would look like : HP = (base + x) * healthMultiplier

    I'm trying to buff enemies with very low HP, without overbuffing the others. If you have other idea to solve that, i'm all ears !

    Exemple :

    • Mind flayer with 41 hp (Additional Enemies Extended)
    • Skeletons 8 hp (Valkrana mods)

    If HP*3 : 123 / 24
    If (HP+10) * 2 : 102 / 36

    Once again ty for the mod !
    1. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, for that try using the override system.
    2. SkrattyMod
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ty for the reply, would it be possible for you to precise your idea ? I am fairly new to mods in general so i don't know where to start.
      Are you talking about the "overrides" in ModManager ? If you have any sources for guides / tutorials, it would be really appreciated 
    3. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Check out this part of the configuration, there you can specify health overrides for specific enemies. Keep in mind the values there will be the new "base" value prior to any health adjustments being applied. Check the clone documentation on how to get a guid.
    4. SkrattyMod
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      THIS override of course, i'm stupid. Thanks for this really good idea, it could have been spot on. Unfortunatly the monster guid change every time (i guess it come from the "randomness" in the mod) so it seems impossible to do. 

      They are 50+ new types of skeletons that can appears at the beginning of the combat but even within a single type, they do not share a single Guid, for exemple :
      "Guid" : "c0ecb5ea-aadf-16de-42db-0993a402ab22",
      "Handle" : "Valkrana's Skeleton",
      "Name" : "Sailor_Skeleton_VSC_12"
      "Guid" : "80b30825-85ad-2051-6d61-875fb0eed95f",
      "Handle" : "Valkrana's Skeleton",
      "Name" : "Sailor_Skeleton_VSC_12"

      Thanks nonetheless, have a good day !
    5. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      You are correct that with random guids it will be difficult to do, however you could unpack Valkrana's mod to increase the health values there.
  7. Illius
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    I do not know if someone else has reported this in the past, so if that is the case, then sorry.

    But yesterday during the second fight against Dolor in the house Figaro, I kept crashing quit fast after the fight started. (Around 5 times or so.) So I was pretty annoyed about that happening. (And I stopped playing.) But this afternoon I had a moment where my brain suddenly remembered having the same problem with the Nere fight in the Underdark.

    And would you know it, after I temporarily remove CE, I was able to finish the fight against that creepy Dwarf. Now I am not posting to talk rubbish about that this happened, (I was told before that moments like this could sometimes happen for some reason.) No, I am just posting it here just in case this was not mentioned by any one before, so that others may have use of that information.
    1. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, thanks for the report. I will investigate!
    2. SydMeier
      • premium
      • 24 kudos
      Hi, sorry but I've been having crashes with Nere as well. Wasn't sure if it was this mod or Combat Randomizer, those were my only two ideas. I've gotten through the Nere fight once before but now it just crashes midway through and there's no errors logged in the SE console
    3. Illius
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Well, I never used Combat Randomizer so I do not know how it influences the game combined with CE. You will have to wait and see what Zehtuka might be able to tell you?

      All I know from my own game is that when I reach the Nere fight, I temporarily remove CE and CE-AI, then do the fight. After that I add CE and CE-AI back with BG3MM. 
    4. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, the rare crash with Nere is a known one and it was not fully resolved despite me reverting all AI in that fight back to vanilla. The approach of disabling CX AI when you crash, and re-enabling it after completing Grymforge is recommended.
  8. forestluv
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod makes Tactician mode challenging again. Thank you.
  9. Nick2001Pe
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    Hey , do fighters have unlimited superiority die resource ? Aradin blasted 6 times in the druid grove at level 3 ,  which is kinda crazy for early levels 
    1. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, no they get 4 additional, not unlimited.
  10. mint1415
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    in description page, there's a pic with double action/bonus action.
    but in these replies of post you mentioned that you can't get boost for tav and companions.

    so those bonuses are from other mods? not from combat extender?
    1. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, the pictures are from me assuming direct control over the enemy. It shows the difference between vanilla and combat extender after receiving missing spells in this example.
    2. mint1415
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yep, thought that it might be about enemy side, but had to ask. thanks!
  11. Holzwurm93
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Heyo! Im using this mod for a while now and really love it. Im just curious, right now it adds spells up to lvl 6 for 5e, right? Im playing till lvl 20 and would love to see the enemies get some 7 to 9 lvl spells aswell. Is that even possible?
    1. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, it is possible to re-use the extensive tagging system put in place and assign higher level modded spells to enemies. You can see an initial step in the SBE configuration, where the L5 gets uprated to L6 and receives those spells. You can add the higher level spells there.

      To grant spell slots for levels 7-9 you got to extend the array:"ExtraSpellSlots": ["0","0","0","0","1","1","0","0","0"]
      For context the L6 is currently not being used due to the odd enemy levels in act 3 compared to previous acts. You have to use the L5 as that is the highest in-use presently. In the future I might consider granting L6 to a few enemies in act 3.
    2. Holzwurm93
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Ah i see, i just love how convenient this mod is to change such things.
    3. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      I really don't want to do the "one persons artistic opinion" thing so indeed extensive and easy configuration is important!
  12. KellyCarti
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    do i need to copy paste configs again (5e + harder bosses) when updating or just replace 1.14 file and thats it ?
    1. Zehtuka
      • supporter
      • 27 kudos
      Hey, you can put them side by side with something such as diffchecker to see what has been added or changed. Configurations are backwards and forwards compatible, you can always download and use the latest version of the mod.