Baldur's Gate 3

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  1. Dufresne12
    • premium
    • 100 kudos
    Q: Heads are floating/frozen?
    A: Set Animation LOD to High in your graphic settings.

    Q: Speak with the Dead VFX/other face effects not working?
    A: Patch has been released but will override/get overridden by other mods with the same fix. Load order respective of said mods will matter EXCEPT with my other mods (Vemperen's Other Heads, Themia's Sister  & Lore-Unfriendly Gith Heads). I've added every UUID from all my head mods to each one so load order (among them) shouldn't matter.
    UPDATE: Padme has made a patch for this and other head mods combined! Go DOWNLOAD IT and THANK HER!

    Q: Naked men showing up instead of character creation?
    A: You did not install all required dependencies. You still need the mod fixer.

    Q: How to use the new tiefling heads on Karlach?
    A: Here's my replacer version of these heads (+ extra) specifically adjusted for Karlach.

    Q: Will I make these work for body type 1?
    A: Not likely, but check out Vemperen's Other Heads.

    Q: What hair/horn did you use for the screenshots?
    A: Check description page.

    Q: Nothing happens? Mod doesn't work/appear?
    A: Please read the instructions carefully, and make sure you have all the requirements.
  2. Dufresne12
    • premium
    • 100 kudos
    - Fixed ear gaps for Human A2, Tiefling A1 and A2.
    - Minimized ear seams for Elf A2 and Half-Elf A2 (as best I could).
    - Fixed Tiefling A2 LOD issues.
    - Fixed wrong WrinkleMap material for all heads except tieflings. Should remove weird wrinkle shadows for users who don't have Faces of Faerun.
    - Added info.json for Mac users.
    - Fixed for compatibility with Kartoffel's Unique Tav
    - Added VFX support (Speak with Dead VFX, etc.).
    CAUTION: Will override/get overridden by other mods with the same fix (see FAQs for more info.)
    Added CC head icons.
    - Fixed tiefling scalps and blurred textures.
    - Fixed small pupils for all eyes except tieflings'.
    - Updated VFX support for Vemp's new heads.
    - Made CC icons more vanilla-looking.
  3. Merilirem
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Body type 3 gets too little love. Its honestly baffling to me given how much people love Karlach.
  4. Oldhag97
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey! So, I downloaded everything required except the half angel patch as it didn't say required. The heads don't work? please help! what am I doing wrong here?? Thanks a lot in advance.
  5. Snarly3872
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Love your mod! not nearly enough love out there for female body type 3. Any chance you'll add compatibility for the Half-demon (Cambion) mod

    thanks! great work!
  6. peachycas
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Having some trouble, (I have the mod load order correct) I have eyes of the beholder loaded in correctly as well as WotD. My custom eyes work on the human head but when i choose to use the elf head my custom eyes disappear. Is this a known issue ? sorry if i sound dumb
  7. corvanablack
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    would you be willing to add a patch for Whispers of the Divine - Aasimar Race? i know that vemperen's other heads are already patched, but i'd love to also have these body type 3 heads if it's possible!

    edit: i just noticed your permissions. does that mean i could make a patch myself? if so, i'd happily ask trips' permission and do so!
    1. Dufresne12
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      I wish more people volunteered like you. No problem here 👍.
    2. corvanablack
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i wouldn't have a few months ago, i don't think. but i've gotten a little used to poking about in the files and figuring out how they work, along with having joined the down by the river server so i have a place to ask when i get stuck!

      thank you!
  8. Saberie
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    As of January 2024, the ModFixer that is required for this mod causes game-breaking glitches such as quest NPCs not recognizing quest items in inventory.

    Is it possible to make this mod that no longer requires ModFixer, or are we screwed?
    1. gyrofalcon
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      As of January of 2024, ModFixer does NOT cause any bugs.

      And since this (and many, many other) mods alters vanilla assets, ModFixer is a hard requirement.
      I have no issues using this mod.
  9. Freak4Leeks
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    heads for muscular females someone pinch me.

    Thanks bruv, much appreciated.
  10. RHG1616
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    need half orc version plz
  11. Eosys
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there! I'm relatively new to modding games, but I was wondering if you could help me with an issue that might pertain to this mod:

    I've been troubleshooting all the mods I have due to being unable to invite a friend to join our game (he gets kicked out every time I try to invite him), and I think it could possibly be this mod and the Frosty Faces heads mod. I was wondering if you are able to help me figure out what's going on?  We have all our  mods in the same order, same mods downloaded and installed. Beyond that, I'm not sure if there is anything else we should be aware of aside from :[. And I have to keep using the mod to access the save despite having changed the head to a default one (though I assume it's because it alters core files, requiring me to keep the .pak in the active mods section regardless). 

    Absolutely love your heads, too! ♥
  12. johauna
    • premium
    • 45 kudos

    Sorry to jump in like that, but - I wanted to ask, if I can convert these heads for my unique strong female bodytype? I love those, fitting the badass vibes of the strong bod, but unfortunately, while under normal circumstances, I'd ask for permission for a patch, just making a patch won't work, due to the fact, that the body is completelly new and made for my mod - as such, the meshes need would need to be reworked for it.  I'd ofc link your original work and credit you in my mod descript.

    Let me know and thank you for your time.
    1. Dufresne12
      • premium
      • 100 kudos
      No problem! DM me if you need the .blend files I think some modded GR2s will crash blender on import.
    2. johauna
      • premium
      • 45 kudos
      Thank you! I'll let you know when I'm done converting your heads. :)